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UFC 121: Are you a Mexi-can.. or a Mexi-can't?

Gabriel "ManBearPig" Gonzaga vs. Brendan Schaub: The simple fact about MBP is that when his jaw gets jacked, he gets real woozy. Schaub's got heavy, heavy hands and I'm having trouble believing one of them won't land in the first round. However, if Brendan doesn't get off a shot early, this fight will make it to the mat where Gabby will shine. I know I hedge my bets when I say this but Schaub early or Gonzaga late. Here's my official...

Schaub by TKO- ref stoppage, round 2. (I heart MBP.)

Tito "Mr. Jenna Jamison" Ortiz vs. Matt "The Hammer" Hamill: Tito really, truly, honestly, with all his heart swears he's 100% healthy for this fight. If he is, it should be a very close and interesting matchup. It seems that Matt Hamill has completely forgotten that he's an insane wrestler with bear strength and great control of his opponents. I think he needs to go back to that in order to get back on track but it may not matter if he catches Ortiz with a couple of those granite punches he possesses. Tito's game is one dimensional and even if he gets Matt to the mat, the Hammer is too good a wrestler to be GnPed by an older Tito. If Tito were fighting anyone but Hamill I might be rooting for him out of loyalty to an old vet but Matt's just too likeable. His power shots will keep Tito from wanting to get too close, we'll see something similar to Ortiz-Griffin.

Hamill by UD.

Diego Sanchez vs. Paulo Thiago: Man, I can't stand Diego Sanchez.

Thiago by whatever means necessary because I can't stand Diego Sanchez.

Jake Shields vs. Martin "The Hit Man" Kampmann: I'm really impressed by Kampmann's last victory over Paulo Thiago where he showed that he's evolved way beyond his striker reputation. Shields is one serious biz grappler and I assume heavily-favored in this fight but I'm going out on a limb here. Kampmann is used to Dana throwing the hot fighters at him and I think he's got more in the tank than an aging Hendo did vs. Shields. I'm betting on the old "UFC debut curse" that tends to hit big name fighters from other promotions. Upset pick...

Kampmann by KTFO, round 2.

UFC Heavyweight Championship bout!

Cain "Brown Pride" Velasquez challenges Brock "The Viking" Lesnar: Aw jeez I wanna pick Cain so badly. He's such a complete fighter. He's not a braggart or an ego-freak. I've mellowed just a tad on my Lesnar hate but I still want to see him lose. The problem is that he's honestly good enough to make his size too big a hill to climb for the HWs in the UFC right now. Carwin blew his chance and I can't see where Brock is going to let someone walk in and clock him early in this one. My gut says Brock early or Cain late but I respect Brock's cardio too. He's got the tools to do it early and late. Cain's cardio could get spent just dealing with Lesnar's weight.

Lesnar by ground and pound, round 2. (Go Cain!!)

Edited by Chachie
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UFC 121: Free Burritos if Lesnar Wins

ManBearPig vs. Brendan Schaub: Schaub has let his KO victories over 2 non-descript HW's go to his head big time, he thinks he's alot better than he actually is. Gonzaga is a noted frontrunner who can dominate as long as he faces no adversity. I'm thinking Gonzaga has enough experience and talent to keep the fight in his realm. Honestly I just don't think Schaub is ready for the leap in competition he's about to experience.

ManBearPig by Submission, Round 2

Tito Ortiz vs. Matt Hamill: Ortiz hasn't won a fight in 5 years, why start now?

Hamill by Unanimous Decision (after the fight Tito will reveal he had open heart surgery just a mere 6 hours before the fight)

Paulo Thiago vs. Diego Sanchez: I honestly have no idea about this fight

Thiago by Split Decision

Jake Shields vs. Martin Kampmann: Been feeling an upset vibe about this fight for awhile now. Add to the fact that there have been rumors of a Shields suffering an injury a while ago and having a little struggle getting back down to 170 and I think Kampmann has a real shot at this fight. The gameplans for both fighters are predictable, Shields needs to get this to the ground ASAP, while Kampmann would be wise to keep it standing as long as possible. I'm going against my instincts on this and picking Shields, but I won't be shocked if Kampmann manages to pull it out

