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Disciplinarian parents have fat kids: study


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CHICAGO (Reuters) - Parents who are strict disciplinarians are far more likely to wind up with children who are fat by age six, perhaps because the youngsters over-eat as a reaction to stress, a study said on Monday.

The report from Boston University School of Medicine also found that the fewest weight problems occur among children whose parents are "authoritative" -- having high expectations for self control but respectful of a child's opinions and who set clear boundaries.

The study also found that children of parents who are permissive, defined as indulgent and without discipline, also have weight problems but not to the degree of the offspring of strict disciplinarians with low levels of sensitivity, the study said.

Researchers also found that children of neglectful mothers and fathers, those who are emotionally uninvolved with no set rules, fared about the same as kids raised by permissive parents.

The study covered 872 children who were part of a group enrolled at birth in 1991 in a U.S. government study and followed for a number of years.

"Among the four parenting styles, authoritarian parenting was associated with the highest risk of overweight among young children," concluded the study published in the June issue of "Pediatrics," the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

"These results provide evidence that a strict environment lacking in emotional responsiveness is associated with an increased risk of childhood overweight," the study said.

It may be that strict parents have defined limits on when and what their children eat that could have a negative impact if not accompanied by warmth and sensitivity, it added.

"A parent who is relatively insensitive to the child's emotional needs and development may impose a structure, such as requiring that a child clean his or her plate, that results in learning to eat on the basis of external cues rather than internal cues," the report said.

In addition, if a parent demands that a child exercise, it may result in an aversion to exercise, it said.

And living in a home with high expectations for self control but little sensitivity can be stressful, it added, and overeating can become "a stress response."

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Kids are fat because of Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and the ****in internet. I rarely ever see kinds outside. Hell, I lived outside during my childhood, video games was for night time or when it was really cold(I did not live in Fla. at the time). That and my parents wouldn't just let me plop myself in front of the tv during a nice day, it was get your ass outside and be a kid.

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"A parent who is relatively insensitive to the child's emotional needs and development may impose a structure, such as requiring that a child clean his or her plate, that results in learning to eat on the basis of external cues rather than internal cues," the report said.

In addition, if a parent demands that a child exercise, it may result in an aversion to exercise, it said.


So if you make your kid "clean his/her plate, they will get fat.

If you make your kid exercise, they will get fat.

If you hug them, they will be fit?

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"These results provide evidence that a strict environment lacking in emotional responsiveness is associated with an increased risk of childhood overweight," the study said.

So which is it, strict parents have fat kids or dysfunctional parents have fat kids? Any environment lacking in emotional responsiveness to your children is going to cause problems. No big surprise, is it?

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The data that authoritarian parents are more likely to have fatter kids is interesting. But their interpretation of the reasons for the kids being fat seems doubtful.

I guess my wife and I would fall into the authoritative category ... our kids WILL eat appropriate amounts of healthy foods and they WILL exercise regularly.

We just ask the kids for their views ... before doing it our way ... (well most of the time) :D

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I guess genetics has nothing to do with it. Look at your girlfriends mother before you give her that ring...trust me.

It's both nature and nurture. But much more nurture than nature.

If the kid grows up in a house where they don't change their habits when they put on weight, they will be fat ... and they'll probably blame their genes.

No matter what genetic advantage you are born with, sooner or later the calories you consume and the amount you burn through activity will determine your body weight.

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It's both nature and nurture. But much more nurture than nature.

If the kid grows up in a house where they don't change their habits when they put on weight, they will be fat ... and they'll probably blame their genes.

No matter what genetic advantage you are born with, sooner or later the calories you consume and the amount you burn through activity will determine your body weight.

I believe its 50/50. I can eat and eat and eat and drink and drink and drink, and my weight wont fluctuate more than 5-8 lbs. My brother is exactly the same way. We are both pretty active, me especially.

I went to Vegas for a week last month. I ate like a pig all week (buffets!) and drank hard booze and cola every day. I didnt even consider doing anything more strenuous than walking down to the pool.

Came back having put on a whopping 5 lbs. Its already gone.

Unfortunately, im sure this is going to change as i get to the dark side of 30.

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I believe its 50/50. I can eat and eat and eat and drink and drink and drink, and my weight wont fluctuate more than 5-8 lbs. My brother is exactly the same way. We are both pretty active, me especially.

I went to Vegas for a week last month. I ate like a pig all week (buffets!) and drank hard booze and cola every day. I didnt even consider doing anything more strenuous than walking down to the pool.

Came back having put on a whopping 5 lbs. Its already gone.

