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Brunell is too short to play QB........

Joey T

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Brunell is too short to see over his OL and the DL. This is why he takes ten step drops back to try and give him an overview of what's in front of him and why he rolls out of the pocket to TRY and see his receivers. He is too short to step up into the pocket and make a play.

Gibbs took a chance on him (MB) because Gibbs knew PR was not the answer.

Gibbs wants to win sooooooooooo bad for Snyder because Snyder has given Gibbs all the tools, including coaching staff.

In today's game against the pokes; in the first half, Brunell had all the protection in the world. Even into the third quarter, Brunell was still protected.

It was only after the the pokes built up a huge lead in the fourth quarter, the pokes laid back their ears and came after the old man.

This is just the first of my many rants until Gibbs realizes that our QB position is in dire straits and Brunell is NOT the answer.

Is Campbell the answer? It seems to me that coach Gibbs has staked his reputation on Campbell by giving up those draft choices to move up and take him. I hope Gibbs was right.

When is the right time to make a move? It's like playing the stock market.

Sometimes you're forced into making a move. Sorta like the Steelers were forced into playing Big Ben. Look what that move turned out to be.

I'm not saying Campbell is the answer for the Redskins. All I'm saying is,

Brunell will NOT get coach Gibbs his fourth TITLE and coach Gibbs has to make a decision. Gibbs brought this on himself; now he has to make a decision and stick to his guns.

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last time i checked

favre is 6'2

steve young 6'1

joe montana 6'2

Sonny Jurgensen 5'11

steve McNair 6'2

umm no i dont think height has to do with anything

Those guys played YEARS ago. Todays players are heavier, taller and faster

than the players of the era you have listed.

McNair and Favre looked pitiful today :doh:

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well as long as he isn't my height then he will be fine. The problem is we aren't balanced right now with the absence of portis. We have become really predictable and everyone can see our weaknesses very easily. It will hit a low point if we have to fight a long battle against the texans next weak. The Texans offense is actually playing pretty good its there defense that is completely lacking.

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Those guys played YEARS ago. Todays players are heavier, taller and faster

than the players of the era you have listed.

McNair and Favre looked pitiful today :doh:

ok if the Deon sanders and lawrence Taylor times was so old

ok new list



Drew Brees

mike vick

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He's not that short...

Did you read my rationale? I would rather have a statuesqe, imobile QB like Bledsoe playing for me than MB. But that is a decision that only coach Gibbs can make. Play Brunell or sit him.

If I was on my last legs of a coaching career, I would hope to have clear vision and protect my reputation while going out a WINNER.

Coach Gibbs has always been conservative as we all know. Maybe, just maybe, he will go out on a limb and say "What the heck, this is my last fling and I have nothing to lose".

Coach went out on a limb by drafting Campbell, Brunell is not cutting it so let's take a chance. It's like going for it in your own territory on fourth and one. :laugh:

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Which is why he has had a 14 year NFL career, taken his club to two AFC Championship games and been to the Pro Bowl no doubt.

He played badly last night - no question - but to say he is too short :doh:

He is about 3 inches taller than Joe Thiesmann for a start and he did OK in the Burgundy and Gold.

Brunell will start against the Texans and Jags. If we are still looking as bad after that strectch I'll be calling for Jason to get his chance but for now I say it is too early to press the panic buttin which is exactly what it would be to make a switch after two games.

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I don't think it's a height problem. I see few things with Brunell that is holding this team back.................

He's not willing to take ANY risks throwing the ball. How often do we see him throw into coverage ? He checks down too fast IMO, and throws it away more often then just about every QB in the league. While protecting the ball is important, overprotective doesn't work.

Secondly, I don't see him as willing to take a hit unless he has no choice. He's trying to avoid being injured, and will not stare down the blitz to get the ball off. He doesn't step up into the pocket to let the rush go past him, but instead drops even deeper, or rolls to either side giving the defender an easy release from the O linemen.

That being said, I don't put it all on Brunells shoulders. The line has been horrid in pas protection.

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Brunell is too short to see over his OL and the DL.

Why is it the day after a loss that people take whatever the broadcasters say so seriously?

Brunell's problem isn't his height. He has gotten some pretty good results throughout his career, relatively weak arm and all. The problem has been guys in his face every single time he drops back to pass. I can't remember when his pass protection was so bad last year.

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Well all I can say is that I saw the game and the line has about 5 seconds to hold because those guys in the league are very fast, and Brunell is not willing to stay in the pocket and see open receivers. He drops back into the pass rush, that's why he looses so many yards on a sack. Jason Cambell is the better option, hell Todd Collins is the better option now.

Brunell is a bum, he has no arm to get the ball to the receivers, tall,short,medium whatever you want to call it he is a shot quarterback 2 games or 12 games he's not the quarterback for this team with the speed of those receivers.

Jason Cambell has a very strong arm to throw deep as well as short slants Brunell throws the ball short hop on at least 3 occassions that I saw in the Dallas game as well as overthrew the ball. He is too quick to get rid of the ball without checking other options.

Did you'll see how frustrated Santana, Brandon, and Randell 'El where?

Sit the BUM Brunell down and give the young guns a chance. :applause:

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Brunell is too short to see over his OL and the DL. This is why he takes ten step drops back to try and give him an overview of what's in front of him and why he rolls out of the pocket to TRY and see his receivers. He is too short to step up into the pocket and make a play.

Gibbs took a chance on him (MB) because Gibbs knew PR was not the answer.

Gibbs wants to win sooooooooooo bad for Snyder because Snyder has given Gibbs all the tools, including coaching staff.

In today's game against the pokes; in the first half, Brunell had all the protection in the world. Even into the third quarter, Brunell was still protected.

It was only after the the pokes built up a huge lead in the fourth quarter, the pokes laid back their ears and came after the old man.

This is just the first of my many rants until Gibbs realizes that our QB position is in dire straits and Brunell is NOT the answer.

Is Campbell the answer? It seems to me that coach Gibbs has staked his reputation on Campbell by giving up those draft choices to move up and take him. I hope Gibbs was right.

When is the right time to make a move? It's like playing the stock market.

Sometimes you're forced into making a move. Sorta like the Steelers were forced into playing Big Ben. Look what that move turned out to be.

I'm not saying Campbell is the answer for the Redskins. All I'm saying is,

Brunell will NOT get coach Gibbs his fourth TITLE and coach Gibbs has to make a decision. Gibbs brought this on himself; now he has to make a decision and stick to his guns.

:rolleyes: :doh: :rolleyes: :doh: :rolleyes: :doh: :rolleyes: :doh: :rolleyes: :doh:

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I don't think it's a height problem. I see few things with Brunell that is holding this team back.................

He's not willing to take ANY risks throwing the ball. How often do we see him throw into coverage ? He checks down too fast IMO, and throws it away more often then just about every QB in the league. While protecting the ball is important, overprotective doesn't work.

Secondly, I don't see him as willing to take a hit unless he has no choice. He's trying to avoid being injured, and will not stare down the blitz to get the ball off. He doesn't step up into the pocket to let the rush go past him, but instead drops even deeper, or rolls to either side giving the defender an easy release from the O linemen.

That being said, I don't put it all on Brunells shoulders. The line has been horrid in pas protection.

And when he DOES throw it into coverage he gift-wraps it to the defense.

No wonder the receivers look disillusioned, even Cooley. I mean, he has no faith in them. Why believe in yourself if your quarterback won't?

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