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Anything MMA, except thumb wrestling


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Yes, we watched the fight, and the majority of us actually understood how impressive that was. You obviously had no clue how amazing it was to dominate a guy that talented for 24 minutes.

Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean you need to comment on it.

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Where they wear giant pads on their hands and clinch and hug more than MMA? Ok.

Why all MMA fans say the samething...we are talking about registered hands here you know fists can be used as weapons so I wonder if any of these MMA fights has registered hands...when you combine all that stuff you just get a bunch of hugging I mean how can you respect the sport when Silva made a mockery of it in his last fight...

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Yes, we watched the fight, and the majority of us actually understood how impressive that was. You obviously had no clue how amazing it was to dominate a guy that talented for 24 minutes.

Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean you need to comment on it.

Due to the allowing of "hugging" what was so impressive about it???

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Why all MMA fans say the samething...we are talking about registered hands here you know fists can be used as weapons so I wonder if any of these MMA fights has registered hands...when you combine all that stuff you just get a bunch of hugging I mean how can you respect the sport when Silva made a mockery of it in his last fight...

I actually like boxing also, but I'm a big MMA fan.

But you make this argument that MMA is just hugging, where there are far more knockouts and violent endings than in boxing where you see guys just clinch and have to be separated constantly in the majority of the fights.

I'm not sure what you're talking about with registered hands.

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Due to the allowing of "hugging" what was so impressive about it???

Having control on the ground isn't hugging. You show a lot of ignorance and disrespect to the wrestling aspect of MMA every time you say this. Wrestling is a skill. Sonnen used his wrestling ability to control Silva and do damage from a dominant position. He was throwing a lot of punches from that position.

If you can't respect that then you have no business watching the sport.

At this point you seem like you're trolling.

Edited by dfbovey
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Having control on the ground isn't hugging. You show a lot of ignorance and disrespect to the wrestling aspect of MMA every time you say this. Wrestling is a skill. Sonnen used his wrestling ability to control Silva and do damage from a dominant position.

If you can't respect that then you have no business watching the sport.

At this point you seem like you're trolling.

Is it a skill to hold his hands back from punching him like a female???

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I mean how can you respect the sport when Silva made a mockery of it in his last fight...

so, just because one man acts like a deuche, it means the whole sport is a bunch of deuches ? since you claim to watch boxing, you must not have paid attention to all the showboating that goes on in the ring

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In boxing once they hug then it is broken up within seconds, but in the UFC they allow hugging throughout the whole fight...I think you guys are upset that a South American is dominating your favorite sport...

It's pretty obvious you have no clue what you're talking about and you're just trying to annoy people with your ignorance.

Also, is English your native language? (just curious)

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Did you guys watch the fight??? The submission was cool, but other than that it was a bunch of hugging on the ground...

You're ignorant to ground work, simple as that. Have you ever rolled with anyone? Sonnen landed some slick shots on the ground throughout the fight, he kept busy at all costs. Did the ref ever even threaten to stand the fight up at all? All of a sudden, if a fighter can keep his opponent down, he is ONLY hugging. Shut up dude, take those short elbows and punches and then come back and talk to us. Sonnen was working the entire time.

You know how hard it is to free up arms to land punches on the ground against a BJJ black belt? Incredibly. It's so much easier to talk **** about then it is to perform. Go watch the WWF.

Edited by d0ublestr0ker0ll
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so, just because one man acts like a deuche, it means the whole sport is a bunch of deuches ? since you claim to watch boxing, you must not have paid attention to all the showboating that goes on in the ring

There is showboating and there is running away from a fight...

But i'm gone now, thought I killed off enough time before heading out, but you guys have fun now.

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I think it's alcohol

Yeah I'm guessing that also.

Some of those posts about registered hands I had no clue what he was talking about.

(Gonna take a wild guess and say he's talking about registering your hands as deadly weapons, which is an urban legend/myth)

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There is showboating and there is running away from a fight...

But i'm gone now, thought I killed off enough time before heading out, but you guys have fun now.

WTF are you talking about?

I think you should just avoid this thread.

Quit trolling.

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Yeah I'm guessing that also.

Some of those posts about registered hands I had no clue what he was talking about.

(Gonna take a wild guess and say he's talking about registering your hands as deadly weapons, which is an urban legend/myth)

In certain states, I do believe boxers have to register their hands.

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Is it a skill to hold his hands back from punching him like a female???

If you are in a life-or-death situation, I bet you wouldn't hesitate to hold a person's hands back. It isn't a question of masculinity, I guarantee these people who practice fighting and conditioning 8 hours a day are more manly than you are.

They are fighting for money, for their families, for their childrens' futures...and they are supposed to think about how holding a person's wrist down is "feminine" to ignorant a-holes who have no idea what they are talking about?

Edited by d0ublestr0ker0ll
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I know what u mean ATL and I somewhat feel the same way. Alot of guys win fights by being able to keep the other guy in a clinch or tackling someone and occasionally landing little pot shots that do little damage while on top of them. Shows how special a guy like Silva is when he can beat the other guy in these situations. Its much easier to tackle someone who's trying to stand up and punch and I think they reward the shoot too much. IMO, clean crosses or straight punches should account for more than tackling someone and not doing anything but keeping them on the ground or 'laying' on them.

Edited by TheShredSkinz
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