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Your most memorable games good/bad vs. our Division foes...


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vs Dallas...

Good...has to be last year's MNF matchup! I woke up this morning still screaming about it.

Bad...1992 season opener on MNF in Dallas...they beat us and you could just kind of feel their dynasty starting.

vs. Giants...

Good...1991 week 8 sunday night...down 13-0 in the Meadowlands, we got our act together at halftime and came back to beat them 17-13 to go to 8-0

Bad...1986 NFC Championship game. nuff said

vs. Eagles...

Good...it's a tie...1991...23-0 on MNF or 1990 Wild Card game at the Vet, we won 20-6

Bad...1990 body bag game...or any one of those games in the 1990's where the Eagle pulled out the game in the last seconds.

I've been a fan since Super Bowl 17 so my games don't go too far back.

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Good: Last years MNF and Darrell Green's last game as a Skin, which was also Emmitt's last game as a Cowboy.

Bad: Basically every other game in the last 10 years. :(

NY Giants

Good: 50-21 thrashing we gave them in Week 2 of 1999, and beating them in Week 16 to inch closer to a playoff birth.

Bad: 36-0.


Good: Beating them to get into the playoffs, beating them to go from 0-5 to 5-5 in 2001.

Bad: Ramsey's gimme to Dawkins in 2004.

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Cowboys: Good was 31-17 win in NFCCG. Bad was 35-34 loss in '79 to keep us out of playoffs.

Eagles: Good was 20-6 win in wild card and avenging Body Bag Game. Bad, take your pick of either of the two butt-whoopings here at FedEx under the lip-flapper's regime.

Giants: I don't hate them as much so its tough. Good I'd probably say 17-13 in '91, keeping our unbeaten season going and showing that Gibbs could indeed beat Parcells! Bad.......I could go back to the '88 opener, where we started strong against them on MNF but lost, and that set the tone for Gibbs' only losing season in his first run. But the last few seasons' games (3 out of the last 4 anyway) up at the Meadowlands have been nightmare-ish. I won't count the 17-0 NFCCG loss because I seriously didn't think we were going to win.....the Jints were a better team that year.

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Good: Last year, 35-7 absolute domination

Bad: i think it was 27-0 during Spurriers last year when Hasselback had a 0.0 rating.


Good: beating them, week 17 last season to clinch the playoffs and ST's first TD

Bad: Losing to them at home during Gibb's first year when we were driving to scor ethe tying FG only to have Ramsey throw a pick in the endzone.


Good: Gibbs first year, 31-7 and ramsey demolishes the Giants Defense

Bad: 36-0 last year.

See, im relatively young and have been following the redskins hardcore for about 4 seasons. That was the best i could come up with.

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Good: While the Santana game last year was thrilling, I don't know if a victory will ever make me feel like I felt after we beat them in RFK in 1992 (for more on that, check this out http://edkleese.blogspot.com/2005_12_01_edkleese_archive.html)

Bad: The 1999 season opener. Emmitt, Troy, and Irvin out-gutted us that day. They just kept grinding and charging and we couldn't handle it. A very typcial Norv-era loss.


Good: Oddly enough, I'm going with a win at the Vet in 1997. Even though the year turned ugly after that, at the time, I thought was THE win for us. At that point, I thought Norv had turned the corner and that the Redskins were "back." Ugh, how wrong was I? But for that one glorious day, I was in heaven.

Bad: Third week of the 1993 season at the Vet. That was the game where I lost my faith in the skins and knew that it wasn't going to be the same with Gibbs gone. It was an exciting back and forth game (remember Reggie Brooks?), but Randall Cunningham beat us on a late TD pass (to Calvin Williams maybe?). That game changed everything for me and I knew this wasn't the same team anymore.


Good: Gotta go with that Sunday night win in at the Meadowlands in 1991. Down 13-0 at the half, my all-time favortie skin (Gary Clark) caught two TD's and we rallied to win 17-13 and in the process finally got over a "Giant" hump.

