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Baby at games


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I would get a sitter for now.....not only is the noise too much but it would take away from your enjoyment of the game. With the price we pay for season tickets I would think you would want to see every single play. After that, think how crazy a football game is.........people get excited and I have seen fans, in their excitment spill beer & soda over other fans....I would hate to see that happen to a little one no matter the age.

But as a parent, I say this to all other parents...in the end you do what you feel is right.....others can give views, but its your child.

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We did the lap pass thing...honestly, I wouldn't do it again. First of all, you probably have to have a perfect day for weather. It happened to be hot that day and the kid sweated his ass off...not to mention me and my wife as well. But hot, cold, rainy weather can ruin the day.

I've actually sat in his seats. He's under cover, so weather won't be as much of an issue.

As a new father myself, I understand bnacpa's feelings on the matter. You want to start doing stuff as a family, and for him, Redskins games are family outings. Also, there is a reluctentness to leaving the kid at home while the parents go out for most of the day.

Also, going to a football game seems to be a pretty decent idea. At that age, the kid is still pretty portable, and there isn't that much problem holding the kid. I know his kid is formula fed, so there isn't the breastfeeding issue.

My concern would be this: where would you change her? The FedEx bathrooms aren't exactly kid friendly...


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As a new father myself, I understand bnacpa's feelings on the matter. You want to start doing stuff as a family, and for him, Redskins games are family outings.

Yeah, if the kids are out of the newborn, toddler age.

Also, there is a reluctentness to leaving the kid at home while the parents go out for most of the day.

Really? My wife and I would love to have a day to ourselves where we can sit back and relax.

Also, going to a football game seems to be a pretty decent idea. At that age, the kid is still pretty portable, and there isn't that much problem holding the kid.

Ever try holding a toddler on your lap for 3 - 4 hours??

My concern would be this: where would you change her? The FedEx bathrooms aren't exactly kid friendly...

Well, there is always the concourse floor or you can change the diaper while he is laying on your lap. Make sure you point his butt towards a dallas fan. Yeah, I'll do without the hassle.

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My concern would be this: where would you change her? The FedEx bathrooms aren't exactly kid friendly...


According to the Stadium Guide:

"Family" Restrooms

Family restrooms with baby-changing stations are located at the elevator towers at Gates A and E on all levels.

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Really? My wife and I would love to have a day to ourselves where we can sit back and relax.

You haven't met my wife. :) Despite having both sets of grandparents in the area, I have yet to have time with my wife away from the kid in the four months that he's been around.

Ever try holding a toddler on your lap for 3 - 4 hours??

Well, I haven't been too successful doing that, but my wife wouldn't mind. Also, there is such a thing as tag teaming. Everyone gets a turn. :D

Now, I'm not saying that I would do such a thing. Personally, I wouldn't. Nor would she. All I said was that I can understand the desire, especially from first time parents who are very doting on their children, to have them around them all the time. I'm dealing with that right now.

Family restrooms with baby-changing stations are located at the elevator towers at Gates A and E on all levels.

Ah, good thing to know for future reference. (MUCH future reference.)


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My wife is a steelers fan first, so she would take the baby for changing during plays simply because she knows how much it means to me to be there. Also, the baby is in a diaper, so it is not as if as soon as she must go, you must go change her. We can wait till half time or a quarter end.

My daughter has a hard time giving anything more than 15 minutes of her time except for football. When I have the NFL network on, she will watch religiously. She won't watch anything else on TV with any concentration, nor will she give her baby einstein videos anything over 15 minutes. It is really strange.

And for those who worry that she cries and would make too much noise ... I am in the restricted view seats on the visitor side ... That area under cover with the metallic stomp zone gets so loud ... I am worried about earplugs or ear muffs ... there is no way people near us can hear her.

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I have a daughter who will be 9 months old by the start of the season. Does anyone know how old she should be prior to coming to games? Also, are there ear muffs or something recommended so that the volume doesn't shatter her ears? Finally, at what age is it required for me to have to purchase a seat for her? Just curious if anyone has had young kids or infants and tried to bring them to games.

And to those who don't want to be around a crying baby during games ... she loves noise .. it usually puts her to sleep. I will most likely have a babysitter or my Mom watch her, but I was curious about my options.

Dude all I can say is don't do it. I have a 13 month old and I was going to wait another year before considering taking him to a pre season game (if that). It's really not a place for kids, If I were you I would consider all other options before taking a little one to the game.

I have seen people with real little ones at the game It doesn't look very enjoyable, I am as excited as you are to get my kid to a game If I could give you any advice wait a couple of years, this coming from a Dad who has never taken his kid to a game, I have just seen Dads with babies at games and it looks brutal.

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My wife is a steelers fan first, so she would take the baby for changing during plays simply because she knows how much it means to me to be there. Also, the baby is in a diaper, so it is not as if as soon as she must go, you must go change her. We can wait till half time or a quarter end.

When they drop a load its pretty stinky, if you would keep that nuclear waste in a stadium seat for a whole quarter I think I would go and get the event staff to make you change it. If theres one thing out of all the things in the world I wouldnt want next to me is a poopy pants, I dont care if its in a diaper or not. Piss ya that you could let go all game, but theres no denying the poopy.

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Until i read a recent post, i had forgotten just how tiny the seats are. My buddy in the seat next to me and I are both in the 6'2"-6'3" range, and just sitting next to each other is uncomfortable. Having a squirming baby/toddler on my lap would be, unnerving.

I think I may wait until my son is 5 or 6, and at that point just a preseason game for starters. Kids can get bored very quickly, and no one wants to deal with a whiny kid for 2 hours and 55 minutes of a 3 hour event.

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My first redskins game was when i was 11, I think.

I'm sure the ticket stub is somewhere, but it was at RFK and in december. The cold was brutal, but that was part of the "fun". I see "happy families" making sportscenter or just the broadcast all the time (usually involving a child with facepaint or some silly team gear). But they're usually in more accomodating seats anyhow...

I would say take the child to a preseason game, and if it is an alright experience, perhaps consider taking it to a regular season game... But if you have season tickets, enjoy some without the child and with your wife or friends. For the love of the team, you owe it to become the loudest, rowdiest, you can be (without the worry of making your infant upset).

My girlfriend was born and raised a steelers fan as well, and if theres one thing we have in common, it is the strength of each teams' fandom. Steelers fans and Redskins fans are like no other, IMO.

p.s.- congratulations!

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I have a daughter who will be 9 months old by the start of the season. Does anyone know how old she should be prior to coming to games? Also, are there ear muffs or something recommended so that the volume doesn't shatter her ears? Finally, at what age is it required for me to have to purchase a seat for her? Just curious if anyone has had young kids or infants and tried to bring them to games.

And to those who don't want to be around a crying baby during games ... she loves noise .. it usually puts her to sleep. I will most likely have a babysitter or my Mom watch her, but I was curious about my options.

this thread is mis leading i thought you were talking about TO coming to town

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I think it would be better to leave the baby at home with a sitter or family member. Some people (I would even say some REDSKINS fans) just don't know how to behave appropriately at an NFL game (if you're talking about Philthy games .. then you HAVE TO know that "certain attendees" would possibly urinate on you and your kid, or worse).

My personal criteria would be to not take a child under about five or six years old.

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