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Clinton Portis Appreciation Thread


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An egotistical narcissist D/Bag, who even now, at 28 years of age, can't help but have the immature "me, me, ME" attitude, and embarrass the heck out us all more often than not in the process; because when he does have one of his way too regular petulant temper tantrums, it's not done in house, it's done on a very public stage for all to see. I've lost count of the number of times he's thrown coaches and teammates under the bus, or attacked Redskins greats because they had the gall to question him. Non of which has been helped over the years by an owner pandering to the so called "star" player who brings in the big bucks over said players various HC's.

Then there's his aversion to practice, which is in direct contrast to his effort on game day. A complete contradiction that frustrates the living piss out of coach, teammate and fan alike.


Since when has his attitude ever been "me me me" instead of "this isn't right". The ONE example I can think of is not wanting to play preseason games after he hurt his shoulder making a hustle play, which is somewhat understandable, given LDT had a similar attitude and players can be superstitious about stuff like injury. If that's the worst a player for us ever did, we'd be in Hog Heaven. Might have a boring preseason, but our future would be bright! LOL.

Thought fans wanted to see emotion happy or angry from the players, and were tired of the "No Fun League"? I'd rather see Portis throwing his helmet on the sidelines, than sitting on the bench laughing, when we're losing a game in a losing season.

"Various" head coaches? You think Danny would override Gibbs on dealing with a player? I trust how Gibbs handled it, and as for Zorn... maybe we needed more players to step up in whatever capacity. In hindsight I like Zorn the person, but the minute Zorn started calling out players, Portis was OK with the "genius" comment. Including CP smoothing it over afterwards.

Portis was absolutely correct about Sellers. Hope that was a one-year blip for "the walla walla juggernaut", but CP SHOULD have called him out.

As far as practice goes, given that he's produced as he has, and again I trust how Gibbs handled it and can't say much about Zorn, he's done enough. Last year was a lost cause anyways, thank goodness the concussion CP suffered appears to not be more serious. The man has to have worked out enough, for the performance he put on the field, including last year's team debacle.

On principle, I'm happy to hear Portis is buying into Shanny's program. But different players are.. different, whether they're stars like CP or not. Portis is still a great player, a good TEAM player who's not afraid to speak up when something's wrong, and I (and hopefully a lot of people) are proud to have that man on this team.

PS. Ever hear of Portis getting into any trouble, or being anything less than a gentleman like MTH just posted? I haven't.

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Can Clinton Portis run for 2,000 yard this year? If the Redskins had the solid run game Shahahan invisions, then McNabb will hit receivers with the pass. I'm hoping Clinton runs wild in 2010.

Im with ya, I hope he burns the league up this year. It will only help for an awesome passing game as well.

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I keep seeing all these people defending CP about his "me" attitude. It's quite evident that CP has a "me me me" attitude when it comes to the team. So what he stands there and signs your hat, shirt or whatever for X amount of minutes. That doesn't stop the fact that his own teammates have issues with the fact that CP is about CP when it comes to the team. Doesn't practice? Runs to the owner when he doesn't get his way? Tells the coach to bench a player because they aren't doing this job?

CP may very well have been correct about Sellers not doing his job, but you don't go to the coach and try to have him bench. You hash that **** out with the player in question and get his ass in gear. It's what leaders do. Let me show you one. (watch it all with interviews)

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQtX6dm2KG8&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQtX6dm2KG8&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

They both had a problem with each other on the field, and it got handled. Hell, they were winning the game and this happened. Listen to what he says in the interview about how to handle it and how NOT to handle it.

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Nice find Brianm23 was pretty cool to see that video there. I admit I wasn't the biggest fan of Portis and thought he was only a me first guy but as others have stated and talked about he really is more of a this isn't right kind of guy. Usually what he ends up saying is dead on even though many will disagree with how it is said

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Can Clinton Portis run for 2,000 yard this year? If the Redskins had the solid run game Shahahan invisions, then McNabb will hit receivers with the pass. I'm hoping Clinton runs wild in 2010.

I think, now that we have one of the best lines in the league, he could be looking at the 2500-3000 yd. range. Time will tell.

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Funny, the thread says it's the Clinton Portis appreciation thread, and yet people are in here dogging him. I mean, there aren't enough threads where people complain about CP that people feel the need to come trash him in the single thread where fans of his want to show their appreciation.

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Funny, the thread says it's the Clinton Portis appreciation thread, and yet people are in here dogging him. I mean, there aren't enough threads where people complain about CP that people feel the need to come trash him in the single thread where fans of his want to show their appreciation.

