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When Arrington Returns December 30


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man, my neice doesn't get attached like some of you grown "men" do. lavar is no longer a redskin and should be treated accordingly. if you are a "fan" and you cheer for that chump you've become a giant fan. I swear, yall act like he birthed your first born. he was a cool guy and all but what has he done in the past two years?

Well said, my friend...WELL SAID! :applause:

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My buddy and I will be burning an authentic 56 Arrington jersey in the parking lot before the game, if anyone would like to join in and add to the bonfire. Should we call it the Bonfire of the Vanities?

The other day at the Hall of Fame stadium store, I was offered a free kids' jersey for purchasing more than $100 of merchandise. The choices were Arrington or Ramsey. I didn't really want my son wearing either one, but I figured out in about 2 nano-seconds that I'd rather take the Ramsey. But now I kind of wish that I'd have gotten the Arrington, to add to the bonfire on December 30.

Folks on here are funny!!!! You are going to act like that because of a dag on football player!!!!!! Give me a break, some of you folks need something else to do with your lives other then think a jock broke your hearts!!!!!

As I have said before, if you were put in that same set of circumstances you probably would have done the same thing that he did. Good grief!!!!!

How about this take that hostility that you have for him out on a basketball or football, or a golf ball. Get out and play yourself!!!

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If I could be there I had better hear boos. He didn't set any records, he didn't win any SB's, He was a decent player while he was here. There is no reason to treat him for what he is and right now he is a Giant. Thanks for the highlights Lavar, but we are going to win without you now. The defense only got better during his absence.

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I wouldn't boo nor cheer him if I was there. I pull for the Redskins and the players wearing the jerseys and when they dont wear the jersey anymore, then I stop pulling for them. I appreciate the good things he did, but he's now the enemy, he's wearing Giant Blue. If he does well, the Giants do well, and we dont want that.

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This is what I will shout and I quote:


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I think that lavar set himself up by saying he would be a redskin for life and would retire before he would go elsewhere. He put his own foot in his mouth and if he gets booed then in my opinion he deserves it. Obviously, the coaching staff knows what they are doing if they decided to let him go. Yes he has talent and he did do a lot for us, but he also got beat at trying to be a hero and our team paid the price. As much as he was responsible for wins he was responsible for losses as well. In closing, I would say that he should get booed when comes here. He is now a vistor in a divsion rival. If he were playing for the steelers or the falcons or some other team I could see people applauding, but he wanted to show up the team by going to a divsion rival and by doing that he wants to show up the team. Best of luck to him he is going to need it when comes into Fed EX.

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Just out of curiosity...since so much of your diatribe assaults the man's character.....what have you done in the local community? what makes you (or all others really) qualified to judge the man? what makes you a paragon of virtue entitled to revile another person? there is the business of football...and there is the person above and beyond football. you people flip like a light switch...makes one wonder how much substance is really there.

Not really a valid point at all. Give me time off work for 2 months out of the year and $68million and I'll be at the Boys and Girls clubs every day of the week.

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"Not really a valid point at all. Give me time off work for 2 months out of the year and $68million and I'll be at the Boys and Girls clubs every day of the week."

uh huh. I did volunteer work at Children's Hospital while holding down a full time job. It's not a contingency based virtue - you either do it or you don't.

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"Not really a valid point at all. Give me time off work for 2 months out of the year and $68million and I'll be at the Boys and Girls clubs every day of the week."

uh huh. I did volunteer work at Children's Hospital while holding down a full time job. It's not a contingency based virtue - you either do it or you don't.

To defend LaVar Arrington based on who he is outside of football is ludicris at best. These are things a guy with his kind of money and time SHOULD be doing. To call out fans who don't have the privileges that this guy has for not taking into consideration that LaVar spends some time doing charity work doesn't make any sense.

As you said before, there is the business of football. That is what this discussion is about. People are bashing LaVar for the things he did within this context. I don't recall seeing a single post about how terrible a person LaVar is outside of this context.

What makes us paragons of virtue? What makes you a paragon of virtue entitled to revile anybody here? You calling people out for disparaging LaVar is no better than them calling him out and disparaging him. Hi pot, meet kettle.

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"To defend LaVar Arrington based on who he is outside of football is ludicris at best. These are things a guy with his kind of money and time SHOULD be doing. To call out fans who don't have the privileges that this guy has for not taking into consideration that LaVar spends some time doing charity work doesn't make any sense.

As you said before, there is the business of football. That is what this discussion is about. People are bashing LaVar for the things he did within this context. I don't recall seeing a single post about how terrible a person LaVar is outside of this context.

What makes us paragons of virtue? What makes you a paragon of virtue entitled to revile anybody here? You calling people out for disparaging LaVar is no better than them calling him out and disparaging him. Hi pot, meet kettle."

yawn. maybe in your view of the world.

there are PR appearances and there is community service.

"should" is a normative term. it would seem the weights are a bit uneven on this balance. ok for you to lard the conversation with value based assertions but not others?

