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What is the point of ESPN Classic...

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if they don't show classic sports?

I turn the channel because NBA TV, instead of a great NBA game of the past, has WNBA on. OK, so I switch to ESPN Classic--surely, they won't let me down!

World Series of Poker--2005!! :doh: :rolleyes:

Someone shoot me. I'm sorry, it's cool and all for ESPN to air poker on it's normal channel but Poker is not a SPORT, it's not played by athletes. What the hell is poker doing on ESPN Classic. When people say, "that was an instant classic" they're talking hockey, baseball, basketball, even tennis.

But poker? And there's way too much of that on the Classic. Every time I turn I'm watching some lame comedy show (Cheap Seats) or some NASCAR replay.

Before anyone says, "They can't play major team sport highlights ALL the time," please tell me why not?

I mean, my dream would be to see the 95 Stanley Cup then the next program is the 2002 Super Bowl or I get to see a replay of the Bucs/Skins game from earlier this year. I understand they may not have rights to more recent games, but hell, show every decent game from the 1985 NFL season---who cares?


Otherwise, get out of the business. Wait, I know--they're like MTV.

We're soon going to see an ESPN Classic Obscure Sports, Games and Pasttimes Channel and then like ESPNC25 will be "stuff people really want to watch---sometimes."

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Yeah, that's annoying me too. I barely ever watch ESPN Classic anymore, they never show anything good. I wish the NFL would either show classic games on their NFL Network or let ESPN Classic have the rights to those games. I think there's definitely a market. I want to see actual games, not just people talking about games and a few highlights and still pictures.

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I agree. The Classic sports network used to be a great channel. Once ESPN bought it, it started to go downhill. Every once in a while something good will be on. I watched the 1994 NBA Finals the other night (the Knicks still didn't win), but usually Stump the Schwab or some other crap ESPN show is on.

Or Arliss. Don't get me started on Arliss.

They have a VAST library. Hell, if they replayed an NFL primetime from 1989, I know I'd watch that. Because it would instantly be one of the best things on the channel.

Ideally, ESPN Classic would show old games, in full, and nothing else. I think that ship has sailed.......

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Even if NFL Network comes out with an "all-classic" channel, I would be mad that I missed out on other sports classic moments.

And the thing is--I don't need interviews or intro. They could have me set up my mic on my computer and just record "Bulls vs. Lakers, regular season, 1991" and play the damn thing. Why do I turn on ESPNClassic and see that classic logrolling event from 1995. WHO CARES?! Can we please get to Monk's record-breaking game or Barry Sanders Day or Michael Jordan December 96 Day?

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This is why I am recording/downloading any sporting event I can get my hands on.

I've got a fair amount of this years NBA playoffs, most of this years NFL playoffs, and a bit of World Cup right now. I've got most of the major College Bowl games from the past year as well.

I don't understand why they just don't have "Game of the Night" from 10 years ago....

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One of the things that has always irked me about ESPN Classic is their refusal to actually broadcast old NFL games.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the 1/2 hour NFL Films segments... but I would really like to see a lot of those old games as they were played.

ESC does this with college football games... but never with the NFL. I wonder if they're not allowed to or something?

Whatever the reason, I'm sure it's a stupid one. How cool would it be to watch a lot of those old games on a rainy Saturday afternoon?


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Let me be on record as saying I agree. And I hate the fact that they cut the games; what else do they have to air on this channel? Drop Cheap Seats, take the Arliss episodes and burn them - NOBODY liked that show the first time! - and get rid of the WSOP, "classic" billiards, old bowling tournaments, spelling bees, etc. Just show old great games.

How about Nolan Ryan's 7th no-hitter? Or Michael Jordan's 60 point game in the playoffs against the Celtics? Or the Redskins/Cowboys game from 9/2005?


And show the game in full. Don't give me crap about time constraints. What time constraints???!!!

And dump Stump the Schwab. We get PLENTY enough Stuart Scott as it is...

