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I'm Making a Partial Retraction of My Previous Views


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Over the past few years, people on this board (including myself) have been engaged in a lot of heated arguments about QBs. While I stand by my general view on those issues, I think we've all been missing the bigger point.

As bad as Brunell has been at times, and whatever one may think about Gibbs's handling of Ramsey, drafting of Campbell, etc., I think the significance of the offensive scheme has been dramatically underestimated. Gibbs's biggest mistake, by far, was thinking he could come back and run the same offense he ran 15 years ago.

Point being, I think having Saunders changes everything. If things continue to fall together and everybody stays healthy, I think this team could be going places. By the end of the year, we may all even be hoping Brunell sticks around for a long time...

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I thought it was called for, even if it's obvious, considering what has gone on in the past. Not sure what part of this constitutes being a "jerk off", but whatever. Some people on here are looking for mea culpas, so I thought I'd satisfy them. The interesting thing is, the move that's made the difference is something no one was really arguing for...

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Funny how, after just 2 wins, people start to change tune. If we drop 2 more games will we be hearing u go back to the groans?

My friend is a Vikings fan... they beat us, he gloated, i stayed quiet. Week 2, they won, we lost... he gloated, i stayed quiet. Now they just dropped their second game, and we won our second, to tie 2-2. He's not gloating, infact proclaimed their team sucks... while I stayed quiet.

Its a long season. Anything can happen.

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I was quite happy to eat crow after the Houston game. I admittedly was calling for Campbell right after the Dallas game. At least I only stopped supporting him for a week, though. Boy has he proven us wrong. How is Saunders your retraction right now? Brunell has around a 96 passer rating right now!


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And while we're retracting our views, I need to give props to Danny Smith and the whole special teams unit. Coverage has been solid, Rock Cartwright has been outstanding on returns this year so far, and Frost has improved his punting, and John Hall is no longer the devil in a Redskins uniform. Hooray!

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Funny how, after just 2 wins, people start to change tune. If we drop 2 more games will we be hearing u go back to the groans?

My friend is a Vikings fan... they beat us, he gloated, i stayed quiet. Week 2, they won, we lost... he gloated, i stayed quiet. Now they just dropped their second game, and we won our second, to tie 2-2. He's not gloating, infact proclaimed their team sucks... while I stayed quiet.

Its a long season. Anything can happen.

I was disappointed in the first two losses because we should have won at least one. We are a better team than our record. However, we have 12 games left. We should win enough to make the playoffs. I hope the skins go out and prove it.

And, it's all about the running game.

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Funny how, after just 2 wins, people start to change tune. If we drop 2 more games will we be hearing u go back to the groans?

My friend is a Vikings fan... they beat us, he gloated, i stayed quiet. Week 2, they won, we lost... he gloated, i stayed quiet. Now they just dropped their second game, and we won our second, to tie 2-2. He's not gloating, infact proclaimed their team sucks... while I stayed quiet.

Its a long season. Anything can happen.

Amen brother. :applause: Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

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Funny how, after just 2 wins, people start to change tune. If we drop 2 more games will we be hearing u go back to the groans?

My friend is a Vikings fan... they beat us, he gloated, i stayed quiet. Week 2, they won, we lost... he gloated, i stayed quiet. Now they just dropped their second game, and we won our second, to tie 2-2. He's not gloating, infact proclaimed their team sucks... while I stayed quiet.

Its a long season. Anything can happen.

Finally, the perfect post. :applause:

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I was quite happy to eat crow after the Houston game. I admittedly was calling for Campbell right after the Dallas game. At least I only stopped supporting him for a week, though. Boy has he proven us wrong. How is Saunders your retraction right now? Brunell has around a 96 passer rating right now!


What I'm saying is, although I am not by any means totally retracting my view that Brunell has played poorly, I did not appreciate how much Gibbs's antiquated offense probably contributed to it. If Brunell can stay healthy and gain back some of his old confidence (no one can deny that he was very good at one time when he was in Jacksonville), I think we could be in excellent shape.

The same thing goes for the O-line and those who have criticized them (I'm not one of them). I think the longer these players are in Saunders' system, the better they are all suddenly going to look.

The question for this team now is, are they going to go have another letdown after a big win like they have repeatedly in recent years, or are they going to stay focused and continue to improve throughout the year? I hope somebody is reminding the whole team constantly this week what happened last year in NY.

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Funny how, after just 2 wins, people start to change tune. If we drop 2 more games will we be hearing u go back to the groans?

My friend is a Vikings fan... they beat us, he gloated, i stayed quiet. Week 2, they won, we lost... he gloated, i stayed quiet. Now they just dropped their second game, and we won our second, to tie 2-2. He's not gloating, infact proclaimed their team sucks... while I stayed quiet.

Its a long season. Anything can happen.

