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Baby at games


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I have a daughter who will be 9 months old by the start of the season. Does anyone know how old she should be prior to coming to games? Also, are there ear muffs or something recommended so that the volume doesn't shatter her ears? Finally, at what age is it required for me to have to purchase a seat for her? Just curious if anyone has had young kids or infants and tried to bring them to games.

And to those who don't want to be around a crying baby during games ... she loves noise .. it usually puts her to sleep. I will most likely have a babysitter or my Mom watch her, but I was curious about my options.

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PSU .. you have no idea ... my wife is a devoted Steeler fan and I caught tons of smack from her as her team won the Super Bowl last year. The only thing I could desperately cling to out of sheer faith in my team was the fact that when they faced each other face to face, the Skins came out on top. Unfortunately, my wife is quick to point out it was preseason.

So as you see, we have an inter-faith marriage, Skins/Steelers. We have common ground in that we both hate Philadelphia and Dallas, but after that the friendliness goes away. I point out ties like Russ Grimm, and Antwaan Randle-El, as well as #25 from last year (mental block on his name), but she still hasn't warmed over totally to the Skins yet ... but does route for them when they aren't playing the Steelers ... which is most of the time.

The most important thing, though, is that she agreed that we will raise our kids as Skins fans and have a Redskins household. My baby girl's first stuffed animal was a Redskins hog from the redskins store. She still giggles when we drop it in her arms in her crib :)

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PSU .. you have no idea ... my wife is a devoted Steeler fan and I caught tons of smack from her as her team won the Super Bowl last year. The only thing I could desperately cling to out of sheer faith in my team was the fact that when they faced each other face to face, the Skins came out on top. Unfortunately, my wife is quick to point out it was preseason.

So as you see, we have an inter-faith marriage, Skins/Steelers. We have common ground in that we both hate Philadelphia and Dallas, but after that the friendliness goes away. I point out ties like Russ Grimm, and Antwaan Randle-El, as well as #25 from last year (mental block on his name), but she still hasn't warmed over totally to the Skins yet ... but does route for them when they aren't playing the Steelers ... which is most of the time.

The most important thing, though, is that she agreed that we will raise our kids as Skins fans and have a Redskins household. My baby girl's first stuffed animal was a Redskins hog from the redskins store. She still giggles when we drop it in her arms in her crib :)

Ryan Clark is #25

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Finally, at what age is it required for me to have to purchase a seat for her? Just curious if anyone has had young kids or infants and tried to bring them to games.

She won't need a seat of her own until she's 4 years old. Until then, you can just request a lap pass for her at the entrance gate or at the Ticket Office windows at Gate A on the day of the game (for more information, check out the Stadium Guide at http://www.redskins.com/fedexfield/stadiumguide.jsp). I only know because I had purchased a seat for my 3 year old, thinking he would need his own ticket, only to read over the site after the fact and find that he could sit on somebody's lap. So, even though I'll probably put him in his own seat anyway (he's the size of a small 5 year old), it was cool to find out that I can bring along another adult whether I leave him home or not. :cheers:

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I have a 4 month old daughter (yes of course already has her Redskins cheerleading outfits) but I have a 12 inch by 12 inch Redskins helmet that is hanging above my front door entrance that shes stares at for hours on end! I love it!

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This is just my opinon, but as a season ticket holder that goes to every game, I would NEVER take an infant to a football game. I have seen too many things that go on at the games that I wouldn't want an infant to be around.

Heck, I wouldn't take ANY kid under 5 years old to a game.

It is just way too noisy and the way some people conduct themselfs, I would not want then exposed to it until they are old enough to understand.

I have seen little kids at FedEx Field freaking out and screeming while their parents were trying to clam then down because of the crowd noise or because of something an opposing fan did.

It is just way too risky to bring them at that young of an age.

Now, if it was a baseball game, I wouldn't have any problems bringing an infant or very young child.

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Get a sitter. It takes away from your and my enjoyment and your noise making.

I second that emotion. The greatest fans in the world make too much noise for a little one to handle. You enjoy until she's old enough to understand, then she'll love it!

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We took ours to RFK back in the very early 90's. Once each, so they could say later on that their first Redskins game was ...

However the games were pre-season.

Our first had a great time. Our second was terrified by the noise. My wife had to take him back to the ramp area to calm him down. Definitely keep that in mind. As ridiculously focused as I am during every game, even the pre-season games, my focus for that game was on my child and we left the game.

So my advice is, if you do it, make it a pre-season game, bring your wife :), and leave the game if it's too much for your baby.

At the same time remember that the pre-season crowd can be very different than the regular season crowd. Many people are only there to party and could care less about what's going on on the field.