Shield by Unanimous Decision

Brock Lesnar vs. Cain Velasquez: On the feet the advantage is clearly Cain's as he has the speed and technique to give Lesnar fits. The best strategy for Cain in this fight would be something similar to what Edgar pulled off against Penn. Lesnar hasn't dealt with a opponent who can leg kick like Cain so it could present some problems for Lesnar if Cain can take away his base. The problem for Cain is that the size disparity on going to difficult to overcome. I just don't see how Cain doesn't end up on his back at some point during this fight and once he goes down, I'm not sure he will get back up. If Cain goes the Edgar route, I can see him winning a decision, but the more I think about this fight, the more I see Lesnar punishing Cain from half-guard until the ref pulls him off

Lesnar by (T)KO, round 2

Edited by StillUnknown
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Just a bump to put mine on the same page as everyone else's...

UFC 121: "Are you a Mexi-can.. or a Mexi-can't?"

Gabriel "ManBearPig" Gonzaga vs. Brendan Schaub: The simple fact about MBP is that when his jaw gets jacked, he gets real woozy. Schaub's got heavy, heavy hands and I'm having trouble believing one of them won't land in the first round. However, if Brendan doesn't get off a shot early, this fight will make it to the mat where Gabby will shine. I know I hedge my bets when I say this but Schaub early or Gonzaga late. Here's my official...

Schaub by TKO- ref stoppage, round 2. (I heart MBP.)

Tito "Mr. Jenna Jamison" Ortiz vs. Matt "The Hammer" Hamill: Tito really, truly, honestly, with all his heart swears he's 100% healthy for this fight. If he is, it should be a very close and interesting matchup. It seems that Matt Hamill has completely forgotten that he's an insane wrestler with bear strength and great control of his opponents. I think he needs to go back to that in order to get back on track but it may not matter if he catches Ortiz with a couple of those granite punches he possesses. Tito's game is one dimensional and even if he gets Matt to the mat, the Hammer is too good a wrestler to be GnPed by an older Tito. If Tito were fighting anyone but Hamill I might be rooting for him out of loyalty to an old vet but Matt's just too likeable. His power shots will keep Tito from wanting to get too close, we'll see something similar to Ortiz-Griffin.

Hamill by UD.

Diego Sanchez vs. Paulo Thiago: Man, I can't stand Diego Sanchez.

Thiago by whatever means necessary because I can't stand Diego Sanchez.

Jake Shields vs. Martin "The Hit Man" Kampmann: I'm really impressed by Kampmann's last victory over Paulo Thiago where he showed that he's evolved way beyond his striker reputation. Shields is one serious biz grappler and I assume heavily-favored in this fight but I'm going out on a limb here. Kampmann is used to Dana throwing the hot fighters at him and I think he's got more in the tank than an aging Hendo did vs. Shields. I'm betting on the old "UFC debut curse" that tends to hit big name fighters from other promotions. Upset pick...

Kampmann by KTFO, round 2.

UFC Heavyweight Championship bout!

Cain "Brown Pride" Velasquez challenges Brock "The Viking" Lesnar: Aw jeez I wanna pick Cain so badly. He's such a complete fighter. He's not a braggart or an ego-freak. I've mellowed just a tad on my Lesnar hate but I still want to see him lose. The problem is that he's honestly good enough to make his size too big a hill to climb for the HWs in the UFC right now. Carwin blew his chance and I can't see where Brock is going to let someone walk in and clock him early in this one. My gut says Brock early or Cain late but I respect Brock's cardio too. He's got the tools to do it early and late. Cain's cardio could get spent just dealing with Lesnar's weight.

Lesnar by ground and pound, round 2. (Go Cain!!)

Edited by Chachie
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UFC 121: Free Burritos if Lesnar Wins

ManBearPig vs. Brendan Schaub: Schaub has let his KO victories over 2 non-descript HW's go to his head big time, he thinks he's alot better than he actually is. Gonzaga is a noted frontrunner who can dominate as long as he faces no adversity. I'm thinking Gonzaga has enough experience and talent to keep the fight in his realm. Honestly I just don't think Schaub is ready for the leap in competition he's about to experience.

