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Who's the #1 hardest hitting METAL band ever/most intense crowd


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Motorhead = best metal band ever.

Two most memorable shows with Motorhead ...

(1) Hammersmith in '87, supported by Gayebikers on Acid, when I was at Oxford.

(2) By pure coincidence I was in London on business in June last year to catch the 30th Anniversary Bomber Show at the Hammersmith Apollo. I was staying at the hotel across the street :D

The encore was Bomber and Ace Of Spades, with Overkill ending the show.


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Static X, Slayer and Pantera at the same show! Damn bro I'm glad you survived. :laugh:

*edit* Who was headlining the show?

Pantera was headliner, Slayer was on just before, Static X before Slayer and there were 2 other bands that I can't remember.

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"Stone the Crow" from NOLA is one of my favorite metal songs of all time.

I feel the same way about "Bury Me In Smoke". Pantera + C O C = Down = Pure Metal Fury!

Everyone on this thread should also buy this one... "Monotheist" by Celtic Frost is heaviest, filthiest "classic" metal album in a decade. It's got plenty of melody and the production is top-shelf. In fact it's the heaviest LP (no black or death metal) since Trendkill...

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After seeing a couple mentions of SOD, it brings to mind the other members besides Anthrax...what about MOD, and probably the best thrash band ever...Nuclear Assault. I remember a fest once where all three bands were there, and as a surprise SOD started playing...it was insane.

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I don't know if he qualifies at metal, but I love me some Marilyn Manson. If you ever get a chance to see him in concert. Its worth every penny.

Yeah WeownU in the house!!!! Around the NFL finest, I knew you couldn't be all bad.

At least you kinda like metal.

I remember liking Portrait of an American Family a lot. But that was before MTV blew M.M. up. He does have some knarlwy lyrics and some of his stuff can get heavy, but ...

shameless bump

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Yeah WeownU in the house!!!! Around the NFL finest, I knew you couldn't be all bad.

At least you kinda like metal.

I remember liking Portrait of an American Family a lot. But that was before MTV blew M.M. up. He does have some knarlwy lyrics and some of his stuff can get heavy, but ...

shameless bump

I don't know what it is, but not really a fan of Marilyn Mansion...I just see him as a poser... :2cents:

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Well heres my brother's rankings, he is a huge metal fan and here is how he ranked em (top 5 bands- he has seen them all live more than twice)

1. MetallicA

2. Motorhead

3. In Flames

4. Pantera

5. Megadeth

He also said to give honorable mention to Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osborne, Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, and Mudvayne.

Also, for comic relief he suggested posting this:



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Well heres my brother's rankings, he is a huge metal fan and here is how he ranked em (top 5 bands- he has seen them all live more than twice)

1. MetallicA

2. Motorhead

3. In Flames

4. Pantera

5. Megadeth

He also said to give honorable mention to Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osborne, Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, and Mudvayne.

Also, for comic relief he suggested posting this:



honorable mention to Black Sabbath, and #1 to Metallica?!? sorry....you're brother is clueless....only Metallica that could even hold a candle to Black Sabbath would be pre-..And Justice for All.

The Stryper is funny...gotta love a band that throws Bibles at a concert...and that reminds me of another great Metal band we are forgetting...


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honorable mention to Black Sabbath, and #1 to Metallica?!? sorry....you're brother is clueless....only Metallica that could even hold a candle to Black Sabbath would be pre-..And Justice for All.

The Stryper is funny...gotta love a band that throws Bibles at a concert...and that reminds me of another great Metal band we are forgetting...


I think he was ranking them as how good their concerts were and how much he likes them, not who deserves the most respect.

Because honestly a Black Sabbath concert could never have compared to a metallica concert, not today and especially not in each band's respected "primes". Build a time machine and stack metallica from 1985 or 2006, take them back to the early 70's have them play a Black Sabbath concert and they will knock them off the stage.

The only reason sabbath would get mentioned is because they did it first. Metallica did it better by far.

Hell only band could rival metallica in stage preformance IMO would be Pantera or Motorhead because Pantera was just as amazing, and Motorhead is just indescribably loud.