Arrington was called out by other players as being above and beyond when it came to community service.

read the posts. Arrington's character, intelligence (some of it blatantly racist), etc., etc., was attacked on multiple occasions.

the notion in play...in case the subtlty escaped you...was the arrant lack of balance in these posts. LA was in it for the money - that much was obvious from day 1 when he quibbled with the NFL over jersey proceeds. so why is anyone surprised? the signals were there all along. he had great games, he had mediocre games. he dominated and he was injured. he rolled over for management and he fought it at other times. he said the right things and he said he said the wrong things.

I'll just have to live with the public shame of calling people out. it's a horrible burden to bear. btw....you never answered the question...what have you done? what obligation have you felt to help others? what is it you "should" be doing? and please...having the time...having the money.......are....well....excuses that do not recognize the inherent goodness in what was done and the sort of character that engages in these things.

on a tangent...let's get real...the thread itself is silly: "Am I going to boo an opposing team's player at a Skins' game?" now there's a deep subject for ya! much of this and other posts reads more like a jilted EX caterwauling publicly - it's more revealing of the poster than the target!

so...this pot bids adieu to you fair kettle.....

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I said this in a round about way in another thread. I'm concerned about him playing against us. He's healthy, a smart player and very strong. No matter what we know about him, he's still going to be a challenge. But no hard feelings, I still respect him as a player. No cheers or boos. That is until the skins do something good or bad.

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I will applaud him as well I have no ill feelings towards him even though he might have some bitterness towards the Skins. I wish him well really not against us of course, I wish nothing but pain :D not in a sense where he would get injuried you know what I mean.

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I am sad LA is gone, and I will definitely applaud his efforts against everyone but US. My hope is he gets smashed against us, misses assignments, and just sucks up the joint...but I like him as a player, and I really agree with the sentiment that he supported our team when we just blew in the league.

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I hated to see Lavar go I'm still some what of a fan of his. Joe Gibbs made a

way for him to stay but he choice to go. I wouldn't boo the guy if I were at

Fed Ex when he returned to play agianst us ( unless he had gone to Dallas)

but I sure as heck want be pulling for him. I hope our guys wear him and his

new team the Gaints out.

rmilton Texas' biggest Redskins fan

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yawn. maybe in your view of the world.

there are PR appearances and there is community service.

"should" is a normative term. it would seem the weights are a bit uneven on this balance. ok for you to lard the conversation with value based assertions but not others?

Arrington was called out by other players as being above and beyond when it came to community service.

read the posts. Arrington's character, intelligence (some of it blatantly racist), etc., etc., was attacked on multiple occasions.

the notion in play...in case the subtlty escaped you...was the arrant lack of balance in these posts. LA was in it for the money - that much was obvious from day 1 when he quibbled with the NFL over jersey proceeds. so why is anyone surprised? the signals were there all along. he had great games, he had mediocre games. he dominated and he was injured. he rolled over for management and he fought it at other times. he said the right things and he said he said the wrong things.

I'll just have to live with the public shame of calling people out. it's a horrible burden to bear. btw....you never answered the question...what have you done? what obligation have you felt to help others? what is it you "should" be doing? and please...having the time...having the money.......are....well....excuses that do not recognize the inherent goodness in what was done and the sort of character that engages in these things.

on a tangent...let's get real...the thread itself is silly: "Am I going to boo an opposing team's player at a Skins' game?" now there's a deep subject for ya! much of this and other posts reads more like a jilted EX caterwauling publicly - it's more revealing of the poster than the target!

so...this pot bids adieu to you fair kettle.....


Firstly, I'm smart enough to know that a message board is not the place to post my charitable resume.

Your hubris is staggering. :rolleyes:

Please let us commoners know when you get down off your high-horse. Until then keep your nose in the sky and argue the finer points of human nature by yourself. I'm done. Please feel free to put me on your ignore list.

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errr...I'm not the one attacking others in a public forumn. just questioning what qualifies you and others to do so. you can shut your mind down as you chose......

btw...not asking for your resume.....it usually takes one instance to refute a generalization......but yes...you're just the best person in the world and are fully within your rights to come on the board and rip some player you have no personal knowledge of......have at it!

as for being a commoner...not sure how we got there from "what qualifies you...."....but I suppose that's all part of the "game"......as for human nature...glad to hear that's low on your list of priorities....but we knew that already....toodles!!!!!

almost forgot...one would think that hubris is more aptly applied to those bashing Arrington in such a reckless fashion......

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errr...I'm not the one attacking others in a public forumn. just questioning what qualifies you and others to do so. you can shut your mind down as you chose......

btw...not asking for your resume.....it usually takes one instance to refute a generalization......but yes...you're just the best person in the world and are fully within your rights to come on the board and rip some player you have no personal knowledge of......have at it!

as for being a commoner...not sure how we got there from "what qualifies you...."....but I suppose that's all part of the "game"......as for human nature...glad to hear that's low on your list of priorities....but we knew that already....toodles!!!!!

almost forgot...one would think that hubris is more aptly applied to those bashing Arrington in such a reckless fashion......


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