ManBearPig by Submission, Round 2

Tito Ortiz vs. Matt Hamill: Ortiz hasn't won a fight in 5 years, why start now?

Hamill by Unanimous Decision (after the fight Tito will reveal he had open heart surgery just a mere 6 hours before the fight)

Paulo Thiago vs. Diego Sanchez: I honestly have no idea about this fight

Thiago by Split Decision

Jake Shields vs. Martin Kampmann: Been feeling an upset vibe about this fight for awhile now. Add to the fact that there have been rumors of a Shields suffering an injury a while ago and having a little struggle getting back down to 170 and I think Kampmann has a real shot at this fight. The gameplans for both fighters are predictable, Shields needs to get this to the ground ASAP, while Kampmann would be wise to keep it standing as long as possible. I'm going against my instincts on this and picking Shields, but I won't be shocked if Kampmann manages to pull it out

Shield by Unanimous Decision

Brock Lesnar vs. Cain Velasquez: On the feet the advantage is clearly Cain's as he has the speed and technique to give Lesnar fits. The best strategy for Cain in this fight would be something similar to what Edgar pulled off against Penn. Lesnar hasn't dealt with a opponent who can leg kick like Cain so it could present some problems for Lesnar if Cain can take away his base. The problem for Cain is that the size disparity on going to difficult to overcome. I just don't see how Cain doesn't end up on his back at some point during this fight and once he goes down, I'm not sure he will get back up. If Cain goes the Edgar route, I can see him winning a decision, but the more I think about this fight, the more I see Lesnar punishing Cain from half-guard until the ref pulls him off

Lesnar by (T)KO, round 2

I've got it EXACTLY like you do. Even the breakdowns, except I'm not fighting my instinct. I'm taking Kampmann. Then again, I always take Kampmann....

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UFC 121: Paul Bunyan vs. Pancho Villa, picks:

Gabriel Gonzaga vs. Brendan Shaub: Either Gabe finally does what he's supposed to do and takes this fight to the ground, or it's a tossup. The edge goes to Gabe on paper. Experience and skillset wise, but the dude sometimes finds a way to lose. I think he realizes this is a do or die fight as far as being considered any sort of contender. Sometimes that threat can bring the very best out in people. If that happens to be the case, Gabe should win this.

Gabe, UD.

Tito Ortiz vs. Matt Hamill: Hamill's lumbering (sometimes sloppy) standup game has always seemed incredibly risky to bring in to a light heavyweight UFC fight. But probably not against Tito. I'll even venture to guess Hamill's wrestling and clinch game are on another level than Tito's. If because of nothing else, octagon rust. Hamill stays a step ahead, and Tito runs the Georgia Dome replica that sits on the top of his neck in to Matt's fist before the fight even gets out of the first.

Hamill, KO, round 1

Diego Sanchez vs. Paulo Thiago: Paulo's last outing was concerning, but Diego's was incredibly sobering, especially after Hathaway got beat up last week. This is not his division.

Thiago, UD.

Jake Shields vs. Martin Kampmann: People are high on Jake Shields. He owned Hendo after the first round of their fight, he shat on Strikeforce and wants to wipe with the UFC belt, and his thug posse will throw 5 sided fistagons at your domepiece if your ****ass ****s with them. But a few reasons why I'm picking Kampmann. 1) I think at this point, Hendo is in cruise mode. He seemed to almost accept Jake planting him on the mat every round. All he brought in to that fight was, you guessed it, a big right hand. 2) Shields didn't really get close to finishing Hendo, and how great is Henderson off his back? 3) Kampmann is more well-rounded, and will try his damndest to fight off the takedown. Am I trippin'? Is Jake Shields a takedown machine? Guess I'll prepare to eat crow for this one, but I'm sticking to the guns.

Kampmann, UD.

Brock Lesnar vs. Cain Velasquez: If Brock gets tagged by one of those mega-hooks Cain throws, yeah, goodnight Sally. But I just think Brock has a slight advantage everywhere else. He grinds Cain down and calls it a night after four.

