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Do you have kids??

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I put mine in dog cages when I leave for work.. :laugh: Sorry sick joke!

Since it is summer, my kids are waiting in the pool for me almost ever day when I get home from the office. I have never played so much Marco polo in my life but I would not trade it for the world! :applause:

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I have 7 and 9 year old girls and a 2 1/2 year old boy. I handle the bedtime chores, since my wife has the morning and daytime duties. Every night since they were born, I dance with them as we say their prayers and then I tuck them in. I do this with each one individually. Hopefully this will be a great memory for them when they are older.

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my son (only child) just finished his 1st year of college so I don't get to see him as much as I'd like to. But we go on vacations together. I took him and his GF to San Diego this month and they will be going to Breckenridge with us for xmas for a week of skiing and snowmobiling. It's a family tradition that's in it's 15th year.

We've been on several cruises, dirt bike riding trips, and trips to FL keys and

carribean islands. He spent a couple summers working with me building decks and the mountain home in NC.

He also helped my restore 6 olds cutlass convertibles (442's).

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I have 3 kids....two girls (11 and 9 yrs old) and a boy (7 yrs old). My son is at an age where he demands a lot of my time. We're buddies. I coach his baseball team and we usually practice at home a few nights each week as well. He'll be waiting for me in the driveway with his cleats on and carrying his glove and bat - that's his way of telling me he wants to play. On rainy or humid days, he'll challenge me to a game on his Game Cube. The kid has developed into a real trash talker too - loves to run it in when he beats me in a game of Monkey Ball. He also spends one or two nights a week with me at the firehouse.

It's getting more difficult with my girls as they grow older. We still do lots of things together like riding bikes and they like to get me jumping on the trampoline, or playing hopscotch or kickball. But as they get older they are into more "girlie" things and are hanging out with mom a lot.

One thing is for sure...time is going by way to fast. I cherish every moment I have with them because it seems like only a couple of years ago that we brought the first child home from the hospital. Kinda hits right where it hurts when I realize she's off to college in only 6 more years....

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He also helped my restore 6 olds cutlass convertibles (442's).

Oh man...any chance you have pics of these? My first car was a '70 Olds 442 convertible. I restored it with my dad...great memories there. I miss that car so much...sold it when we started a family because I thought I wouldn't have the time to invest in keeping it up. Easily the worst decision of my life....

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currently...my daughter and I spend time together by me feeding her, changing her diaper (she always laughs histerically when I do this...shes got as sick a sense of humor as me I guess), trying to help her roll over, and playing who's that...with a mirror.

she'll be 5 months at the end of this month

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I have a 2.5 year old son and a 7 month old son. As anyone with kids this young will tell you, they think you walk on water. Brady (his name) won't leave me alone for 2 seconds. We take walks around the neighborhood, go fishing in a pond nearby, we play T-ball, slide on sleds, swingsets, and trampolines, and non-stop throwing of balls back and forth. But his favorite thing in the world is when we go up to the media room, and I have a big blow up air mattress on the floor and I lay down on it and he taks off running and jumping on me. NON STOP. For whatever reason he just loves to try and tackle/wrestle me.

Brady "Feats of Strength" we call it.

I know this is a cliche and I don't mean it to be, but if you don't have kids, it is hard to explain what they mean to you. You would lay your life down one thousand times over just to see them happy. I look back on my life before I had my two children and wonder how the hell did I make it all these years before I had them.

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I have 3 daughters and 1 son. My son(the youngest at 20 months) Likes when we go outside and walk through the woods getting in mud and sticks and anything alive that crawls. My youngest daughter ( 2 1/2 ) likes outside alot as well. she really enjoys catching bugs and today tried to get a little to close to a snake laying in the driveway..we enjoy movies together alot. My next daughter is a 5 year old firecracker. She is really into fishing and hunting. We go outback with the bb gun alot and shoot stuff. she had me shoot her a squirell about a month ago and that was a big day for her. Last night she made me pull out the 12 gauge and tap off a few shots. Shes funny. My oldest girl ( 10 ) hates guns, fishing and hunting. She likes riding our mountain bikes together and she gets me involved with her photography. They all like it when I become a wild Monster and turn off all the lights in the house and chase them like a crazy. We have fun.

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I have a 4 year old daughter and a 2.5 year old son and they love to watch Nascar with me every Sunday my daughter wakes me up and asks when is Dale Hart Jr. and the race car's coming on. My son loves when I crank up the surround and he here's the car's fling by.

Everytime I am watching football my daughter asks "Daddy are you watching the Redskins again?"

And lastly she just learned how to ride a bike and I have spent the last 2 weeks chasing her up and down every street in the 'hood.

