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A word in praise of Extremeskins...

Ghost of

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I wanted to take the time out of this day of alarm and despair to credit the staff AND membership of Extremeskins. I decided this needed to be done when I scanned some other Skins boards.

For all the talk about homers drowning out voices of dissent, for all the heat critics have taken, we at least HAVE those debates on the board. Heck, they even tolerate more threads here than they do on these other fora. Perhaps one might view that as a negative but it's certainly a sign that the staff here is far more tolerant than the perception some might have.

This doesn't mean that they don't have their own opinions and they certainly have the right to be proven wrong :silly: but they don't squelch debate.

When I see other boards, I see a far more delusional fanbase and I see staffs that are less likely to be as vocal as Om was today with his criticism. I also observe a membership base that, like any group of fans, wants to be positive but will not endlessly embrace hope over reality. But I also see that the board has not completely ignored optimism. There is still reason for hope and I think most of the negativism recently has been tempered with hope for the future, if not for the immediate term.

I know I've taken hits before, though I think much of that is a conflict of styles, but I never felt my presence was threatened here due to my opinions and sometimes I was allowed more leeway than I deserved.

I just wanted to thank the moderators and friends I have on staff for staying true to their word that the board would not change. True, there is more clutter these days but the fiery debates I remember since I joined are still there. The 'factions' and differences of opinions and homers vs. negative nellies are all still there.

And guess what? I think we prefer it that way.

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As a member, I couldn't agree more with you, Ghost. And the "heat" seems to be just as hot in all directions on most matters. And, speaking personally, I have found that even if a poster's POV is one I not only disagree with, but find myself frustrated by some clash of presentation or reasoning "style" (being only human), that I can still appreciate their product and even like them, and certainly would never want to see someone censored based solely on their actual views on the team or its players.

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*sees it's not a Brunell bashing thread - disregards*

Just kidding. I think that everyone is a little frustrated, and if you are a dedicated, informed, and OBJECTIVE fan, you have to be disappointed with the team's current state.

I too applaud the Mods for letting everyone vent, no matter how redundant it is.

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Ghost, stop being so antagonistic. :D

Serously though, thanks. And as someone who's been scarce in recent weeks, let me take a moment to thank the staff that have been here doing all the heavy lifting lately. It's not always fun when we're losing, but you guys are doing a heck of a job.

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Good post and I agree. I have noticed at other boards there is not near the variety of opinion that you find here at ExtremeSkins.

I commend the Mods and say thank you to Dan Snyder for providing us this sounding board free of charge. I don't think alot people get the fact that since the merger,nothing here has ever been censored as far as opinion goes, despite some fear that there would be censorship at the time of the merger.

Keep up the great work Mods and as always....bench Brunell. :)

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I think there's a big difference between jumping off the bandwagon entirely, and just jumping off the #8 bandwagon. Most of us have not given up on the season, but we have rightfully lost faith in the guy behind the wheel of this Ferrari. The pieces are there, but as Mr. Madden said in such a 'PC' way, what good is it if you don't get the ball to your playmakers? Playmakers including the $90M+ invested in Moss, Lloyd, Randle El, Cooley etc. I am thankful to Brunell for what he did for us for much of last year. But his time is over, it's Jason Campbell's time now. And if JC isn't the man, then we need to find out by getting as many data points as possible, sooner than later.

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Couldn't have put it better. You are so right.

I have seen several articles jokingly alleging that we are members of the organization posing as fans. The joke doesn't even come close to flying anymore.

I know we all think the sky is falling right now, but at least we have an outlet in a world full of fair-weather Dallas and Panter fans.

Well, at least I do.

Thanks mods.

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