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Post-game thread: Redskins at Cincy


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It seemed early that the Saunders was really forcing the screen passes, and that those were where a lot of breakdowns happen. That's a play that can be devastating once the timing gets down, so I'm ok with him forcing it at this stage and it still being rusty...

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Good thing I had plenty of beer on hand tonight. The first stringers were decent with some flashes of excellence.

On another note, I HATE THE PRESEASON!!! You can't judge a damn thing from it because the players don't care and you can't judge the value of second stringers by playing them against more second stringers. What the hell does it really prove??? It's just an opportunity for guys to get hurt for a pointless game.

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All and all, a pretty crappy performance.

Offense: C-

Defense: B [only b/c of the second string secondary's performance and the lack of "containment" on a few running plays] First string gets an A for sure

ST: C [average, just average]

Lloyd makes top ten plays on SC for sure, but that doesn't mean squat.


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I think i saw a stat that Gibbs' average in PREseason is 1-3. No real cause for alarm as even he said mostly 2ndstringers and guys looking to make the team would be playing. The O line wasn't blocking for ANY of the runners though, and I couldn't help but think CP wouldn't have looked much better behind the garbage 2nd string. Lumsden is hurt and didn't make the trip, but I am looking forward to seeing him IF he can run behind the starters. Collins showed just why he's been riding the bench his WHOLE career, but he didn't look bad on the Long and intermediate passes, just had no touch on his short passes and tried to force way too many short throws. JC should look better by the time preseason is over, but I could almost see the Rams offense out there because it seemed the offense only looked good spread out throwing medium-deep passes.

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Starters looked good, but Clinton going down (and of course the INT) really took some wind out of our sails. The Brandon Lloyd catch was amazing and made me glad we signed him. Clinton looked good pre-injury and you gotta love that hustle on the tackle even though he was injured. Our starting D looked "typical" which is of course a compliment.

Todd Collins looked...interesting. He just seemed out of sync. A couple of weird picks and plain falling down. He did seem to tighten up some as play continued but it was too little too late. Funny that he said it would take a year to learn the system and then be outplayed by a second year with his FIRST live experience in said system.

Jason Campbell had some flashes of brilliance on some of those bombs (one to Farris SHOULD have been a completion for a BIG gain, he had it in his hands and dropped it) There is no doubt he has a cannon. I also liked the scramble to pick up the first down and rolling out to complete some passes. A few times he took a bit too long getting the ball out and led to some sacks and missed opportunities. One the whole he had a solid performance. I'd love to see him take some snaps with the second string next week.

The Portis injury is definitely the biggest downer of the game. I would not take his post game comments too serious. You know he is bummed he got hurt. He will do whatever it takes to get back but I would be surprised if we see him again in the pre-season.

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The Bengals played their starters longer and clearly wanted to win more than we did. The Flea Flicker, the no-huddle, audibles, etc. They were stoned with our starting defense in. We moved the ball on their starting defense. Hard to know where we are as a team with so little time in, but, we don't want any more time in, so no biggie.

Observations I found interesting.

The Bengals treated Cooley as if he were a Pro Bowler. He was locked in man coverage on each play in the first drive. It was interesting to see him handled with such respect. It wasn't so much he was man covered as HOW he was. The Bengals clearly had their guy keyed to Cooley at the expense of all else. If teams are game planning for Chris Cooley, that's going to be good for us.

The starting defense was incredible.

The offense in general is still finding itself. I do like the deep in route. Collins was hardly inspiring as a potential backup. Brunell made a rookie mistake too throwing that ball short throwing it away. Campbell looked very good. You can see the things he's not up to speed on. The long pass to Espy to end one drive was a bad read when he could have thrown underneath to a clearing player coming across his face. The interception was just good defense on a look he'll have to learn how to handle in real time. But, what he showed was a nice arm, excellent accuracy and touch. It was the touch part Ramsey never could quite get for us.

Manuel White looked strong and elusive, though, he's a lesser fit in this system than the one he was drafted for.

McCune was explosive on a number of plays later in the game. Rocky was good. Showed some nice pop in delivering blows. The backup offensive line had trouble playing as a unit, as you'd expect. They couldn't open holes in the running game and had a hard time with blitzing players. You're hoping a couple of those guys show well on film.

The Portis injury is a hard one if it's serious, but, I'd guess it isn't, despite NBC trying to get Moss to talk about not playing with Portis. It's the preseason. THIS year, it doesn't much matter.

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I wasnt impressed with Collins, Rock or Nemo....too bad about Carter, I cringed when I saw his leg bend like that.

The second string O line didint impress me but didint make me worry either; barring a disater of injuries to the front 5, I think we will be fine.

WHy was Betts out? I dont remeber seeing his name on the 9 who wernt traveling?

Liekd what I saw from Rocky, ST... didint notice much from AA or ARE but Im confident in them.....

Llyod's catch was sick, Im predicting a lot of his catches used as sigs or gif's on this board.

I hope Jesse Lumsden can go next week, I dont want to even see Portis in a skins unifrom until there are some purple punks from Minnesota in town.

ANd finally Campbell, 1 pick, it happens, but I really really liked what I saw from him.

And now I finally know who this guy is-->:point2sky Robert Johnson.

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i thougt brunell was maybe trying to throw the ball away but didn't get it out of bounds.

me too

get the ball in the first row mark

it is pretty bad when you get picked trying to throw the ball away

Oh well as long as he plays like he did last year we will be fine

CP get better!!!!!!

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OK Brunell and Collins well lets say I wasn't impressed. JC looked like he could be the starter at QB.

McIntosh looked like a beast just kill'n em.

Where was Randel El??? Don' think I heard his name once.

Hope Portis is all right and not serious. Was impressed by Epsy also, but not enough to replace Santana.

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Clinton didn't know that he would be injured. On the contrary, Brunell should have NEVER thrown that interception. Brunell should have just taken the sack or try to run....

It was picked off because either Brunell or Lloyd was thinking the wrong route. Lloyd broke inside and Brunell threw it like he was expecting Lloyd to break it outside. One of them screwed up.

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One more thing, does Saunders always stay upstairs when calling the game? From whats being reported at camp so far, I think he's too good of a inspirational/motivational speaker to be up in the box.

Also loved the starting D and that Brooks on Cincy looked pretty decent, but at the rates the bungles are going, this ddue will get arrested driving to Paul brown stadium at Cincy's home opener.

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I'm intrigued, I think they held out Betts for a possible trade. Of course now, that is in question

Dude, why would they trade someone that Saunders has been raving over? That would be like Joe Gibbs saying "I love Clinton Portis so much, he's one of the best. I think i'll let him go to Jacksonville"

I just can't see that happening.

:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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...McCune was explosive on a number of plays later in the game. ..

mccune was explosive last yr too, then for some reason he was cut and brought back for the practice squad later. i think he was later promoted and actually got some special teams play in the later part of the season. it will be interesting to see how he grades out this yr. maybe his chances are better now with clemons going down.

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