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N. Korea fires missile


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it is very hard to stomach watching Madeline Halfbright and Bill Richardson this morning saying how Bush has messed everything up-

but THEY were the ones dealing with the Koreans from 1992-2000 when we could have stopped them from getting a nuke in the first place.

it is amazing that the same two people who failed themselves, now are interviewed as "experts" on what Bush is doing :doh:

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It's hard to assign blame here, NK is so far beyond the pale that even the Chinese don't like dealing with them, other than as a foil against us and our allies.

If you eliminate outright military force, you don't have a lot of options.

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If you eliminate outright military force, you don't have a lot of options.

And right off the top of my head, I can think of two countries that would object to military action (in ways that are important).


And South Korea.

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Libs have no clue about historical trends, strategic policy or military tactics. Thanks Maddy Albright!!

Historical trends? Hitler built an army that could take on the world. NK doesn't have an army that could threaten anything more then South Korea. It couldn't get troops to Japan even if it wanted to and it sure as hell couldn't defeat china.

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I still remember many of the lefties all whining about what a war monger the President was when he made the "Axis of Evil" speech back in 2002.

With North Korea launching missiles the same week that the Iranians stonewall the Euros and simultaneously supporting Hamas launching missiles into Israel-

does anyone want to say that the President was wrong?

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IT doesn't matter what opinions Lefties or righties have. We cannot drop a nuke on them or anyone else. It will severely distabilize the fragile bonds we and other countries have with each other.

Now.... I do believe something has to be done, and I think that more than a few countries have to be involved with talking with NK. IF they continue down this path.... military action will have to be taken...

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The News said that North Korea started launching the Six missles at same time as Space shuttle was launched. The Big rocket booster landed in Indian ocean. I wonder if they were trying to shoot at the Shuttle. The News said the Defense shield was up and in process of getting shoot down orders when the long range missle crashed just 42 seconds into flight.

The shuttle launches towards the East from FL. No way in hell they could get near it by also firing to the East. The shuttle is WAY faster and completely out of range.

If they were trying to shoot at the shuttle, it would have been wiser to fire towards the West and even then they couldn't hit it.

N Korea just F'd themselves by doing this. They've only proven that they have nothing for any of us to worry about. The only thing protecting them now is that it failed. But... there's a part of me that thinks maybe they want us to think it failed... to provoke us.

Everything about their tests yesterday was all provacation. It was our 4th of July, the Shuttle was launched and instead of enjoying our day of success, were thrown into dealing with them again. It was pure provacation and attention-seeked.

Kim Jung Il is an attention-whore. Nothing else. That country is teetering on bankruptcy and they're running out of options. Had that missled tested admirably, they're only hope was to blackmail the US and UN into nation building funds rather than sanctions. But... that's not gonna happen now. And especially since their track record of loans has produced nothing but more poverty and more weapons productions.

I say we simply sit back and watch the country self-destruct when they run out of money. We'll continue to raid their illegal weapons shipping boats... the only income they seem to have.

END RANT.:2cents:

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I still remember many of the lefties all whining about what a war monger the President was when he made the "Axis of Evil" speech back in 2002.

With North Korea launching missiles the same week that the Iranians stonewall the Euros and simultaneously supporting Hamas launching missiles into Israel-

does anyone want to say that the President was wrong?

Hippies are counter productive. All they do is F up progress.

If I ever question what the president is doing, I go to military blog sites to see what ACTUAL TROOPS are saying and doing and how they feel about the presidents decisions. MSLSD isn't gonna tell you anything. Or CNN.

www.blackfive.net is one of my favorite military blog sites.

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I still remember many of the lefties all whining about what a war monger the President was when he made the "Axis of Evil" speech back in 2002.

With North Korea launching missiles the same week that the Iranians stonewall the Euros and simultaneously supporting Hamas launching missiles into Israel-

does anyone want to say that the President was wrong?

Damn. Beat me to it. CBS will probably be breaking into my wife's soaps with an urgent bulletin...

"This just in...The President was right..."

(Hey, I can dream, can't I?) :)

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Anyone that disagrees with Bush... IMHO, they only disagree because they wish anyone but HIM was doing what he's doing. That's how I feel.

Right - I really wish someone else was ignoring the immigration problem and the health care problem. How did you know?! :rolleyes:

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Back on target.... Lets not forget we are supposed to be pissed at Kim Jong Il, not each other...

Full Article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/05/AR2006070500217.html

North Korea Test-Fires Seventh Missile

Launch Comes After Controversial Long-Range Rocket Fails; U.N. Session Set After U.S., Japan Condemn Action

By Anthony Faiola

Washington Post Foreign Service

Wednesday, July 5, 2006; 10:52 AM

TOKYO July 5 -- Japan slapped limited economic sanctions on North Korea Wednesday and moved with the United States to condemn Pyongyang in advance of a hastily called session of the U. N. Security Council after the Stalinist state unnerved the region by test launching a barrage of least seven missiles.

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Right - I really wish someone else was ignoring the immigration problem and the health care problem. How did you know?! :rolleyes:

We're talking about the Axis of Evil.

As far as domestic issues, a lot of stuff can fall on the states not doing anything.

And as for the immigration problem... how can Bush be blamed for stuff that Congress DIDN'T enforce back the 80's? This is all fallout that he's gotta deal with. How does that make it entirely his fault? When an issue spans the terms of numerous presidents, why are you picking only Bush as the problem?

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Right - I really wish someone else was ignoring the immigration problem and the health care problem. How did you know?! :rolleyes:

Yeah, those problems only started under Bush. It's not like those problems ever existed under the 8 years of Clinton's presidency. :rolleyes:

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So what does everyone think the US response should be to what North Korea did yesterday?

I would test fire missles from our subs stationed off their shores (in international waters of course).

Their reactions in order would be:

1) Where'd that come from?

2) Dang, their **** actually works!

3) We were just kidding. ;)

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So what does everyone think the US response should be to what North Korea did yesterday?

Well economic sanctions are starting to occur... I think the US and Japan both have already imposed theirs....

I really think it will have a lot to do with the meetings with Kim Jong Il that will occur over the next couple days/weeks. He has 2 choices. 1 is to accept that his attempt at having a viable ballistic missle is farther of than he realized, and basically do whatever the international community wants him to do. 2nd option is for the crazy nutcase to announce it was a complete success, further his program and really piss of the international community then forcing us to possible use military force. How I don't know...

IMHO.... I think the best course of action is for the U.S. and Japan to talk to China to get them more involved in the talks, as I think NK would probably listen to them better than us.

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