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I know our rival is considered to be the Cowboys, but over the past years I've noticed it starting to deminish, and now it seems as if our rivalry is with the Giants. I just wanted to know what you all thought; whether the rivalry is with the Giants more than it is with the Cowboys now.

Vote Cowboys if you think its still with the Cowboys


Vote Giants if you think its with the Giants now

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It has to be the Cowboys because that is where the history is. The giants rivalry will never come close to it. The reason that it may seem like it is a bigger rivalry as of late is because Giant fans NEVER shut up. They can be the most arrogant and blindsided fans there are. Plus they have been trying to copy our style as of late.


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Dallas will always be our biggest rival. All division opponents are rivals, and the rivalries get more or less intense based on recent games. When two teams are good for several years fighting for the division and play meaningful games the rivalry intensifies and vice versa. But the Dallas Cowboys will always be our most hated rival and that will never change. I hate the Eagles and the Giants, but I despise the Cowboys more than anything.

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The four who have answered Giants had best be Giants fans. :kungfu:

Im a big time Redskin fan, but I myself voted Giants. I just dont see anything like it use to be. I've watched old tapes my dad has of Cowboys Vs Redskins, and boy oh boy did they play hard, but today we are playing like that with the Giants, and theyre playing the same way back. The cowboys have calmed down a lot. I mean, what happend to Dallas week, that doesnt even seem to exist anymore. That use to be one of the biggest weeks in football.

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The only acceptable answer is Dallas.

Any other answer & you can turn in your colors.

To be honest, i hate the cowboys the most, it's as natural as breathing.

However, just think about this...

We were spanked by the Gints last year in their house.

We both are the reigning playoff reps from the conference.

They have at least three ex skins players, two of whom are talking major smack.

They are the defending division champs.

All the Mcnugget OD crap between the Girls and the philthy's.

I think we can put the Gints on the sacrificial table this year. I HATE THEM. And I want them to lose horribly every week as I do with the Cowboys.

It just seems the Cowboys and Indians isn't as heated as this game is for me. Why is that? I don't know, but I want the Gints to go down as much as I want the team no where near the East to go down. :gaintsuck :dallasuck :eaglesuck

I hope Philly is a blood bath this weekend and I hope we straight up embarrass the Giants. I want a full fledged mutiny to errupt at 4:30PM in the Meadowlands. I want Shocky and Burress chasing their coach right out of the stadium!

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I don't know how you can say in recent years you came to hate the Giants more. Up until last season the Cowboys always swept us, no matter how good or bad both teams were. That losing streak was horrible. Just made us hate the Cowboys more.

On the other side, we always seem to split with the Giants, no matter what.

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