I mean I know a lot of people turned on metallica after the black album because of load and reload, however what you think of them in that era doesnt erase the fact that they were one of the heaviest bands in all of metal in the 80's. Besides...even their post and justice for all work is heavier than most of what black sabbath made. Play Fuel and then play Paranoid, play War Pigs, play Iron Man. Tell me, which one is louder, faster, and more resembles metal. People give a lot of crap to metallica for 2 reasons: 1. Because they cut their hair and didnt make their songs as "metal" sounding as they used to (thanks, bob rock) and 2. Because they and like 98 other artists sued napster, which they had every right to do, the media made a big deal about it because METALLICA and like 500 other people FILED A LAW SUIT! Which by the way, they had every right to do. Anyone that calls them gay or sellouts because of THAT is just pissed that the ****ty program they were stealing music with got sued. News flash: you can still pirate music, only now you cant be a total retard, just a regular retard to do it.

It gets tiring hearing people say: I like metallica BUT NOT AFTER THE BLACK ALBUM. Some people on here are talking about bands like KISS in the great metal category. 1st off KISS is rock and roll. They arent even hard rock like ACDC their rock and roll. 2nd, I would rather listen to any song on Load or Reload or hell even St. Anger with Lars' stupid sounding pots and pans snareless drums, if it meant I didnt have to listen to Paul Stanley sing about how much he wants to rock and roll all night and party every day for the 500th time.

I mean **** someone that listens to KISS would probably call metallica a bunch of sellouts, but then again metallica never made condoms or lunchboxes or halloween costumes or toy "love guns" did they?

Flame away if you want to. Tell me im wrong, it doesnt change facts and the fact is there are 3 traditional metal bands that are heavier than the rest and those are Pantera, MetallicA, and Megadeth. There are bands that laid the groundwork for them such as Black Sabbath and Motorhead, however even the great songs Black Sabbath had, and the amazing volume Motorhead had, they cant stack up to the big 3. Neither can any bands of their time. The only thing heavier would be the kind of metal like In Flames or Slayer that seem to only focus on playing things a loud, and fast as possible, while usually growling or screaming at a high pitch in most songs.

And yes Stryper is good to make fun of. Metal and Christianity already didnt mix well, they had to bring the color yellow into it...uugh.

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I think he was ranking them as how good their concerts were and how much he likes them, not who deserves the most respect.

Because honestly a Black Sabbath concert could never have compared to a metallica concert, not today and especially not in each band's respected "primes". Build a time machine and stack metallica from 1985 or 2006, take them back to the early 70's have them play a Black Sabbath concert and they will knock them off the stage.

The only reason sabbath would get mentioned is because they did it first. Metallica did it better by far.

Hell only band could rival metallica in stage preformance IMO would be Pantera or Motorhead because Pantera was just as amazing, and Motorhead is just indescribably loud.

I mean I know a lot of people turned on metallica after the black album because of load and reload, however what you think of them in that era doesnt erase the fact that they were one of the heaviest bands in all of metal in the 80's. Besides...even their post and justice for all work is heavier than most of what black sabbath made. Play Fuel and then play Paranoid, play War Pigs, play Iron Man. Tell me, which one is louder, faster, and more resembles metal. People give a lot of crap to metallica for 2 reasons: 1. Because they cut their hair and didnt make their songs as "metal" sounding as they used to (thanks, bob rock) and 2. Because they and like 98 other artists sued napster, which they had every right to do, the media made a big deal about it because METALLICA and like 500 other people FILED A LAW SUIT! Which by the way, they had every right to do. Anyone that calls them gay or sellouts because of THAT is just pissed that the ****ty program they were stealing music with got sued. News flash: you can still pirate music, only now you cant be a total retard, just a regular retard to do it.

It gets tiring hearing people say: I like metallica BUT NOT AFTER THE BLACK ALBUM. Some people on here are talking about bands like KISS in the great metal category. 1st off KISS is rock and roll. They arent even hard rock like ACDC their rock and roll. 2nd, I would rather listen to any song on Load or Reload or hell even St. Anger with Lars' stupid sounding pots and pans snareless drums, if it meant I didnt have to listen to Paul Stanley sing about how much he wants to rock and roll all night and party every day for the 500th time.