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One of the things that has always irked me about ESPN Classic is their refusal to actually broadcast old NFL games.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the 1/2 hour NFL Films segments... but I would really like to see a lot of those old games as they were played.

ESC does this with college football games... but never with the NFL. I wonder if they're not allowed to or something?

Whatever the reason, I'm sure it's a stupid one. How cool would it be to watch a lot of those old games on a rainy Saturday afternoon?


I don't think the NFL allows the rebroadcast of games on any channel.

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Hell, they could even broadcast old USFL games and we would watch them.

There's no excuse with ESPN and ABC being part of the same company... how about run "Olympics Flashback" every year or so during Olympic time?

Instead we get this same crap on "Why you can't blame..." where all the commentators just happen to be the Around the Horn guys...

But, you know... since ESPN has meager NFL... I guess that's why we don't see it... they don't want to pump up an audience for FOX/NBC/CBS.

What they should be doing is broadcasting old MNF games on MNF in the summer...

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Good point, I was flipping through the channels last night and ESPN2 had a domino tournament on. WTF. Everything must fall under the sports umbrella these days.

Sadly, I watched that. It's something you dont see everyday, so I had to give it a shot.

I was really hoping someone would yell "DOMINO MOTHER F'er", but it was not to be......

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I've noticed this about ESPN Classic as well. They used to play stuff like the Miracle on Ice and the 23-22 Phillies/Cubs game from '79. You know, classic sports.

I watch ESPN Classic for Stump the Schwab and 2 Minute Warning. :)

I loved 2 Minute Warning (except for when they got illiterates to read the questions), but hated Stump the Schwab. The whole format just didn't work and Schwab always seems like he'd smell like BO and fried chicken. Plus Stuart Scott needs to just stop. But that's for a different thread. :)

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I agree with the original post.

There are literally millions of recorded games they could be playing instead of a bunch of card players. A couple years back I was a huge fan of Classic, they used to play some of the best nailbiter college football games. I also saw some good basketball.

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One of the things that has always irked me about ESPN Classic is their refusal to actually broadcast old NFL games.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the 1/2 hour NFL Films segments... but I would really like to see a lot of those old games as they were played.

ESC does this with college football games... but never with the NFL. I wonder if they're not allowed to or something?

Whatever the reason, I'm sure it's a stupid one. How cool would it be to watch a lot of those old games on a rainy Saturday afternoon?


I agree. I would love to see some of the classic games in their entirety. Especially the games that I was too young to remember. I have heard about "The Heidi game". What a blast it would be to see it in it's entirety. Without Heidi of course. :laugh:

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I don't think the NFL allows the rebroadcast of games on any channel.

Why not? If they don't want them shown on other networks. Why not put the classic games on DVD in their entirety. I think there is a lot of NFL fans that would pay to see them in their entirety. I know I would.

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The problem is that ESPN Classic is run by ESPN, it's as simple as that.

You can't find a real SPORTS channel anymore b/c ESPN is so focused on the "Entertainment" portion of its acronym that it takes for granted the reason that people are watching in the first place.

And the ironic part of it all is that ESPN produces and rebroadcasts these shows for entertainment purposes, and none of them are all that entertaining.

(Do you know a single person that likes "Cheap Seats?" Anyone that enjoyed "Bonds on Bonds?" Anyone that wants to see Vince Vaughan on Sportscenter? I don't.)

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if they don't show classic sports?

I turn the channel because NBA TV, instead of a great NBA game of the past, has WNBA on.

The WNBA is part of the NBA, so if they have live games, of course they're going to show that -- just like the NFL Network had live games of NFL Europe during its season. I think NBA-TV does a really good job with classic games and other programming. I can't speak to ESPN Classic, as I haven't watched it in a while.

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you need to get espn the ocho :silly:
dude i dont watch anything else, whats better than soccer with a flaming ball, lawn mower racing, and dodgeball all on one convientient channel? NOTHING! well except maybe a few things.... like a real ESPN Classic channel....
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