Bad: Take your pick from just about any of those games from the mid-late 80's. Each game was a tense dogfight and the Giants won just about all of them. Parcells is the only coach I ever saw who Gibbs was never able to "get over" on. Hopefully, last year showed that Gibbs has finally figured it out :)

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good- last years MNF game

bad- 1991 when they handed us our first loss. i shudder to think what might have been had we gone into that final game against the eagles undefeated.


good- 1985, a 23-21 win on MNF. i know, it was the game that theismann got hurt....but it was the first NFL game that i watched, and we won w/ the help of both an onside kick and a fake punt.

bad- '86 championship game or 36-0. take your pick


good- playoff win...payback for body bag game

bad- body bag game, or the brooks fumble, illegal forward lateral bs game.

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Good: While the Santana game last year was thrilling, I don't know if a victory will ever make me feel like I felt after we beat them in RFK in 1992 (for more on that, check this out http://edkleese.blogspot.com/2005_12_01_edkleese_archive.html)

nice one. i remember that game. i had to listen to the classic finish on the radio. that was a 4:00 game. church started at 7. :mad:

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Kleese, what about the Cardinals? We'd have to divide that up between the St. Louis era and the Phoenix era! The worst loss against St. Louis was in '75 in OT (maybe before your time) when the refs gave Mel Grey a BS TD catch ruling!! Of course, the worst loss against Phoenix would've been courtesy of your favorite Skin Romeo Bandison in '96!!

I had the chance to read some of your blog entries over the past several months. Your "survival guide" to the season (as far as accomodating your wife) was hilarious!! Hope all is well bud!!

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As the origianl poster I should have included the Cardinals since they were in our division for a long time.

Good...1984 season finale...the Cardinals were out of time outs and rushed their FG team onto the field but missed the field goal which gave us the division title.

Bad...there have been alot of heartbreakers in the desert and I have been to all of them...I'll go with the 1996 game that we lost 27-26 which knocked us out of the playoffs making the last game at RFK a week later less signifigant.

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Redskins v. Giants, 1987 NFL Championship game.... Giants 17, Redskins 0. This was when I knew I was truly a skins fan. Cried my eyes out and didn't understand why they had to lose. Hated LT. Hated the kid down the street for being a giants fan. My father taught me well...

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Sorry, it's too late to think too much, but our greatest victory (outside of the 3 SB's) was the Dallas game last year. I'll never forget jumping around and screaming "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!" after the 2nd TD to Moss. Absolutely PRICELESS.

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For me, the worst Cowboy game had to be during the 2000 season. There was so much joy in DC early in that year. We had just come off a playoff berth, had one our first game of the year, and were hosting Dallas on MNF in week 2.

We played an ugly game but battled back only to lose (as we always seemed to). Those games in the late 1990s and early 2000s always seemed different than other games. We could do no right and they could do no wrong. This one just hurt a little more since it seemed like we were finally going in the right direction. But, it was just another false start for us...hell Cunningham fumbled a snap and still had time to find Chris Warren (I think) wide open for a long TD pass...it was that type of night. We lost 27-21.

The best Cowboy game had to either be the 1992 one or the one this past December (which I attended). The lead up to the games felt the same to me. Most people outside of Washington assumed Dallas would win and we came out playing pretty well. Now, there is no comparison of the two games once play began though. From start to finish we outclassed and owned Dallas in 2005. In 1992, it took a fluke play to beat them, but that was OK. We were a wounded champion and that was our swan song in some regards.

I spent a lot of time on Dallas because, well they're Dallas.

Giants...good HAS to be 17-13 in 1991. To me, the bad is probably the 1986 NFC Championship game but since that's been covered, I'll go with two from the same year. In 1989, we began the year vs. NY on MNF and we lost on a 52-yard FG as time expired. Later that year, we were driving toward the winning TD when Byner muffed a catch that was intercepted and they went down to ice the game. Those were 2 of the 6 straight close games we lost to them before we ended the streak in 1991.

Eagles...good game would be the 1990 playoff game at the Vet. Bad to me was the game where Gerald Riggs had a monster game and rushed for over 200 yards but fumbled late to lose us the game to Philly 42-37.

I need a break.

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