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"One thing is for sure...time is going by way to fast. I cherish every moment I have with them because it seems like only a couple of years ago that we brought the first child home from the hospital. Kinda hits right where it hurts when I realize she's off to college in only 6 more years...."

:cheers: Enjoy and make the most of the time together,all too soon they grow up.

My son is off in the marines and the daughters sixteen and working now ,so I'm suffering withdrawal, though I still see her a little ;)

Fishing,yardwork,all kinds of sports were the major activities,though the amusement /water parks and playing games at home were what they enjoyed most.

Now i have no one to play with :(

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I have a 2.5 year old son and a 7 month old son. As anyone with kids this young will tell you, they think you walk on water. Brady (his name) won't leave me alone for 2 seconds. We take walks around the neighborhood, go fishing in a pond nearby, we play T-ball, slide on sleds, swingsets, and trampolines, and non-stop throwing of balls back and forth. But his favorite thing in the world is when we go up to the media room, and I have a big blow up air mattress on the floor and I lay down on it and he taks off running and jumping on me. NON STOP. For whatever reason he just loves to try and tackle/wrestle me.

Brady "Feats of Strength" we call it.

I know this is a cliche and I don't mean it to be, but if you don't have kids, it is hard to explain what they mean to you. You would lay your life down one thousand times over just to see them happy. I look back on my life before I had my two children and wonder how the hell did I make it all these years before I had them.

I can so relate to this :laugh: We have a 2 1/2 yr old bundle of energy that does the same thing, I'M his trampoline and jungle gym. Our place looks like Toys-R-Us blew up in it, there are literally drifts of toys when he gets done pulling everything out (usually 20-30 times a day). Every day is something different, dinosaurs eating helicopters, JoJo vs. Eduardo in a cage match, HotWheels skiing down the couch, trains-trains-and MORE TRAINS!

Sometimes I think of the things I don't do as much or at all these days and I don't have even the slightest twinge of nostalgia for them. I stepped into an alternate universe where everything comes in pastel colors, has rounded corners, plays music and runs on AA batteries. My life has come to be absolutely defined by the smile on his face, and I'm ok with that. If you asked me what the hell I was doing before, I couldn't say, waiting for him I guess. I just didn't know it.

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man,i do literally everything with my 3 kids(22,18 and 14) except sex and drugs.LITERALLY!!we play video games,go to rock concerts,talk/watch Redskin football,play poker,bash people different than us for their differences(no,we're not prejudice.i taught them to laugh not hate),and anything else you could think of.they are and always will be my best friends.Quote

"One thing is for sure...time is going by way to fast. I cherish every moment I have with them because it seems like only a couple of years ago that we brought the first child home from the hospital."now they call me childish and ask me when i'm ever going to grow up.it's always the same answer..."NEVER!!AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!" they're older than me now.lol.but yea,we do anything and everything like friends are sposed to. :chestram: "i wouldn't give you a nickle for another one but i wouldn't sell you one i've got for a billion dollars." Katheryn Hemm (Grandma)

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Kids? No, well, not that I know of anyway. ;)

Just joking, I have a girl that turned 13 on the 2nd :doh: I won't even go there and my son is 11. She is into her normal 13 y/o stuff. Playes softball and runs cross country. I go to her games, we play catch in the yard some but not much, after all she is 13 and it's not cool to hang with your Dad. My son is in his 3rd year of baseball, just made the 11 y/o All-Star travel team last week, catcher, and played on a 11-1 Pop Warner football team that won the local Super Bowl. Both of my kids are in advanced classes in school and both finished the year with straight A's. We go to the movies some, joke and laugh with each other and we all 3 play WoW (so does the wife) I have a wonderful family and I know I'm blessed.

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Oh man...any chance you have pics of these? My first car was a '70 Olds 442 convertible. I restored it with my dad...great memories there. I miss that car so much...sold it when we started a family because I thought I wouldn't have the time to invest in keeping it up. Easily the worst decision of my life....

they were all '70's except one '71. the one I have now is a '70 aegean aqua, ram air hood, white W-30 stripes, white top, pearl white bucket seat interior

with hurst dualgate shifter and power everything. send your email and I'll get pics to you. you might enjoy this website www.442.com

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My older sister and I were the first girls EVER in our family to make it to 20 without getting pregnant :cheers: :laugh:

No kids still. I think I'll wait till I get out of school (24 when I'm done with my masters, 27ish IF I go all the way for my doctorate). My sister did get married when she was 22 and I now have a one year old neice. She's incredibly cute and good practice for me.

It's great reading all of your post about your kids! It's always nice to see you guys turn into softies. :laugh:

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