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A few quick observations from the 10 yard line yesterday


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1.Warrick Holdman looks really quick on his feet and has really sculpted himself. You can tell he has a chip on his shoulder this year.

2. Phillip Daniels is a beast. Twice in a row right in front of where I was sitting he tossed Jansen around like a ragdoll during 1 on 1's. I guess thats the good thing about training camp, even when someone gets dogged, it's a Skin doing it. :laugh:

3. Nemo looks like he isnt in great shape at all.

4. Archuletta might be a little better in coverage then we think. One play he read that Moss was going deep, so he beat him to the spot and put a pretty good hit on him. I dont think Moss liked that too much.

5. Lloyd has amazing hands.

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4. Archuletta might be a little better in coverage then we think. One play he read that Moss was going deep, so he beat him to the spot and put a pretty good hit on him. I dont think Moss liked that too much.

I heard that AA was a lot like Bowen in this regard on the Riggo show last week. Saying he doesn't really give an f if it's training camp he's going to light you up. All I have to say is breath you monster, breath.

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Hmm....My Friends who like the Niners tell me the opposite....I hope your right....

I was there sitting on the opposite side of the field. I only caught a glimpse of him but i knew it was him b/c he was wearing black tight and #85.

He looked FANTASTIC. One play he snatched the ball in the air w/ 1 hand. It's interesting though. A lot of the players can catch the ball w/ 1 hand, even the RBs. But its different w/ Lloyd, i guess he has big hands. Lloyd can grab the ball in the air like it falls into a basket. It's hard to explain but you can tell he has a gift.

Also, he doesn't give up even if the route he runs is over. It showed when Brunell made a last second decision to zip the ball to him when no one was open anymore. He ran around to get open and caught the high pass on both back heals, falling backwards. It followed by VERY audible "Oooooo" and "ahhhhhhs".

And a little off subject, but now i know what Clinton and Shawn talk about. Taylor Jacobs looks great in practice. Just not in the games.

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4. Archuletta might be a little better in coverage then we think. One play he read that Moss was going deep, so he beat him to the spot and put a pretty good hit on him. I dont think Moss liked that too much.

I'm not so sure about this remark. Heard from my Rams friends that he's Jason Seahorn wioth a better workout regimen.

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Yeah Bowen is like the poor-man's Archuleta, back when Bowen was healthy that is.

Yo - nobody harped on this "Lloyd drops the easy catch" until he left the 49ers, really... it is such sour grapes I can't believe it.

I have a good friend I watch football with who is a 49ers fan and I've seen B-lloyd the last 2 years, I can count on one hand the number of times he's shortarmed a ball that was catchable or dropped a routine out. Its just not true people. Some people act like he's the 2nd coming of 50/50.

Lay off the man already, sheesh.

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The thing about Archulettas coverage is that the Rams have had a bad defense forever. As a safety, how many times was he poor in coverage because he was covering for someone else or cheating because of a weakness to try to make a play. AA will be able to trust our corners, trust the d in general and that lowers the pressure on him, so that he just has to do what he is supposed to. Safeties usually have multiple responsibilities... and hesitation because the Rams run d was porous and their coverage was shakey probably put him in limbo far more often than is fair.

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I'm not so sure about this remark. Heard from my Rams friends that he's Jason Seahorn wioth a better workout regimen.

What arent you sure about? I am telling people what I saw. Did I say he was the greatest cover safety in the league? I am simply stating he might not be the liability people are making him out to be. To be in a position to put a hit on one of the games most explosive players on a deep route, shows he most definetly has the ability. Any safety would get exposed playing in a god awful defense like the Rams... can you name one other halfway decent DB who has played there recently? If you have no help, of coarse you are going to get exposed. An aggressive system like ours where teams are forced to throw off a 3 step drop, fits him much better. Now instead of running deep with guys he is blasting them on quick hot routes.

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Any safety would get exposed playing in a god awful defense like the Rams... can you name one other halfway decent DB who has played there recently?

Dre Bly and Aeneas Williams? Your point is well taken though. Just take a look at how bad our defense was the year George Edwards was here.

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Archultta did look good but he was cheating on that play and the Qb should have never threw that ball. I'm glad he pulled up.

Lloyd does have some damn good hands you don't even hear the ball when its drilled. Everybody mentions Lloyds drop yesterday but nobody mentioned Moss had a few drops himself :doh: its the first day of camp everybody isn't going to catch everything in 100degree weather on the first day of camp.

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Archultta did look good but he was cheating on that play and the Qb should have never threw that ball. I'm glad he pulled up.

Lloyd does have some damn good hands you don't even hear the ball when its drilled. Everybody mentions Lloyds drop yesterday but nobody mentioned Moss had a few drops himself :doh: its the first day of camp everybody isn't going to catch everything in 100degree weather on the first day of camp.

Lets put it this way, nobody caught anything on AA during the practice.

Yeah, Lloyd dropped ONE ball yesterday(he was wide open, and Brunell threw it behind him on an out). Moss dropped more than that, and we all know we can rely on him day in and day out come gametime :-)

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I love it, only one day into training camp and already you can sense the buzz and excitement on this board.

Can someone tell me how did Portis and Betts look?

Betts looked really good he had a extra pep in his step I think Saunders will do wonders for him. The coaches even said he had the best practice.

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