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Miami Vice

Spaceman Spiff

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Saw it last night and thought it was pretty good. If you liked the show back in the day, you'll see the reasons why you'll like the movie.

First of all, it's slow in the middle, which correlates well to the show. Typically the show had an hook in the beginning which was an action scene or a crime of some sort, and then another action scene, usually a chase or a shootout in the end. The middle of the show was usually filled with types of tension, such as Crockett and Tubbs going undercover, meeting criminals, doing drug deals, etc. The middle part of the movie was similar to that, but it could have used another action scene to keep the pace from dragging.

The use of music was done well, too. The tv show was hailed as a crime show/music video and the movie does a good job of that. You'll recognize a lot of the artists, Jay-Z, Audioslave and others. When not using pop songs, Mann uses good background music.

I think the movie also assumes you know the background of Crockett and Tubbs and therefore doesn't spend a whole lot of time on character development which may turn some people off. There are no opening credits, no background about the characters, the movie just starts off with a pretty cool club scene.

Dialogue is hard to understand at times, but from what I hear Mann wanted to make it as real as possible, using all the lingo that real undercover professionals use. Simply put, it's not a Bruckheimer movie, you need to pay attention.

Solid movie.

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I don't really have any specific reason, but I have zero interest in this movie. I use to watch the TV show back in the day, but that has no bearing on this movie as it is 100% different (other than they are 2 undercover cops in Miami).

Hmmm...maybe a DVD rental for me....

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I thought it was absolutely awesome. I love all of Mann's movies and the cinemetography.

He really puts you in the element and takes you into a surreal realm.

I think alot of people don't remember, or are embarassed to remember, that when MV first came out on TV, it was written and directed by Mann. Those first few seasons were killer. There was some cheese, but it was the 80s, you know? Once Mann left the set, the tv show got really out of control. That's when it got uber flashy and ridiculous.

This movie builds upon the first few seasons. It's dark and what you would expect from a story/plot involving drug dealers and criminals.

You are right, the dialogue is realistic, hence you have to pay attention. I think most people spend their days listening to bosses and co workers staying on top of things and want to turn the brain off when it comes to entertainment. This movie is tough to keep up with, which makes it great IMO. That much was totally different than the TV version.

The music he puts in his movies absolutely kill. MV all around was sick use of music, but there was one audioslave song that kind of didn't fit. The Mogwai songs made the movie for me. Especially at the end. Perfect there...

Spiff, I am prolly a little more gung ho then you, but I thought it absolutely ripped.

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Alright movie. Not sure if it was worth the 8.75 I paid. Excellent shoot out's though, most realistic sounding shooting I've heard possibly. The sniper's shooting up the car in the beginning was SICK. Great opening, trip to Cuba was lame, and the ending was good. Overall, solid B- movie. I'd probably say go see it at the movie theatre just to experience the shoot out's. The rounds the snipers were shooting just sounded so real.

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I saw it and felt that the quality was not good at all. It was shot in digital right?

I loved the shooting scenes and its sound effects.

yeah, it was. The grainy quality is on purpose in some scenes. It gives it a more realistic effect. If you noticed though, the boat scenes and air scenes are crystal effing perfect.

You gotta love the "collateral" effect when they are cruising in the 430 Ferrari.

What a bad ass ride...

How bout my local buddies, Nonpoint, singing "In the Air Tonight"!!!!!!

Glad it only played during the credits! Doh!

Sorry, bub.

Actually, it's a great cover of the song, but tough to hear that song covered in that particular movie. The original was in the pilot and kind of sealed the deal, putting that show up there on top.

Yeah Im a friggin dork.

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Watched this last night. Good movie. Gritty would be the word for me here. A harder version of the 80's show. The above comments about the dialogue are spot on. Have to pay attention on this one. Good soundtrack as well.

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Guest sith lord

It just seems that this kind of story has been beaten to death. You know, the overly cool cops that in the real world would get fired for what they do. Let me guess, there's not an ugly woman in the entire movie. The loud mouth boss that constantly yells. I haven't seen this movie so I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

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Meh, I wasn't too thrilled with it. I thought the plot line was crap and that there were too many holes, i.e, they never killed the head boss and never figured out where the leak came from. I don't really understand what they accomplished.

After watching Heat for the first time a few days prior to this probably ruined it for me because I was expecting something to that level which was definitely too much to ask for apparently.

The action scenes were incredible and the explosion of the trailer was incredible in both sound and visual. It woke me up right when I was about to nod off.

Everything in this movie oozed cool from the boats to the guns to the clothes, but the plot, or lack thereof just did not do it for me. Rent it if you have a kickass surround sound system only, or it will not be worth it IMO.

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Let me qualify my critique with this: I love the movies that Michael Mann has done...

up until this one. God awful movie. The first half of the movie was a straight up advertise-athon and it was ridiculously blatant. Aside from the commercials, have you ever heard someone order a "Bacardi Mojito"? And then there's that part at the garage where the Hyatt sign steals the scene.

Also, was there ever a moment where they spent time developing any of the main characters? In Collateral (another Mann flick), Jaime Foxx's character was probably one of the most fleshed out characters I've ever seen and the audience certainly empathized with him. We even got a sense of Tom Cruise's character. In this movie, two cops are just thrust upon us. We're supposed to assume that we like them although they're absolutely nothing like their TV counterparts. Just like we're supposed to believe the romance between the miscellaneous east Asian chick and Collin Farrell. Honestly, they had like three lines of dialogue with one another before they got it on. For the rest of the movie, this 'romance' plays a central role. The latin bad guy with the square rim glasses probably played his role perfectly. He was fantastic and just about the only decent act in the movie (aside from the shoot-out).

Right now, I'm still trying to figure out what the plot was. Were they trying to capture the guys that killed their informant? Were they trying to uncover a drug ring? Were they just following orders from DC? No clue. The movie doesn't exactly try to explain these things.

Now, you're probably thinking: "Dude, it was just a popcorn flick". Well, considering that there was little to no action in the movie outside of the shoot out, I don't think it was a popcorn flick. It was a stupid high-budget dialogue driven music video, which probably makes as much sense as this movie. Whew, had to get that off my chest.

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Let me qualify my critique with this: I love the movies that Michael Mann has done...

up until this one. God awful movie. The first half of the movie was a straight up advertise-athon and it was ridiculously blatant. Aside from the commercials' date=' [b']have you ever heard someone order a "Bacardi Mojito"? [/b]

lol not to nitpick your critique because I agree with it...but yes I have heard of ordering a Bacardi Mojito. In fact, in a lot of places (esp Miami) if you don't specify what alcohol you're drinking they give you "well" alcohol (the bottom shelf stuff) at the same price as the regular. Be sure to specify what it is you want.. I.e. Bacardi and Coke, not Rum and coke

You're paying "the good alcohol" prices for "good alcohol" not Banker's Club. lol

sorry to stray into bartending ...anyway, did anyone notice the amount of tough guy faces that were made in this movie? I mean how many times were no words said but somebody was making an "ice grill" (mean face) at someone else. Grrrrrrr. I thought the camera angles were put in on purpose and could go either way thumbs up thumbs down... but I understood what he was trying to do. Sex scenes were kinda random and the plot had numerous loopholes that never were explained.

It was ok, the original tv show was an icon of the times but this doesn't do it justice at all. The potential was there but it doesn't live up to par.

My favorite review: "Watching Miami Vice is like watching a great chef boil a hot dog."

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