I did the same thing with my friends. My friends are cowboys and giants fans. They proclaimed all week the jags would destroy us and what did I do I stayed quite and said we will see you never know. This week I will do the same its a long season the giants are a good team. All I know is if the skins bring there A game this week I think they can play with anyone in the league.
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What I'm saying is, although I am not by any means totally retracting my view that Brunell has played poorly, I did not appreciate how much Gibbs's antiquated offense probably contributed to it. If Brunell can stay healthy and gain back some of his old confidence (no one can deny that he was very good at one time when he was in Jacksonville), I think we could be in excellent shape.

The same thing goes for the O-line and those who have criticized them (I'm not one of them). I think the longer these players are in Saunders' system, the better they are all suddenly going to look.

The question for this team now is, are they going to go have another letdown after a big win like they have repeatedly in recent years, or are they going to stay focused and continue to improve throughout the year? I hope somebody is reminding the whole team constantly this week what happened last year in NY.

AJ, I think its one of the mysteries that has yet been unanswered. In '04 everyone was calling for Brunell's head and they got Ramsey for the rest of the season but guess what? The offense still sucked. In '05 we had the offense again playing poorly for the first two games until the MNF bombs, and then after the bye week our offense all of a sudden clicked. And then this season.....what was the cause of the struggles during the first two games? Yesterday, our offense looked in midseason form. I wish one of the years we could come out the blocks firing on all cylinders.

As for the Giants game, its going to be difficult to win on the road against a desperate opponent. If we happen to not prevail I wouldn't read too much into it. It seems like anything can happen on a week-to-week basis. Just ask Cincy......riding high after a big road win at Pitt, then gets spanked at home by a Patriots team that had just lost at home to Denver. Go figure.

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Some people on here are looking for mea culpas, so I thought I'd satisfy them.

Is that what you call that? Trading in your condemnation for Brunell and what you call Gibbs' poor personnel decisions for some supposed Gibbs' inadequacy in running offenses?

Sorry, not buying...

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What I'm saying is, although I am not by any means totally retracting my view that Brunell has played poorly, I did not appreciate how much Gibbs's antiquated offense probably contributed to it. If Brunell can stay healthy and gain back some of his old confidence (no one can deny that he was very good at one time when he was in Jacksonville), I think we could be in excellent shape.

Thing is, in that "antiquated" offense, Brunell had some pretty good games there too.

Really, Brunell isn't doing stuff that much differently. Granted, Saunders' offense is less predictable than Gibbs' offense last year, but it isn't like Brunell is doing things differently.

The question for this team now is, are they going to go have another letdown after a big win like they have repeatedly in recent years, or are they going to stay focused and continue to improve throughout the year? I hope somebody is reminding the whole team constantly this week what happened last year in NY.

Difference last year is that we just came off of blowing out the 49ers, while here we had a hard won victory. That would be a different sort of letdown.

The Giants also won't have the motivation of Mara's death as well. They are a team that is struggling right now. At least we are on the upshot of that swing.


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Funny how, after just 2 wins, people start to change tune. If we drop 2 more games will we be hearing u go back to the groans?

My friend is a Vikings fan... they beat us, he gloated, i stayed quiet. Week 2, they won, we lost... he gloated, i stayed quiet. Now they just dropped their second game, and we won our second, to tie 2-2. He's not gloating, infact proclaimed their team sucks... while I stayed quiet.

Its a long season. Anything can happen.

Please bring more people like this to this site (not implying that we don't already have this type of insight, I love my ES peeps). I think we all appreciate intelligence and content worth reading. Bravo Sir!!! :cheers:


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What I'm saying is, although I am not by any means totally retracting my view that Brunell has played poorly, I did not appreciate how much Gibbs's antiquated offense probably contributed to it. If Brunell can stay healthy and gain back some of his old confidence (no one can deny that he was very good at one time when he was in Jacksonville), I think we could be in excellent shape.

The same thing goes for the O-line and those who have criticized them (I'm not one of them). I think the longer these players are in Saunders' system, the better they are all suddenly going to look.

The question for this team now is, are they going to go have another letdown after a big win like they have repeatedly in recent years, or are they going to stay focused and continue to improve throughout the year? I hope somebody is reminding the whole team constantly this week what happened last year in NY.

Well, I was one of the people calling out the O-line. I look at the 2 losses, and they played very poorly. The were getting moved backward on run plays with alarming regularity, and pass blocked like a collender. The Houston game I considered as a *, because they went against the worst D in the league.

Sunday was a completely different story.

Now, some of that had to do with the gameplan. I can remember only 1 play that was run up the gut (missed the first quarter, damn work...) and that was the TD by Protis, the one where they faked the handoff to Sellers of L tackle and ran CP off R tackle. The stayed away from the DT's, but man, they really opened some lanes on the sweeps. The overpowered a overpowering defense, something I thought they had NO chance of doing. If they play like that consistently, 12-4 is likely. And a Superbowl is all of a sudden a real possiblity. But Im going ot stick with this statement:

The O-line is the key for our offense.

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