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Clinton Portis Appreciation Thread


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In his first four seasons in the NFL, he has passed 1500 yards 3 times, with his worst season being a 1300 yard campaign in 2004. How many backs can say that?:notworthy

Plus, let's not forget that he's the one of most entertaining personalities in the league.:cool:

AND he does a great job blocking:applause:

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CP is the man!

I will never forget watching him do cartwheels last year in the 49er game.

And I couldn't wait to see the latest personality each week on www.redskins.com

But my favorite aspect about him, is his utter toughness, and tenacity which he displayed last year in the 5 game winning streak when he took the organization on his back to the playoffs! His dives for another yard (or into the end zone), knocking LB's on their back (and himself out of the game sometimes because he hit them so hard), and especially when we needed a tough first down in an awful game in Arizona and he moved the pile forward 8 yards when he was stopped after only one yard!

Here's to you CP! :cheers:

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One Of The Most Underrated Running Backs In The LeagUe:eaglesuck!!!!

Totally agree with you.

Clinton still is not getting the respect he deserves by the "national" folks. To me, he is the best runningback in football. Too many people still seem to have this dividing line between Tomlinson,Edge and maybe Tiki and then the next tier where they always put Clinton. There isn't anything he can't do and despite his fantastic and historic numbers in his first 4 seasons, we ain't seen nothing yet. He is going to explode in Saunders' offense.

Said it before, say it again. Clinton Portis is the best runningback I've had the privilege to watch run for the Washington Redskins. Bar none.

Run Clinton Run!!! :cheers:

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  • 3 years later...

Bump!!!!........ Hehehehe....... Lets see if the love is still there for CP. I see a lot of names in here that still post. I wonder if they still stand by there words. :)

I do appreciate CP and all that he has done for the skins. Cheers to CP having a great season and helping the skins win the NFC Beast tittle!!!!

R.I.P. Bubba

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Wow...crazy reading all of this. I like this bump.

Back then, it was the best trade EVER!!!!, his personality was great, not cancerous, and he was a leader and put the team on his back. And you know what? If we start winning again, everyone in this thread will be back to singing the same song.

Losing, and in such embarrassing fashion as the last couple of years, changes people's perceptions of the players that we once swore our love for. Let's hope that can be a thing of the past!

Edit: Just saw the thread starter...you know Bubba would have been all over the board getting all homered up for the season :( RIP.

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This bump is masterful.

I think this should morph into a CP appreciation thread of its own but set in the present.

Most of the time I was not a fan of the way cp handled things with the media, I would have preferred that he keep his mouth shut a lot of the times that he did not.

What he did on the field for the redskins was amazing and a herculean effort. He carried us through many a season and I thank him for all he's done.

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I don't know where to start with this one.

On the one hand, I fully appreciate Clinton Portis on the field. Never in the very top echelon of backs who can change games on their own, but a very good RB who always runs hard and gives it his all. Throw in what a great blocker he's been over the years, and the way we've pounded the Hell out of him and abused his body way more than it should of been abused at this point of his career; and his contribution to the team on the field is unquestioned.

Then there's Clinton Portis the man.

An egotistical narcissist D/Bag, who even now, at 28 years of age, can't help but have the immature "me, me, ME" attitude, and embarrass the heck out us all more often than not in the process; because when he does have one of his way too regular petulant temper tantrums, it's not done in house, it's done on a very public stage for all to see. I've lost count of the number of times he's thrown coaches and teammates under the bus, or attacked Redskins greats because they had the gall to question him. Non of which has been helped over the years by an owner pandering to the so called "star" player who brings in the big bucks over said players various HC's.

Then there's his aversion to practice, which is in direct contrast to his effort on game day. A complete contradiction that frustrates the living piss out of coach, teammate and fan alike.

I'm actually real intrigued to see what the slimmed down Clinton does in Coach Mikes "one cut and go" scheme, and can see him having a pretty productive year. I just wish he'd finally grow the Hell up and cut out all the other highly embarrassing B/S.

Clinton Portis. A man who's play I appreciate yet a man I have little respect for in equal measure. An oxymoron if ever their was one.

I've been glad we've had him on the field over his time, when he's almost single handedly been all the offense we've had for much of his tenure; but with everything else that goes along with him, I wouldn't shed a tear if he was traded tomorrow.


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^^^^^^........... Well put GHH. CP talks some B/S every now and then but how could he not when it seemed just about every year CP is written off by the Washington Post or any of the so called sports analysis. When most people doubt you every year wouldn't it get under your skins a little?... N E ways CP has proven time and time again that he is a RB that this league does not see to much of any more. A workhorse, willing to change his style of running for the scheme (Gibbs) and now Shanny. You would not care if CP got traded me I want to see CP retire a skin and get into the top ten all time rushing with just 2600 more yrds to pass Marus Allen, and Marshall Faulk. Do you believe that CP has it in him GHH?.. You do believe CP can be productive this year. If he is any where near as productive as he has been in the past CP will be in the ranks any where of 20-15 top rushers of all time. Does that not deserve to be in the top echelon of backs that your say he is not in? But all in all nice post GHH..

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Thank you man, it's always nice to have one's thoughts appreciated.:cheers:.

Like I said I'm real intrigued to see what the slim down version does now he's back in Shanahan's scheme. (A scheme he was nothing short of phenomenal in his first two years in the league.). So I don't see why he couldn't get those yards over the next couple of years.