I mean **** someone that listens to KISS would probably call metallica a bunch of sellouts, but then again metallica never made condoms or lunchboxes or halloween costumes or toy "love guns" did they?

Flame away if you want to. Tell me im wrong, it doesnt change facts and the fact is there are 3 traditional metal bands that are heavier than the rest and those are Pantera, MetallicA, and Megadeth. There are bands that laid the groundwork for them such as Black Sabbath and Motorhead, however even the great songs Black Sabbath had, and the amazing volume Motorhead had, they cant stack up to the big 3. Neither can any bands of their time. The only thing heavier would be the kind of metal like In Flames or Slayer that seem to only focus on playing things a loud, and fast as possible, while usually growling or screaming at a high pitch in most songs.

And yes Stryper is good to make fun of. Metal and Christianity already didnt mix well, they had to bring the color yellow into it...uugh.

Sorry you're WAY off. Metallica lost it's edge a LONG time ago...even at a Pantera concert back 10 years ago or so, the entire audience was doing a F Metallica chant.

As for your other statements about the big 3...again WAY off. If it wasn't for Motorhead, Metallica never would have even started. Listen to Kill 'Em All (the version before they sold out) there are 2 songs there that are covers from Motorhead. Metallica started as a Motorhead cover band, and only got a shot because a Motorhead roadie heard them. Metallica was definitely good in the day, but you can't put them above Sabbath, or Motorhead.

If you're talking about concerts, sorry, Iron Maiden puts on the best shows out of all of em...except for maybe GWAR.

Going back to the "Big 3" you left out the other pioneers of the 80's..the biggest of which was Slayer.

Metallica, plain and simple...sold out...

I think maybe you should do alittle homework before ya dismiss the bands that started it all :D

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I think he was ranking them as how good their concerts were and how much he likes them, not who deserves the most respect.

Because honestly a Black Sabbath concert could never have compared to a metallica concert, not today and especially not in each band's respected "primes". Build a time machine and stack metallica from 1985 or 2006, take them back to the early 70's have them play a Black Sabbath concert and they will knock them off the stage.

The only reason sabbath would get mentioned is because they did it first. Metallica did it better by far.

Hell only band could rival metallica in stage preformance IMO would be Pantera or Motorhead because Pantera was just as amazing, and Motorhead is just indescribably loud.

I mean I know a lot of people turned on metallica after the black album because of load and reload, however what you think of them in that era doesnt erase the fact that they were one of the heaviest bands in all of metal in the 80's. Besides...even their post and justice for all work is heavier than most of what black sabbath made. Play Fuel and then play Paranoid, play War Pigs, play Iron Man. Tell me, which one is louder, faster, and more resembles metal. People give a lot of crap to metallica for 2 reasons: 1. Because they cut their hair and didnt make their songs as "metal" sounding as they used to (thanks, bob rock) and 2. Because they and like 98 other artists sued napster, which they had every right to do, the media made a big deal about it because METALLICA and like 500 other people FILED A LAW SUIT! Which by the way, they had every right to do. Anyone that calls them gay or sellouts because of THAT is just pissed that the ****ty program they were stealing music with got sued. News flash: you can still pirate music, only now you cant be a total retard, just a regular retard to do it.

It gets tiring hearing people say: I like metallica BUT NOT AFTER THE BLACK ALBUM. Some people on here are talking about bands like KISS in the great metal category. 1st off KISS is rock and roll. They arent even hard rock like ACDC their rock and roll. 2nd, I would rather listen to any song on Load or Reload or hell even St. Anger with Lars' stupid sounding pots and pans snareless drums, if it meant I didnt have to listen to Paul Stanley sing about how much he wants to rock and roll all night and party every day for the 500th time.

I mean **** someone that listens to KISS would probably call metallica a bunch of sellouts, but then again metallica never made condoms or lunchboxes or halloween costumes or toy "love guns" did they?

