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Post-game thread: Redskins at Cincy


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Bengals fan here with a couple comments. Your defensive line was completely mauling our o-line early. We were missing 1 starter on the line but they should have played much better than that. That Todd Collins guy is pretty bad, but I was very impressed with the way Campbell was throwing the ball. Another guy that looked good was that Espy dude.

At least from what I saw, your offense didnt look much improved from last year, though i'm not sure how many starters you were without, and not to get your hopes down (im here in peace) but we were without 4 starters on defense tonight. Our #1 CB Deltha O'Neil, 2 linebackers (Odell and Pollack), and Sam Adams.

Near the end of the game, it became clear that we are the deeper team, our backups seemed to really just overmatch yours. If theres anything to be taken from this game its that. Id attribute this to a difference in philosophy as far as team building goes. You guys are big on getting free agents, and usually have less draft picks, while we have built through the draft. Nothing wrong with either way, though a few injuries (one of which you may of gotten tonight) could really screw your season.

I wouldnt take much from that, I am pretty sure we were doing that because of the TEs that we have to face in our division twice a year, kind of like practicing, because we needed to see how our guys matched up with TEs.

Oh, and I am a hardcore bengal fan, and even I was getting sick of hearing about Palmer's rehab during that game.

Good luck this season. I hope Portis isnt out long, I've always liked him.

Good analysis. It's nice to see opposing fans with reasonable heads.

Good luck this year. Maybe we'll see you guys again in Miami. :cheers:

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On a positive note, the 1st team defense looked great against Wright, Brandon Lloyd made a beautiful catch, and Campbell looked OK. Everything else was negative: two-three good throws by Brunell were overshadowed by his interception which BTW get Portis hurt. Cooley could not shake those DBs, Offensive Line looked just OK. Portis got insured. Less controversy at RB position since Carter torn his ACL and MCL and out for a season. Portis got insured. Kollins looked terrible. Portis got insured. Clemons got insured. Oh yeh, did I mention Portis got insured??? Hopefully he will be ready for the season opener and will not play in preseason anymore.

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First drive looked good; first team defense dominated. The Portis injury really hurt. Campbell looked good; Hall looked good. Lloyd's catch was fantastic. Moss looked good. McIntosh played well.

Our second team OL looked weak. Our second team linebackers looked weak. Our cornerback depth is a concern. Collins looked horrible. We only had one deep kickoff. Our return game was nil.

Agree 100%

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I agree now, that I've seen the throw by Mark. He was just trying to throw it away.


Ah CP, I'm still sorry bro. I have to agree completely with CP! Let the people who haven't proven anything play and sit those who already have sit.

They condition all year and as they say "Preseason doesn't mean anything!", specifically for the vets.

McIntosh- FUTURE STUD! loved LA, uhh LA WHO?

D and teams looked good. OL AHH How bout those DIRTBAGS! First team O, you can see them brewing to do well, in time all in time!

When CP comes back, tell me, no pun intended ,he won't have a chip on his shoulder!


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I think they should've left Collins on the bench he's been riding since '98. JC looked pretty solid minus his INT, just give him more playtime. Brunell....I think his Alzheimer's was on the fritz. He may have forgotten which team he is on! I wanna give it up to the D-line for those sacks.......hopefully we can keep it up in the regular season.

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Al Saunders offense is a complex offense and will take awhile to come together. Mike Espy showed a little of what he can do. These guys are all pro 's and come opening day they will be ready. keep the faith and "HAIL TO THE REDSKINS.

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I hope I'm completely wrong, and would be more then happy for people to jump all over me if he's ready to go for opening day.

I'll bite Pete.

First off, like to say Im sorry for all the trouble your shoulders have put you through. I've had chronic back problems that really hampered my collegiate swimming career.

Secondly, sports medicine was almost my first career choice and I have studied it extensively and have some training room experience. You're right, a subluxation isn't quite as bad as a dislocation or torn AC TOTALLY DEPENDANT ON ONE THING. Yes a subluxation means the shoulder went back in, but whether or not it went back in coreectly, without bringing anything else with it, is extremely important. If it came out and went back in correctly than we have nothing to worry about, best case scenario. Its a good sign he could get changed (i.e. bringing his arm over his head to get his jersey off/shirt on) and that he was out on the field to watch the game. Had he not come out at all, then I'd be worried. In that case we could assume that his shoulder did not go back in correctly and he'd need more work.

All in all I think he was just more fristrated he got hurt so soon. Big guy like Portis probably sees injury as a sign of weakness. ALl he needs to do is immobilize, ice it if it bothers him, and strengthen it once he feels comfortable, which Im hoping will be just before the season opener.

I certainly don't want to get anybodies hopes up, but thats just my take. A history of shoulder problems don't help any, but it was his other shoulder if im not mistaken. I think CP will be just fine.

EDIT: just heard he went to a specialist and it was only bruised, the subluxation was an on field diagnosis, I'd trust the specialist in this case

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Ok, I'll bite. I didn't bother to read pages 6-9, so sorry if this has been brought up. But was I the only one who wanted to go ahead and swallow a razor listening to Madden preach about Carson Palmer? I swear to God I feel like my game was ruined because everytime the play ended it was John Madden glorifying Carson Palmer to the extent that I've only seen of God. I wanted to smother myself with my Gold and Red pillow.

:point2skyGJ Madden!

Other than that, I have nothing to say that hasn't been said. Todd Collins should probably go fall asleep in his bathtub, and Portis should learn to tackle:silly:

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First string for the skins played well although Brunell threw a horrible pass but at least it is pre season. Portis shouldn't have played. He is ready and doesn't need tuning up. Hope he heals fast. The team needs him bad. Collins was embarrassing. Campbell looked poised. I was very impressed with Rocky McIntosh. Lloyd and Moss are impressive.

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