Exactly my attitude!!! The Anti-Fans just never NEVER can get enough of their hate-mongering. That is why I don't even open 95% of the threads on this site any more. But even when I select one like this, I have to be subjected to their endless, inane spewing/puking/crapping. I sure wish there was a true FAN site somewhere, but I think those days are long gone...

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Funny, the thread says it's the Clinton Portis appreciation thread, and yet people are in here dogging him. I mean, there aren't enough threads where people complain about CP that people feel the need to come trash him in the single thread where fans of his want to show their appreciation.

THANK YOU !! :applause::applause: There are a miilion and one threads knocking CP,is it asking too much having ONE postive thread?

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Haters will hate, that's what they do, Clinton wasn't wrong about Zorn, Sellers, and the O-line. We only accept certain people to call out players, Hines Ward can call out Big Ben and he gets applauded, Tom Brady can call out his wide receivers and that means he's a leader, Clinton calls out people then he just did a terrorist attack on DC.

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I was just looking at those CP stats people posted--it's ok to not like a certain player but it always amazes me that people would talk about one of the greatest Redskins players of all time the way they do about Portis. IF Portis can post 2-3 more decent seasons and we can make it deep in the playoffs once or twice, he'll easily be in the conversation for the top 10 RB's of all time and be a HoF hopeful.

Why would anyone NOT want CP to succeed?? Quit hatin. Portis loves the Skins--let's show him some love.

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Honestly, after months and months of thinking about it, I think everyone just deserves a do over from last year: Landry, Portis, Los, Moss, etc. They all crapped it up on the field. I think that with new management and coaches, and the right system, we may see a shocking turnaround this year.

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I keep seeing all these people defending CP about his "me" attitude. It's quite evident that CP has a "me me me" attitude when it comes to the team. So what he stands there and signs your hat, shirt or whatever for X amount of minutes. That doesn't stop the fact that his own teammates have issues with the fact that CP is about CP when it comes to the team. Doesn't practice? Runs to the owner when he doesn't get his way? Tells the coach to bench a player because they aren't doing this job?
You're right on principle, but Portis is outspoken enough to have taken it up with Sellers LONG before it went public. And when they finally put a TE at H-back, the lead blocking improved. I think this is another example of Portis being right.
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Honestly, after months and months of thinking about it, I think everyone just deserves a do over from last year: Landry, Portis, Los, Moss, etc. They all crapped it up on the field. I think that with new management and coaches, and the right system, we may see a shocking turnaround this year.

Nicely said. Enough of the hate. Good to see the understanding from the most of the fans when it comes to someone like CP. Pretty much sums it up aboout last year, and even though Clinton had some complicity in the matter (ie, not working out like he should), I will def. give one of the best backs we have seen in our storied franchise history the benefit of the doubt. Further, when you look at all of the other intangibles he brings to the table (ie, unscripted reaching out to the local fans, the causes for children, passionate gametime heroics, etc.), he deserves to be appreciated like this thread has proven. HTTR

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Honestly, after months and months of thinking about it, I think everyone just deserves a do over from last year: Landry, Portis, Los, Moss, etc. They all crapped it up on the field. I think that with new management and coaches, and the right system, we may see a shocking turnaround this year.

Good call. I'm right with ya in that thinking. Let's just forget about everything prior to December 17th 2009 and give everyone the benefit of the doubt and a fair shot to prove themselves.

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Re the me me me attitude...

Last summer, Snyder sponsored a free visit to Six-Flags for premium seat holders and Redskins employees. And also players. CP, of course, was mobbed by fans who wanted autographs. So how did he react?

He signed.

He signed and signed and signed and signed as fast as he could sign for at least a solid hour and a half, maybe two hours. He didn't hang out with the other players (most of whom avoided fans the best they could so that they wouldn't be mobbed too) which he could have since they had a players-only area to go to if they chose. Instead he just signed.

Ha nice Mark. Thanks for pointing that out. :)

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As much as I love tho's guys I think we might have seen the last of them. :(

I think CP has gotten over himself in tho's roles. I would be wrong tho. lol ;)

If not the characters, I definitely want to see him with that fun loving attitude. He seems to run better when he's not in serious mode. Look at when he was being those characters and then when he was reined in. His performance was, if I remember right, a lot better when he could be a jester.

Quick change of subject: I just may not have seen it, but before we got Rocky, when our U players were Portis, Moss, and Taylor, they seemed to have a special connection. Maybe that was because they were playing together at the U, but I haven't really seen Rocky with Portis and Moss much, like I've seen Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, and Willis McGahee in Baltimore. Anyone else notice this?

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