Flame away if you want to. Tell me im wrong, it doesnt change facts and the fact is there are 3 traditional metal bands that are heavier than the rest and those are Pantera, MetallicA, and Megadeth. There are bands that laid the groundwork for them such as Black Sabbath and Motorhead, however even the great songs Black Sabbath had, and the amazing volume Motorhead had, they cant stack up to the big 3. Neither can any bands of their time. The only thing heavier would be the kind of metal like In Flames or Slayer that seem to only focus on playing things a loud, and fast as possible, while usually growling or screaming at a high pitch in most songs.

And yes Stryper is good to make fun of. Metal and Christianity already didnt mix well, they had to bring the color yellow into it...uugh.

So much in this post is so right! I hate to nitpick but, a couple of points.

Because honestly a Black Sabbath concert could never have compared to a metallica concert, not today and especially not in each band's respected "primes". Build a time machine and stack metallica from 1985 or 2006, take them back to the early 70's have them play a Black Sabbath concert and they will knock them off the stage.

The only reason sabbath would get mentioned is because they did it first. Metallica did it better by far

1) Bull****!! I have sabbath bootlegs from the mid 70's and i was lucky enough to see Metallica in 84 at the Hung Jury Pub (opening for Armored Saint / W A S P, if you can believe it!) supporting "Kill 'em All and neither band, when young and hungry, could be "knocked off" the stage by anyone. Son, I don't think you realize just how BAD-ASS Ozzy was, until around 1990, and just how BAD-ASS Mr. Geezer Butler is to this day. Sabbath does, in fact, rule and Metallica will be the first to tell you.

It gets tiring hearing people say: I like metallica BUT NOT AFTER THE BLACK ALBUM. Some people on here are talking about bands like KISS in the great metal category. 1st off KISS is rock and roll. They arent even hard rock like ACDC their rock and roll. 2nd, I would rather listen to any song on Load or Reload or hell even St. Anger with Lars' stupid sounding pots and pans snareless drums, if it meant I didnt have to listen to Paul Stanley sing about how much he wants to rock and roll all night and party every day for the 500th time.

I mean **** someone that listens to KISS would probably call metallica a bunch of sellouts, but then again metallica never made condoms or lunchboxes or halloween costumes or toy "love guns" did they?

Seriously, this is brilliant. KISS is a fraud, a mid-grade hard rock band foisted upon the consumer as a brand-name or image. Sorta like if Harley-Davidson stopped making bikes(good albums), started making cell phones(farewell tours), and still sold leather jackets(greatest hits cd). There is no good reason why KISS should be mentioned in the same breath as metallica, within the context of MUSICIANSHIP and/or INNOVATION.

Flame away if you want to. Tell me im wrong, it doesnt change facts and the fact is there are 3 traditional metal bands that are heavier than the rest and those are Pantera, MetallicA, and Megadeth. There are bands that laid the groundwork for them such as Black Sabbath and Motorhead, however even the great songs Black Sabbath had, and the amazing volume Motorhead had, they cant stack up to the big 3. Neither can any bands of their time. The only thing heavier would be the kind of metal like In Flames or Slayer that seem to only focus on playing things a loud, and fast as possible, while usually growling or screaming at a high pitch in most songs.

The mere mention of In Flames - ahead of Slayer - indicates that you may need a bit nore seasoning.

BTW, I love Pantera!

It's Goddamn Electric!

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Mufumonk has told me that I have terrible taste in music, but as it turns out in this genre our taste is almost exactly the same. Isis, Pelican, and Neurosis are all on my shortlist for great metal. I also really like Meshuggah.

For something no one has mentioned yet, I'm going to say Comets on Fire, but I'm afraid they aren't quite metal, or something like that.

Edit: If you click that link, make sure you listen to "Antlers of the Midnight Sun" rather than the one that says "Wolf Eyes Middle Vers"

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I've only heard Vulgar Display of Power by Pantera, and I always felt like a good album that could have easily been great, but they were held back by the production. The sonic landscape was to clean and pretty for the type of album Pantera was making. If it had a production quality more similar to Helmet's Meantime, I would love it.

