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The closest I've ever seen Fedor to losing a fight was when he actually lost one. :cool: Although, he came back and wiped the pee stains on the bathroom tiles with that somn****. Pretty stupid call, IMO, the cut he had against Lindland was much worse.

Yeah, no one considers that a legitimate loss on his record though. That definitely should've been a NC.

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Yeah, no one considers that a legitimate loss on his record though. That definitely should've been a NC.

Right, it's hard to ignore when you proclaim him as the "best fighter in MMA history". People will ask, "oh really, what's his record?" Then you have to explain it like you're his agent.

"Well, see, he fought this guy, who was clearly inferior to him, and he got sliced with an elbow when elbows weren't legal in the promotion he was fighting in."

Then the person will say something stupid like, "but elbows are legal in the Ultimate Fighting Challenge".

"Correct, but rules stated that elbows were illegal. Like getting a running start is legal for a receiver to do in arena league, but not the NFL."

"But the arena league sucks, maybe he can't handle the elbows."

Then you want to say something like [but he can handle your mom], but you shrug it off and try to keep explaining, again, like you're his paid agent.

"The cut wasn't all that bad, and Fedor came back to beat the crap out of the dude in a rematch. He's basically 28-0 1NC."

By this time, the guy you're talking to has lost interest and says something in effect to stop the topic of conversation, "damn, that's crazy, dude did I tell you about what my girlfriend got me for Kwanzaa?"

Much harder to explain than, "he's 28 and motha ****in 0."

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Much harder to explain than, "he's 28 and motha ****in 0."

Lol, very true. It's kind of like Nick Diaz's vs. Gomi. He whipped Gomi's ass all over the ring that night and then submitted him with the gogoplata but it's a NC. I think in most fans minds we count that was a win for Diaz regardless of what the NSAC says.

Kind of like Anderson's "loss" to Okami too. They need to hurry up and fight again so Anderson can wipe that one off his record.

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I love Matt Hughes; he was probably my favorite fighter of all time but it is time for him to hang it up. I get the grudge match thing but he is done as a fighter. And if he wasnt such a dick he would make an excellent coach.

I hear his brother was even meaner then he was. I would have liked to have seen him fight.

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I love Matt Hughes; he was probably my favorite fighter of all time but it is time for him to hang it up. I get the grudge match thing but he is done as a fighter. And if he wasnt such a dick he would make an excellent coach.

I hear his brother was even meaner then he was. I would have liked to have seen him fight.

his brother did fight a few fights: http://sherdog.com/fighter/Mark-Hughes-268

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I don't understand why Matt never had the urge to work on his standup. I know he was so good at his wrestling that it worked constantly, but he had to have it in the back of his mind that having no standup was going to be his eventual downfall. Guess he was just riding the wave. If there was ever a guy I loved seeing shoot on someone, it was Matt Hughes. So fast and so fluid. Guys knew his punches were like a kid trying to hit a pinata with 5 blindfolds on, but he'd still throw them down with double legs. Amazing.

But the one-trick pony era is being whisked away as we speak. I hate to say it, but Serra has to be the favorite in this one, and I'll probably be picking him.

Edited by d0ublestr0ker0ll
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I don't understand why Matt never had the urge to work on his standup. I know he was so good at his wrestling that it worked constantly, but he had to have it in the back of his mind that having no standup was going to be his eventual downfall. Guess he was just riding the wave. If there was ever a guy I loved seeing shoot on someone, it was Matt Hughes. So fast and so fluid. Guys knew his punches were like a kid trying to hit a pinata with 5 blindfolds on, but he'd still throw them down with double legs. Amazing.

But the one-trick pony era is being whisked away as we speak. I hate to say it, but Serra might have this one in the bag.

around the carlos newton fight he was just so ****ing quick and when he slammed you the guy ALWAYS bounced their heads off the canvas. you just couldnt control it and you couldnt stop it. you would see him bob, weave and get in on a dude and then BOOM.

and that slam on newton where he was in the triangle and picked him up over his head is one of my favorites of all time.

I always wondered who had the better slam between him and Rampage. I personally liked Hughes but its hard to argue against Rampage.

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around the carlos newton fight he was just so ****ing quick and when he slammed you the guy ALWAYS bounced their heads off the canvas. you just couldnt control it and you couldnt stop it. you would see him bob, weave and get in on a dude and then BOOM.

and that slam on newton where he was in the triangle and picked him up over his head is one of my favorites of all time.

I always wondered who had the better slam between him and Rampage. I personally liked Hughes but its hard to argue against Rampage.

He slammed Newton a few times in their first fight. I love the first slam of that fight. Newton's toes almost touched his forehead. Matt had a great base, incredibly strong. When he had the underhooks you might as well straighten your tie because you're about to meet the canvas. That slam you're talking about is amazing because he walked him over to the cage like he was moving furniture.

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on another note, Hughes was blacked out during that slam of Newton. he didn't even know he had won the fight because he was close to being unconscious

yeah he did but he still got the decision for knocking him out. and honestly he would have been able to slam him earlier if newton wasnt holding on to the fence.

Newton was a freaking joke...the whole dragonball Z thing...

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yeah he did but he still got the decision for knocking him out. and honestly he would have been able to slam him earlier if newton wasnt holding on to the fence.

Newton was a freaking joke...the whole dragonball Z thing...

yeah Newton lives on another planet, damn good fighter though. he's another one of those fighters in which his record doesn't indicate how good he really was.

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yeah Newton lives on another planet, damn good fighter though. he's another one of those fighters in which his record doesn't indicate how good he really was.

