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I don't see hughes winning at all. I might be alone in this one but i see Penn by domination.

I'm worried because Hughes is on a 3 fight win streak, during which he showed some surprising new striking elements in his game. Penn is on a 2 fight losing streak in which he showed only that he's back to being uninspired and is no longer interested in using his jujitsu skills.

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UFC 123: To The Death!!!!!!!!!............or whenever I get tired

Gerald Harris vs. Maiquel Falcao: Not too familiar with Falcao, I've only seen him fight a couple of times. he fits the mold of a typical Chute Boxe fighter, heavy on aggression, with his technique faltering at time. As long as Harris can stay away from something heavy on the feet, he should be able to drag the fight to the ground and do enough damage to get a stoppage.

Harris by (T)KO, 3rd Round

George Sotiropoulis vs. Joe Lauzon: Sot. probably has the edge technically in every area of the fight, although Lauzon's reach could present some issues. This fight comes down to how well Sot. can deal with Lauzon's aggressiveness. Aggression can mask alot of flaws, but I think Sot. will prove to be on a different level. Lauzon is obviously talented, but the best name on his record right now is probably Jeremy Stephens. Sot. has fought and defeated the better competition and I think he wins this fight in all areas.

Sotiropoulis by Unanimous Decision

Phil Davis vs. Tim Boetsch: outside of Boetsch catching Davis with something heavy on the feet, i'm not sure how Tim can win this fight. Davis probably has the best wrestling credentials at 205lbs in the UFC, and he's shown that he's picking up jiu-jitsu to complement his wrestling. This looks and feels like a showcase fight for Davis before they move up his level of competition. I think Davis wins this fight wherever it takes place, but he will get it to the ground and find a submission after Boetsch gasses from being worked over.

Davis by Submission, 2nd Round

Matt Hughes vs. BJ Penn: I could easily see this fight going either way. BJ is still far more talented a fighter, but Matt is far more mentally stable. I'm picking BJ mainly because I view this as really his last chance to really make a statement. his legacy will always be defined as "one of the most talented fighters to ever do it, but also one of the laziest". The fact that he's keeping the same training partners around, probably isn't a good thing. BJ needs to be challenged, but I don't think he's getting that kind of challenge in Hawaii. Still I think BJ will have the edge standing, since Hughes doesn't present anything BJ can't prepare for. His problem with Edgar was speed and movement, Hughes really has neither. As long as BJ doesn't gas, this fight is his (we've heard that before lol)

Penn by (T)KO, 2nd Round

Lyoto Machida vs. Rampage Jackson: Listening to Rampage promote this fight, he seems to already be working on the "he didn't beat me, he just outscored me" defense. Outside of Machida stepping into one of Rampages rockets, I see a long night for Mr. Jackson. I see Machida staying out of range for the most part, and destroying Rampage's limbs with repeated leg kicks. Rampage's offense has been reduced to a basic boxing attack of staying back and waiting to counter, that style cannot beat Machida. Defensively, Rampage has great defense for punches, horrible defense for every other form of strike. Against a varied striker, like Machida, it will be his downfall. I also feel Machida is much better mentally right now. Rampage has fallen into that "I just want to put on exciting fights" mode, fighters who talk like that usually are mid-carders. Bottom line, Rampage could definitely end it at anytime if he lands the right shot, but I'm just see way too many positives for Machida in this matchup to think Rampage has any real shot of winning.

Machida by Unanimous Decision

Edited by StillUnknown
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Karo Parisyan vs. Dennis Hallman

I'm interested to see how Karo does upon his return. He had some personal issues going on with panic attacks and abusing prescription drugs. This should be a good comeback fight for him. Dennis Hallman is a good test but he's got damn near 60 bouts under his belt.

Karo by UD

George Sotiropoulis vs. Joe Lauzon:

I might be more excited about this fight than any other on the card lol. These guys both come to fight and this could easily be FOTN. I give the edge to Sotiropoulis but Lauzon can't be counted out in any facet of the game.

Lauzon by surprise TKO Round 2

Phil Davis vs. Tim Boetsch:

I don't see much of a contest here. Boetsch has a chance at a lucky KO, but he's likely going to be taken down and controlled in this fight. I think this is Davis' first main card bout so he will probably be on people's radar after this one.

Davis RNC Round 2

Matt Hughes vs. BJ Penn:

Finally, the rubber match between these two. It's kind of happening at an appropriate time too. Both are getting older and seem to be at odd places in their careers. People shouldn't be fooled by each fighter's recent histories. BJ is coming off of two straight losses but both are against Frankie Edgar who looks unstoppable at LW right now (at least until Aldo moves up). Before that though, BJ looked as dominant as ever against K Flo and Diego Sanchez. Matt Hughes on the other hand is coming off of a three-fight win streak, but one is against a Renzo Gracie who has no business in the octagon at this point and another is against Matt Serra. Hughes' front headlock chokeout of Ricardo Almeida was very impressive though and you can bet BJ is polishing his ground game for this fight. As usual, it comes down to BJ's gas tank and which BJ shows up. BJ looked dominant in their 2nd fight until he ran out of gas. If he's well-conditioned I think he finishes Matt Hughes.