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Pantera started out as a Kiss/Van Halen cover band. They did "glam" metal albums to begin with in the early early 1980's.

However, that was with a different lead....and before they found their true calling. I don't think you can dismiss their later sound because of what they sounded like when they first formed. A lot of bands change and mature.

Posers? Not really.

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I've been into metal for quite a while and I first heard Metallica around 1983 or 1984 - yes, I am an old metal head. And while I understand that music, bands, and musicians change, to be honest, I do indeed believe that the Black album is the last good album that they did. Though, in all honesty, Master of Puppets was the last album by Metallica that I had even purchased as a new album (though I have since then bought their albums on CD). In fact, I purchased Master of Puppets the day that it was released, and I have fond memories of driving the backroads of central Maryland, smoking left-handed cigarettes and soaking in the sounds of that fantastic album. Black was good, but not AS good as their previous efforts, and their albums after Black just were not up to par from that time period. It has little to do with selling out - their music, over an entire album, just was not as good; I even prefer the production quality of their earlier efforts.

BTW, I am not sure if I really can say that there are three traditional bands that were heavier than the rest. For example, who here has heard of Death? This band is credited as one of the premier Death Metal bands, and in fact, Death Metal may have taken its name from this Florida band. Their efforts in the mid-to-late 80's was a mixture of speed and just dark metal and was definitely an influence in the trash/speed/death metal scene. Songs such as ""Together as One" are fantastic examples of genre defining music.

Thus, I honestly can't say if there is one, or even three, that is heavier than all, but I think we can trade some ideas, share some music, and maybe help to appreciate the genre of music called Heavy Metal.

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I've been into metal for quite a while and I first heard Metallica around 1983 or 1984 - yes, I am an old metal head. And while I understand that music, bands, and musicians change, to be honest, I do indeed believe that the Black album is the last good album that they did. Though, in all honesty, Master of Puppets was the last album by Metallica that I had even purchased as a new album (though I have since then bought their albums on CD). In fact, I purchased Master of Puppets the day that it was released, and I have fond memories of driving the backroads of central Maryland, smoking left-handed cigarettes and soaking in the sounds of that fantastic album. Black was good, but not AS good as their previous efforts, and their albums after Black just were not up to par from that time period. It has little to do with selling out - their music, over an entire album, just was not as good; I even prefer the production quality of their earlier efforts.

BTW, I am not sure if I really can say that there are three traditional bands that were heavier than the rest. For example, who here has heard of Death? This band is credited as one of the premier Death Metal bands, and in fact, Death Metal may have taken its name from this Florida band. Their efforts in the mid-to-late 80's was a mixture of speed and just dark metal and was definitely an influence in the trash/speed/death metal scene. Songs such as ""Together as One" are fantastic examples of genre defining music.

Thus, I honestly can't say if there is one, or even three, that is heavier than all, but I think we can trade some ideas, share some music, and maybe help to appreciate the genre of music called Heavy Metal.

Oh I remember Death....also why are we forgetting Death Angel, Metal Church, Dio....the list continues ;)

yes I'm an old school metalhead myself...

...what about Helloween, Flotsam and Jetsam (with Jason Neustead)...oh the list goes on.

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Mufumonk has told me that I have terrible taste in music, but as it turns out in this genre our taste is almost exactly the same. Isis, Pelican, and Neurosis are all on my shortlist for great metal. I also really like Meshuggah.

Impossible. You're just saying this to make me change my mind.......I'm on to your games.

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Oh here's an 80's pic for all the pantera fans out there


Dimebag is Diamond btw..

bunch of friggen posers hacks.

Phil wasn't in the band so it isn't Pantera IMO.

It's been documented that Darrell and Vinnie grew up as HUGE Van Halen fans. And your right that glam isn't cool, but while playing V.H. covers he was learning from a great guitarist in Eddie V.

Flash forward to the 90's when Phil grabs the mic and Dimebag suddenly sounds a lot different.

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