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Invincible (Movie about Iggles)


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Has anyone seen the preview for this? I'm kind of bitter that when we get a movie made about us, Gene Hackman is our coach, and we're the "Washington Sentinels;" whereas when Philly gets a movie made about them, everything stays the same. But Greg Kinnear as Vermeil is kind of weird.

I think that the purpose of uplifting sports movies is defeated when they're about an opposing team. I don't know about y'all, but I'll probably come out of this movie upset over Philly winning.

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5D5VEBXTrY&search=invincible

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It looks pretty good. I despise the Eagles, but I might go see it. One of the things that draws me to it is that it's about a fan that ends up making the team. It doesn't matter if it's a fan of any other team in the NFL, it's just a good story.

One of my favorite football movies is "Rudy", and I think this movie might give me the same feelings if I watch it. Will it really matter if it's the Eagles? Like BleedBNG said, we have 3 SuperBowls. We are also getting to witness the magic of Joe Gibbs for a second time. Let the Eagles have their movie. :)

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It is about one of the most hilarious things Dick ever did, he came onto the team and said We have horrible football players, I'd be better off just bringing Joes off the street.

So he did, he brought in guys from docks and warehouses all across NJ, Philly, MD, and NY and they busted their ass against the "Over paid whiny Eagles" of the time.

I heard the one guy who actually made the team talk on the Bram Weinstein show a few months ago, he was a really cool old man.

anyway :eaglesuck

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u mean the story in "the replacements" wasnt true????

that movie was loosley based on the '87 strike year, but the reason all the teams were fictional is because they need permission from the NFL to use real teams names. Because the strike was an embarrasment to the NFL, they of course refused.

..this is true with any football movie - the NFL won't give permission if it makes them look bad in any way. - Like "Any Given Sunday" was fictional teams because they made the players and teams all look like criminals and head cases. - Jerry Maguire was allowed because it was a feel good story.

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"Do you think the bass is taking away from the vocals?...feel, feel, feel...feel my heat!"-Dirk Diggler

Whatever, the guys a good actor, I guess, but what's the point. I mean, Rudy is the ultimate feel good movie that is football related. It warms the heart b/c the underdog/ the nobody gets a shot. Do we need another knock off, honestly? Iggles or not, it's seems pointless. I'll check it out when it hits Blockbuster


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that movie was loosley based on the '87 strike year, but the reason all the teams were fictional is because they need permission from the NFL to use real teams names. Because the strike was an embarrasment to the NFL, they of course refused.

:laugh: The NFL: "The Replacements? :paranoid: Uhhhh, it's just a movie... it never happened" :ahhhhh:

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The unfortunate thing about this movie is that it will Disnify its depiction of Iggles’ fans rather than portray them as they really are: a fickle group of obnoxious, rude, drunken idiots who spend their days calling into WIP (the Philly-area sports talk radio station, home of King Idiot Iggles fans Angelo Cataldi and Howard Eskin) rambling and whining on-and-on with emotional, illogical rant-fests about the perceived crisis of the hour (McNabb, T.O., etc.).

I have lived in the Philadelphia area for the last four years and am surrounded by these folks from August to December (by the way, having their reign of terror cut short last season for the first time in years as we leap-frogged over them into the playoffs was shear bliss…), and my impression of this film is that the primary motivation behind its making is to make a killing at the box office and from DVD sales. The flock of green-clad sheep sometimes known as “Iggles’ Nation” who will probably go see it in the theatres more times than my ex-girlfriend went to see Titantic will then buy scores of copies of the DVD for everyone they know as holiday gifts in December.

I guess Disney is taking the first chapter out of Iggle-owner Jeff Lurie’s playbook…the one on how to make a boatload of cash off a mass of un-suspecting yet deserving idiots who are blinded by their loyalty to a franchise whose business model is centered on taking advantage of them rather than striving to win championships (see Dan “The Man” Snyder).




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