On the very top echelon of backs thing, I just have never considered Clinton in that bracket, despite the numbers. As I said, for me anyway's, he's always been a real good, workhorse back, not typically in that mould, who's not quite got the speed and moves to be considered at the very top despite the numbers. For that you need to be a consistent game breaker for me. How many times has he broken off a 20 yard scamper or 30/40 or more through his time here. Not quite up there with the Barry Sanders and LT's of this World IMHO.

As I said above, he was phenomenal in Denver those fist two years; and has been pretty darn good in DC ever since, if not quite maintaining that level. (Though the extra punishment we've put his body through may explain that somewhat.).

But again, for all my angst with his character, I can't deny we've been real lucky to have him on the field these past 6 years.


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How many times has he broken off a 20 yard scamper or 30/40 or more through his time here. Not quite up there with the Barry Sanders and LT's of this World IMHO.

No CP has not ripped off to many 30/40yrd runs with us. All tho CP is only the 2nd player in NFL history to have FIVE straight 120yrd games TWICE in there careers. Not only that CP is tied for a franchise record of FIVE consecitive 100yrd games.

Has averaged 108.0 yards from scrimmage per game in his career, making him one of six players in NFL history, along with Jim Brown (125.5), Barry Sanders (118.9), LaDainian Tomlinson (116.6), Walter Payton (111.9) and Marshall Faulk (108.8) to average more than 108.0 yards from scrimmage per game.

Is one of eight players in NFL history to rush for at least 1,250 yards in a season six times, joining Walter Payton (9), Barry Sanders (9), Jim Brown (7), Emmitt Smith (7), Eric Dickerson (6), Curtis Martin (6) and LaDainian Tomlinson (6). Portis

But again, for all my angst with his character, I can't deny we've been real lucky to have him on the field these past 6 years.


Yes your right we have been real lucky to have him and i dont see him done carrying.


Edit: One more thing Owns a franchise record with 26 career 100-yard rushing games in the regular season as a member of the Redskins. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Bump!..... I have too. I know there's some haters out there of CP but I just had to put my name down again for the "Clinton Portis Appreciation Thread". After coming home from being out of town what I read about CP has me feeling like a little school girl..

In fact, after Shanahan in March publicly challenged Portis to improve his conditioning, Portis trimmed down to about 217 pounds after playing at more than 230 pounds last season, sources said. Portis's strong showing apparently has made a favorable impression on Shanahan.
Eager to prove his critics wrong, Portis has done everything Coach Mike Shanahan has asked of him, team sources said, and is expected to hold off fellow Pro Bowl backs Larry Johnson and Willie Parker for the starting job. Portis has surprised many in the organization with his positive outlook and hard work throughout the offseason program.

Man I love me some CP!... Thinking about going to Addicted's sig bet thread and marking myself down. N-E ways I do appreciate Mr. Clintoin Portis!. I always will and cheers to breaking the all time redskins rushing record this season bro!..


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CP is only the 2nd player in NFL history to have FIVE straight 120yrd games TWICE in there careers. Not only that CP is tied for a franchise record of FIVE consecitive 100yrd games.

Has averaged 108.0 yards from scrimmage per game in his career, making him one of six players in NFL history, along with Jim Brown (125.5), Barry Sanders (118.9), LaDainian Tomlinson (116.6), Walter Payton (111.9) and Marshall Faulk (108.8) to average more than 108.0 yards from scrimmage per game.

Is one of eight players in NFL history to rush for at least 1,250 yards in a season six times, joining Walter Payton (9), Barry Sanders (9), Jim Brown (7), Emmitt Smith (7), Eric Dickerson (6), Curtis Martin (6) and LaDainian Tomlinson (6). Portis

Edit: One more thing Owns a franchise record with 26 career 100-yard rushing games in the regular season as a member of the Redskins. :)

I don't think some people grasp how good Clinton has been his entire career .I'll admit some of these facts you posted surprised even me. I just hope that he reads the boards ,and realizes that he has more backers than the media would suggest.

CP has proven time and time again that he is a RB that this league does not see to much of any more. A workhorse, willing to change his style of running for the scheme (Gibbs) and now Shanny. ...I want to see CP retire a skin and get into the top ten all time rushing with just 2600 more yrds to pass Marus Allen, and Marshall Faulk..

Great post JAF47. I hope being reunited with Shanny, Sr and Bobby Turner and their belief in his ability to still be able to get it done. Propels CP to have his best season yet.

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Re the me me me attitude...

Last summer, Snyder sponsored a free visit to Six-Flags for premium seat holders and Redskins employees. And also players. CP, of course, was mobbed by fans who wanted autographs. So how did he react?

He signed.

He signed and signed and signed and signed as fast as he could sign for at least a solid hour and a half, maybe two hours. He didn't hang out with the other players (most of whom avoided fans the best they could so that they wouldn't be mobbed too) which he could have since they had a players-only area to go to if they chose. Instead he just signed.

He probably signed at least 12 sigs a minute for ninety minutes. That's a minimum.

Ask TK. He was there too. He witnessed it. There was no selfish attitude on display that day.

Here he was signing his sig 10,000 times:


He even signed my ES hat:


Pics courtesy of TK

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