I always thought of him like a Phil Baroni..guy had all the talent in the world and when he was on it was amazing..but after Hughes got to him I just saw him go down the tubes of UFC fast.

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^^^he does not agree with your statement :silly:

on another note, Hughes was blacked out during that slam of Newton. he didn't even know he had won the fight because he was close to being unconscious

If Aoki came to the UFC he'd HAVE to develop a standup game. Refs would stand him up and eventually deduct points when he starts sitting down more than Lions fans. He has epic BJJ, but so does Rouismar Pahlares and Big Nog. These guys that rely on epic jiu jitsu are bound to get caught or lose on points because they need a fight to settle on the ground.

Aoki can do some flying subs, but that crap won't hold water every fight.

I saw a list this week that had him as the #1 LW in the world. Cat lost in June, don't want to hear it.

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I saw a list this week that had him as the #1 LW in the world. Cat lost in June, don't want to hear it.

yeah i saw that ranking. i don't agree, but i can understand the argument. ranking within a division has to be based on accomplishment not just overall talent. BJ for as talented as he is has beaten a Jens Pulver, Joe Stevenson, & Sherk at LW. Sherk being the only victory inside the top 10. Aoki's done more at LW recently than Penn (he's 6-1 this year alone, the only loss coming in the 2nd fight of same night tourney against a man he previously submitted by gogoplata) he sub'd a top 3 alvarez, decisioned a top 5 (at the time) JZ.

again i don't agree with Aoki being ranked ahead of Penn, but i can understand the argument

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yeah i saw that ranking. i don't agree, but i can understand the argument. ranking within a division has to be based on accomplishment not just overall talent. BJ for as talented as he is has beaten a Jens Pulver, Joe Stevenson, & Sherk at LW. Sherk being the only victory inside the top 10. Aoki's done more at LW recently than Penn (he's 6-1 this year alone, the only loss coming in the 2nd fight of same night tourney against a man he previously submitted by gogoplata) he sub'd a top 3 alvarez, decisioned a top 5 (at the time) JZ.

again i don't agree with Aoki being ranked ahead of Penn, but i can understand the argument

Honestly, I think all the fighters you mentioned are overrated. This is why I don't post on Sherdog forums. There really isn't a way to tell where these guys are ranked unless they come to the UFC, (breaking news), but I feel like they're ranked so high because they've beaten shabby competition. Gogoplatas are simply insane, but Hansen doesn't pop out at me as the be-all-end-all of grapplers. In fact, I think he'd be a gatekeeper in the UFC 155 division. The only guy I saw in K-1 or DREAM in 2008 who could make a splash in the UFC is Gregard Mousassi. I think Alverez would come over here and end up getting handled by fighters more well-rounded than he's ever faced.

And JZ, yeah, he beat Ribiero, but I think THAT guy is overrated, as well.

The good thing is, all of these guys are young and have time to scoot on over here. I'd love to see how they do.

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LW division is the hardest to rank because the top fighters are almost evenly split between the UFC & Japan organizations.

i think Alvarez, JZ, & Kawajiri would do great in the UFC's LW division. they have similar styles to alot of the UFC's LW's. the only LW's in the UFC i would put over them now are Penn, Sherk, & Florian

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How about Aoki? I think he'd end up like Sakuraba. A superior grappler that your corner just tells you to knock the **** out.

depends on if they allow him to rock the rainbow tights :silly:

seriously though, i'm done doubting Aoki. i said before his matches with JZ & Alvarez that he'd never get them to the ground, but he did and wrapped them into pretzels.

Aoki doesn't look it, but he's actually pretty strong. he's fought at 170 before a couple of times. add to the fact that he very good at Judo and uses it to get fights to the ground (not with highlight reel throws, more with clinching and dragging his opponent to the ground)

i think Aoki would be virutally guaranteed to lose to Penn & Sherk (who i believe is unsubbable - if thats not a word, it should be). i would love to see him fight I Finish Fights. Aoki has a great chance against the rest of the divison, he's beaten guys of their style before.

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depends on if they allow him to rock the rainbow tights :silly:

seriously though, i'm done doubting Aoki. i said before his matches with JZ & Alvarez that he'd never get them to the ground, but he did and wrapped them into pretzels.

Aoki doesn't look it, but he's actually pretty strong. he's fought at 170 before a couple of times. add to the fact that he very good at Judo and uses it to get fights to the ground (not with highlight reel throws, more with clinching and dragging his opponent to the ground)

i think Aoki would be virutally guaranteed to lose to Penn & Sherk (who i believe is unsubbable - if thats not a word, it should be). i would love to see him fight I Finish Fights. Aoki has a great chance against the rest of the divison, he's beaten guys of their style before.


The rainbow tights are just plain-white tights with colored glue on them. Aoki definitely is strong. He isn't buff by any means, let's just say he's like a twig off a redwood tree. The guy has tenacity up the assity, and like you said, he isn't going to Judo throw you like GSP did to Hughes, but if he gets ahold of you, it's like a squid finding it's dinner - He grabs on and doesn't let go. I'd like to see him go against Tyson Griffin. See if he can topple that building before getting pegged.

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How about Aoki? I think he'd end up like Sakuraba. A superior grappler that your corner just tells you to knock the **** out.

In a cage with UFC rules Aoki is toast. In a ring with Japanese rules Aoki is as hard to beat as anyone. Elbows really destroy guard work, and the cage isn't really conducive to grappling either. It has become too much of a tool for my taste. It is too many fighters goals when they get to the ground to just drag and push their opponent against the fence in their corner instead of just staying where they are fighting like they do in a ring.

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