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She won't need a seat of her own until she's 4 years old. Until then, you can just request a lap pass for her at the entrance gate or at the Ticket Office windows at Gate A on the day of the game (for more information, check out the Stadium Guide at http://www.redskins.com/fedexfield/stadiumguide.jsp). I only know because I had purchased a seat for my 3 year old, thinking he would need his own ticket, only to read over the site after the fact and find that he could sit on somebody's lap. So, even though I'll probably put him in his own seat anyway (he's the size of a small 5 year old), it was cool to find out that I can bring along another adult whether I leave him home or not. :cheers:

How did your son do at the game? I'm sure 90k fans can be intimidating, and my son just turned 3. He also is the size of a 5 year old. I'm wondering if he could make it through the whole game without becoming bored.

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bnacpa - We took our 8 month old daughter to 2 games last year. At first she got scared at the noise, but by the 2nd quarter she was fine. At the second game she took a 45 minute nap with all the crowd noise (even a couple of Redskins' scores). The people around us were very nice and even waved at her, which she just loved.

We were able to bring in our diaper bag, even though the security rules for the stadium on the website say that you can't bring any large bag in.


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How did your son do at the game? I'm sure 90k fans can be intimidating, and my son just turned 3. He also is the size of a 5 year old. I'm wondering if he could make it through the whole game without becoming bored.

I just purchased the tickets, so I'm going to see how he does at the Jets pre-season game to decide whether or not to take him to other games. I mainly got a 3rd ticket for him because I wanted to have the option to take him to the games in case I couldn't get a babysitter.

He is a pretty outgoing kid who loves noise and crowds (in general, he likes to mimic the cheers and screams of the people around him), so I expect him to be okay. And, I'll take a couple of toys and let him watch cartoon clips on my cell phone when he doesn't feel like paying attention to the game. So, I think he'll do fine. He gets excited any time he sees anything related to the Redskins (thanks to my programming...LOL), and will love the opportunity to show a whole new audience his "Sean Taylor face" (from the Eastern Motors commercial...LOL).

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I have three kids - all under 4 years of age. I would never even entertain the idea of taking one of them to a game - not at this age. I can't imagine it being very enjoyable. Why in the world would you do this?? I mean, if you really want to go to a game have the wife watch the kids or get a sitter. Plus, I really don't want my kids around all the noise, smoke, drunks, etc.

I was tailgating with a couple of friends at a skins game and this couple pulls up next to our car gets tables, chairs, etc out and also pulls out a play pen for the 5 month old!! I couldn't believe it. Whatever.

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Make this the third recommendation for a babysitter. I sit in the upper level and it is way too intense for a small child, much less an infant.

I like the idea of raising them a Redskins fan, but you should probably wait a bit for the full on stadium experience. :2cents:

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...He gets excited any time he sees anything related to the Redskins (thanks to my programming...LOL), and will love the opportunity to show a whole new audience his "Sean Taylor face" (from the Eastern Motors commercial...LOL).

dude... thats freakin adorable. This is the only reason I have to want kids: I want to get an infant sized "Dallas Sucks" shirt.


P.S. :dallasuck

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Get a sitter. It takes away from your and my enjoyment and your noise making.

Agreed. Toddlers have a hard time at games with the cursing and drinking. So, an infant would probably be a hand full. I would definitely advise getting a sitter. You want to be able to enjoy the game, perhaps babies are better suited for a National's game. :2cents:

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A guy next to us in the upper deck brought his baby to every game, he wore a backpack. He never had a problem, although I consider him a braver man than I. The kid was probably 4-5 months at the start of the season. Probably the best time to take them, I took my 3 year old to a preseason game, he watched one play before he said it was time to go.

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PSU .. you have no idea ... my wife is a devoted Steeler fan and I caught tons of smack from her as her team won the Super Bowl last year. The only thing I could desperately cling to out of sheer faith in my team was the fact that when they faced each other face to face, the Skins came out on top. Unfortunately, my wife is quick to point out it was preseason.

So as you see, we have an inter-faith marriage, Skins/Steelers. We have common ground in that we both hate Philadelphia and Dallas, but after that the friendliness goes away. I point out ties like Russ Grimm, and Antwaan Randle-El, as well as #25 from last year (mental block on his name), but she still hasn't warmed over totally to the Skins yet ... but does route for them when they aren't playing the Steelers ... which is most of the time.

The most important thing, though, is that she agreed that we will raise our kids as Skins fans and have a Redskins household. My baby girl's first stuffed animal was a Redskins hog from the redskins store. She still giggles when we drop it in her arms in her crib :)


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I took my one year old son to the Skins-Cowboys home opener in 1999. It was my first game as a season ticket holder and I wanted him to be able to say he's been a season ticket holder ever since he was born :)

We did the lap pass thing...honestly, I wouldn't do it again. First of all, you probably have to have a perfect day for weather. It happened to be hot that day and the kid sweated his ass off...not to mention me and my wife as well. But hot, cold, rainy weather can ruin the day.

Secondly, those seats are not that big...very little leg room and even less arm room. Kinda tough having a kid sit on your lap for 3+ hours like that.

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