BJ by TKO, Round 2

Lyoto Machida vs. Rampage Jackson:

Machida, for all purposes is coming off of two straight losses to Shogun :D

In both of the fights, he just didn't look like the fighter that was hyped so much after convincing wins over Thiago Silva and Rashad. A lot of his mystique was wiped away with Shogun's aggressive MT. Rampage on the other hand, got a taste of Hollywood money and doesn't look like he cares that much anymore. Despite him claiming that he's motivated in the interviews leading up to this fight, his demeanor doesn't match his words. He was obviously disappointed in his loss to Rashad, even though he had a decent chance to finish him but looked to out of shape to capitalize on it. I want Rampage to come in and KO Machida, but I don't have the faith in him to call it. If Machida survives some early bombs I think his defense and speed will present problems for Rampage. I'm hoping I'm wrong but:

Machida by UD

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UFC 123: A Fairwell to Penn and Page

Karo Parisyan vs. Dennis Hallman

I have a hard time rooting for Karo but I feel bad for the guy. He'd better impress tonight.

Karo by judo throw through the cage. Hallman ends up in a pile of fence-grated cheese on Mike and Joe's table.

George Sotiropoulis vs. Joe Lauzon:

Fight of the night potential for sure. George has the edge on the mat, Joe has the edge standing. USA! USA! (I agree with 98, whose template I thieved for this post.)

Lauzon by surprise TKO Round 2

Phil Davis vs. Tim Boetsch:

Phil Davis will give Boetsch the same beating Boetsch gave David Heath..

..and then drop down on Tim's lifeless body and begin devouring his entrails. Davis by mauling, rd 1.

Matt Hughes vs. BJ Penn:

For me to even pretend I have a technical handle on how this fight will go is moot because I'm rabidly rooting for my mancrush BJ Penn. I just can't help but see his career as burning out while Matt's has found new life. Also- we all know Matt won't gas and we all know BJ probably will after 2, especially if he winds up on his back.

I don't pick against BJ Penn.

Lyoto Machida vs. Rampage Jackson:

Machida will avoid getting hit and pick Quinton's legs apart. By the 3rd round when Page is immobile, frustrated, and tired, Lyoto will finish him. Having said all that I agree with 98. Go Rampage. Love ya. Knock the Dragon out of the picture.

Machida by TKO, rd 3.

Edited by Chachie
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Legendary MMA heavyweight Don Frye has predicted Randy Couture will soon beat Cain Velasquez to win a sixth UFC title, insisting The Natural would "whoop Cain's ass".

Frye fought 11 times in the UFC, winning ten, and his aggressive wrestling base combined with trademark moustache won him a squadron of diehard fans. The Predator competed back when rounds did not exist in the UFC, once going over 11 minutes with Mark Coleman, and he claims some of the present generation need to remember that they are fighters.

"Sometimes you get these guys in there who are worried about their hair and being on TV," Frye was quoted as saying by Hurtsbad. "They're not interested in fighting. They're not in there to win, they're in there to not lose. There is a hell of a difference."

Frye's interest will always largely rest in the heavyweight division, where he is pleased to see Brock Lesnar no longer holding the UFC strap.

"We have all had to watch Brock Lesnar fart around. That guy is an embarrassment," said Frye. "God damn, you get to hand pick his opponents for him for a while then someone who is a half way decent athlete comes along and hits him once and he pisses his pants and runs. If he wasn't in a cage he would still be running."

The "half way decent" comment can be understood as a derogatory assessment of new champion Velasquez who, in Frye's eyes, would lose comfortably to Couture.

"I'd never seen him fight until he fought that jackass Brock. He doesn't impress me, you could have sent a cheerleader in there to slap Brock around he's so afraid of getting hit.

"I'll bet $1,000 Randy can whoop Cain's ass. Randy can handle anybody that's 240 pounds. He handled Brock who was 280 at the time. The thing is Randy can't throw a punch through a wet paper bag, that's why he didn't hurt Brock but he can out wrestle Cain all night long."

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A little late, but I'll take:

Simpson by TKo in the 3rd (probably over before I'm done typing)

Brown by Sub

Harris by decision

Davis by GnP

Lauzon by...... someway or another. I don't like Sotiropolis. He's was a dick on TUF

Penn by RNC. He's back!!!!!! He has to be or he's done anyway. If Hughes can control him at this stage of his career, anyone at 170 can and enough guys at 155 could as well. Penn will stick and move, drop Hughes, and sub him. I am very excited for this one.

Rampage by KO. I was thinking Machida all month, but now I keep picturing Rampage catching him once and KO'ing him. Rooting for a Machida finish though.

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Antoine Dodson... shown in attendance as a celebrity at UFC 123.


Falco, however you spell his name, should have been DQ'd for holding that choke so long after the bell and AFTER the ref started pulling on his head. That's some serious BS.

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Yeah, Falco is looking way better than Harris but he should have been DQed for that choke. He held it a couple seconds after the ref jumped in and tried to pull him off...and that was even after the horn. He was just trying to hurt him with it as much as he could before going to his corner.

Edit: Nevermind, Falco is taking the third round off...he does realize Dana White actually watches these things right? He was cheap with the choke and took the final round off....Dana is really big on guys that finish fights.

Edited by Unforgiven
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