Unfortunately, im sure this is going to change as i get to the dark side of 30.

now me, i have to run a 5k 4 days a week and seriously watch my intake (beer is a no no if i'm trying to lose) in order to lose or maintain weight.

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Did they do a study on the non-disciplinarians that didn't provide for the emotional needs of their children? I would wager that their children had a propensity to be overweight also. I think this study is more effective in showing that parents who are emotionally insensitive tend to have overweight children than parents who use discipline....

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Your parents must've whooped your ass when you were a kid, according to this study. :laugh:

my parents used to beat the :pooh: out of me, and looking back on it, i'm glad they did, and i'm looking forward to beating the :pooh: out of my kids....."

10 points for the first to get the reference.

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Kids are fat because of Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and the ****in internet. I rarely ever see kinds outside. Hell, I lived outside during my childhood, video games was for night time or when it was really cold(I did not live in Fla. at the time). That and my parents wouldn't just let me plop myself in front of the tv during a nice day, it was get your ass outside and be a kid.

i loved being outside too as a kid. i remember many times crying b/c my parents wouldn't let me go out or call me in to eat.

i think kids today just don't want to go outside. i think parents who force their kids into 200 activities and year round sports are just as bad. i know plenty of folk who grew up like that who are addicted to exercise and constantly battling sickness/injuries as well as those who hate sports/competition.

if i'm ever blessed with children, i doubt i'm going to force them to go outside and play. :doh:

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I believe its 50/50. I can eat and eat and eat and drink and drink and drink, and my weight wont fluctuate more than 5-8 lbs. My brother is exactly the same way. We are both pretty active, me especially.

I went to Vegas for a week last month. I ate like a pig all week (buffets!) and drank hard booze and cola every day. I didnt even consider doing anything more strenuous than walking down to the pool.

Came back having put on a whopping 5 lbs. Its already gone.

Unfortunately, im sure this is going to change as i get to the dark side of 30.

I hate you. Seriously, I hate you.

i loved being outside too as a kid. i remember many times crying b/c my parents wouldn't let me go out or call me in to eat.

i think kids today just don't want to go outside. i think parents who force their kids into 200 activities and year round sports are just as bad. i know plenty of folk who grew up like that who are addicted to exercise and constantly battling sickness/injuries as well as those who hate sports/competition.

if i'm ever blessed with children, i doubt i'm going to force them to go outside and play. :doh:

Dude, you're 98. If you haven't had kids by now...

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High Fructose corn syrup and game systems= Today's kids

Stress will be around forever so the link is possible and IMO hurting kids even a stressed out kido can be thin if he got his butt off the couch........

Totally agreed. When i was a kid my parents wouldnt let me have a NES (until i bet them that I could get straight A's 2 report cards running, ****ing tricksters) and they had me playing 2 seasons of baseball, 1 of basketball, one of wrestling, and one of soccer (which is gay, but GREAT exercise) every year since i was like 6.

Todays kids play MLB '06, NBA Live, FIFA World Cup, and Madden, screw around on AIM and MySpace, watch the nonsense on MTV and thats about it.

My advise to people that want to talk to me about the newest fad diet, or complain about their weight, blah blah blah:

Put the fork down, go running.



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Hopefully in 5 years, they will just have a pill for that. :fingersx:

Or you can learn to love your increased girth. :D

I'm an believer in the 'Chris Farley Naked Diet.' ... you're allowed to eat whatever you want so long as you do it in front of a mirror with naked obese people, who look like Chris Farley (used to).

Not happy with the view I would see in the mirror, I run about 25 miles a week instead, and don't eat crap.

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CHICAGO (Reuters) - Parents who are strict disciplinarians are far more likely to wind up with children who are fat by age six, perhaps because the youngsters over-eat as a reaction to stress, a study said on Monday.

The report from Boston University School of Medicine also found that the fewest weight problems occur among children whose parents are "authoritative" -- having high expectations for self control but respectful of a child's opinions and who set clear boundaries.

There are valid issues addressed here, and the article starts off with a definite distinction made between strict disciplinarians and authoritatives. Physiologically our bodies still function the same way they did 50,000 years ago when we were hunter/gatherers, and times of stress made the body store fat against winter, famine, travel, etc. Well, we don't have those pressures anymore so the biochemical signals are all mixed up. You want to lose weight? Start with your head, whatever means works for you to reduce the effects of stress. Life is supposed to be challenging, that's not bad but it shouldn't be an angst-ridden battleground. Children are under increasing pressure in our society, their homelife should be a haven from all that. As ever, firm, fair, loving and consistent is the best combination, for your kids and for yourself.

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