Lesnar, TKO G&P, round 4.

Edited by d0ublestr0ker0ll
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Gonzaga vs Schaub: Gonzaga has the edge in the ground game, and experience, but thinks he is a striker since KOing Cro Cop and has proved that his chin is pretty suspect, and Schaub has KO power. Gonzaga has to do what got him to the dance, get it to the ground and go for the sub. Gonzaga by U dec.

Tito vs Hamil: I am a big Tito fan and have been since day one but he is long since championship caliber. I would normally say Tito needs to go for the Takedown but not in this fight. Hamil always has his hands down and with the exception of that head kick KO has never really been a threat on the feet. Tito has decent kick boxing that he used against Chuck in the second fight, and against Forrest in both fights (except for that horrible third round). I think the wrestling cancels each other out, and I think Tito is the better striker (did I just say that?) Tito takes this one by Split Decision.

Diego vs Thiago: I think Diego was still realing off of that stomping he got from Bj....With the excoetion of KO power Diego is the better striker, better wrestler, and good enough in the submission game not to get caught. Diego pushes the pace, and gets back in the win column with a TKO in round 2.

Shields vs Kampman: While this is a fight for a title shot, its probably the one I am least excited about. Kampman is gonna have to be on his toes and his back foot in order to stop the takedown, which will severly deaden his punching power. Even still Shields is to good of a wrestler and Jiu Jitsu player for that to stop him. Kampman has the punchers chance but Shields will take him down and dry hum him for his GSP/Koscheck title shot. Shields by U Dec

Brock vs Cain: I know who I want to win but I also know what I think will happen. If Cain can avoid the takedown, and use his speed, movement, and angles to pick Brock apart then he has a good chance of taking the fight......However what Brock lacks in standup (with the exception of his power cause his technique is horrible and leaves a ton of holes) he more than makes up for with agility, explosiveness, power, strength, and determinaiton. I havent seen anyone stop his takedown yet no reason to think this will be the fight it happens. I think it may go deep but at the end of the day Brock is still to big and to strong to take out. Brock Lesnar by TKO round 4

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Do you guys think this will be the biggest UFC ppv draw yet?

I'd be surprised if it was

UFC 100 had Lesnar & GSP, the 2 biggest draws on the same card.

Cain barely did 250k when he headlined the card with Nogueira. Cain's a beast, but I'm not sure how many casual fans know who he is. Big PPV #'s usually come from a greater amount of casual fans tuning in.

I think the card will break 1mil buys, but won't come close to the 1.7mil UFC 100 did

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If I have to, I watch on www.mmashare.com. They have a live stream that's free and then you can donate 5 dollars or something for an "HD" stream, which isn't really HD, just a bigger stream. I've donated before just because it's an awesome video website, but most of the times the free stream works really well.

Also, www.channelsurfing.net usually has a stream or two going.

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I'd be surprised if it was

UFC 100 had Lesnar & GSP, the 2 biggest draws on the same card.

Cain barely did 250k when he headlined the card with Nogueira. Cain's a beast, but I'm not sure how many casual fans know who he is. Big PPV #'s usually come from a greater amount of casual fans tuning in.

I think the card will break 1mil buys, but won't come close to the 1.7mil UFC 100 did

I totally forgot about 100, and yea I also think it'll break 1 million. Regardless, I'm excited!

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I'd be surprised if it was

UFC 100 had Lesnar & GSP, the 2 biggest draws on the same card.

Cain barely did 250k when he headlined the card with Nogueira. Cain's a beast, but I'm not sure how many casual fans know who he is. Big PPV #'s usually come from a greater amount of casual fans tuning in.

I think the card will break 1mil buys, but won't come close to the 1.7mil UFC 100 did

Don't underestimate the Mexican crowd Cain is bringing with him. I've heard a lot of buzz from the Mexicans I know, and the turnout Cain had in LA on the last Primetime was good too. This ppv will sell boatloads. Every fighter on one of Brock's cards should buy him a Coors Light.

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