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Mp3 Help !!!!!


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Ok, I know we must have plenty of people who use these things.

My daughter got one today, and wants to down load music.

Is there any place you don't have to give a credit card to down load from. My wife is haveing a major fit at this point, and the kid is in tears....... I don't need the stress after a long week.

She can't seem to find out what type of charges we will have down the road, so my wife doesn't want to give a credit card.

I really getting NUCKING FUTS :insane:


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Sounds like a tough weekend so far with the girls Pete. Sorry buddy. Aside from loading the music onto the computer and then on to the mp3 player, there are sites out there for downloading music that don't ask for all that card info, ( I have an account with MSN so just download from there for .99 and automatically...well...you get the point). At your own risk type of things. If that's what you're looking for, I can find the links to the threads for ya.

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What type of MP3 player is it? I'm assuming an Ipod...

Anyway, for most popular music, which I'm assuming is what your daughter is interested in, can't be purchased and downloaded off the internet without a credit card. It really makes no sense if you think about it to send a check for $.99, or $1.99 per song and wait a week to be able to download. ;)

But, if your daughter doesn't mind more obscure artists, or samples from popular artists she can search around and find places like MP3.com or Music.Download.com and get free music although I'm not sure if it's as easy to find as the popular, radio played music today, or even just some popular bands.

Long story short, I doubt there's anyway to get Itunes without a credit card. It's the most convienent and therefore makes the most sense.

Now what she could do is buy CD's and transfer them to the MP3 player, but I guess she might not want to go through all that trouble.

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there is tonsof sites to get mp3 files from for free. As long as your not sharing 50 million files your pretty safe from getting busted as they search out the sharers first before the downloaders. I know. I got over 500 complete cd's on my pc but i dont share and havent had a problem.torrent files are the way to go. complete cd's are easy to grab. If dont know how to d/l torrents and want some info let me know. be glad to help out.

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I have two kids, one with an iPod who uses iTunes; another with an MP3 who uses the Wal-Mart music download service.

For neither do I have a credit card on file. We buy them electronic gift certificates as needed and this credits their account. When they are getting close to using the allowance, they let me know and I can top it up.

iTunes also allows a monthly allowance to be set up.

EDIT: Oh and Wal-Mart charges 88c :) (roll-back prices icon)


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Again, unless you plan on using iTunes... subscription services like Rhapsody you can also pay a monthly fee for ($15 a month or thereabouts) and have access to all their music. It only costs more if you choose to burn the songs to a CD.

EA, I/m assuming Pete won't mind me piggybacking on his thread here, but do you find Rhapsody offers a wide enough selection for many popular music tastes compared to the others? I have used Audiogalaxy I think it was called in the way past (3 yrs), and limewire about a year ago, but have kept my computer so surgically clean I hate to download that stuff and turn off any of my protection to allow the free versions. So I am thinking of biting the bullet and joining a pay service. I use comcast broadband for my conncection so it's a prominent option.

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Kazaa is :pooh: . puts loads of spyware on your comp and most of their mp3s are messed up. go with either limewire or bearshare if your gonna d/l illegally. torrents are also a good option.

torrents are your best bet...they are nearly perfect all of the time, and you can get albums up to a month before release.... download a program like "Azureus" then open it.....then go to a bittorrent site ike mininova.org, find a torrent and click download....tht simple

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EA, I/m assuming Pete won't mind me piggybacking on his thread here, but do you find Rhapsody offers a wide enough selection for many popular music tastes compared to the others? I have used Audiogalaxy I think it was called in the way past (3 yrs), and limewire about a year ago, but have kept my computer so surgically clean I hate to download that stuff and turn off any of my protection to allow the free versions. So I am thinking of biting the bullet and joining a pay service. I use comcast broadband for my conncection so it's a prominent option.

Rhapsody has a pretty wide selection. I never bought into a subscription with them myself, but there's enough there that I actually use it as someone of a database if I'm looking up info on bands or trying to find the name of a song. It all depends on what you like... but if its fairly mainstream it should definitely be on there :2cents:

If you're unsure or just want to play it safe just download the program and search for the music you like (before signing up for anything, of course).

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