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WP/Wilbon - In the Blame Game, It Goes Both Ways


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When Lavar got to play, he out performed the person replacing him. I mean I've played football and coached it also. I don't know all their defensive so called packages abd schemes but I damn sure know when a player isn't making plays which Warrick Holdman wasn't. A non playmaking Weakside backer that was doing nothing.

Of course he outplayed Holdman. I would expect him to. Problem is, Lavar wasn't much better than Lemar Marshall's peformance the year before at that position. He never looked like the same player he was before the injury. (This doesn't mean he can't be a great player still.)

One more thing, another reason why Lavar didn't play until SF was that he wasn't in game shape. I mean, he didn't even start jogging until the middle of training camp. It takes a while to get into shape.

So, the Skins had no choice but to start Holdman for all those games.


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errrr...Jumbo...my brotha....it only takes one hit. we shall see what the future brings....shall we not? let's hope he goes to an NFC East team so all of us can ultimately get validation on our pov's in this matter.

I'm not sure what the "only one hit" is about but no prob, amigo...

brotha, I've been reading you and I feel yuh pain...

I've made it a point in several (not all) of my recent posts on lavar's departure to acknowledge that there are pros AND cons to him not being here. As I have consistently done with lavar.

I've also made it a point in several of those posts to separate some of my fan-reaction comments from those who I've referred to as intelligent fans who really liked him as distinguished from the sycophants.

the latter being like many of those who throw around the term "lavar hater" because it's easier than employing crititical thinking. or the ones who are "pathetic" to read because their irrational dislike of criticism or accountablity applied to lavar clouds their objectivity. Hi scruffylooking :nana:

You wilbon lover :silly:

My consistent negative on lavar has been his talking out of both sides of his mouth with full awareness of what he's doing (he's not stupid and he's not truly delusional). I really don't like that trait in a person and that does color my opinion of wanting them on my team. I also see the record as showing he flat-out lied ("they pressured me to play when I was still injured; they lied about my knee surgery")to create an image of himself (the noble suffering innocent) that he wanted to create at the expense of his coaches and his team.

here, lavar had a clear choice. if he loved the team as much as he likes to say, i don't know why he didn't take the other offer. if its because of a single coach, that's his right, but then he doesn't love the team "with all his heart" or he'd work it out, IMO.

of course the good sycophant will respond with "but lindsay hates him! would you work like that?" even though we have little, real, idea of what the actual dynamics are.

the other players manage to deal with these monsters :rolleyes: .

you really think he wants to stay in the NFCE to beat his former team because he "loves them so much"? I noted how immdediately a booster came up with "he just doesn't want to move his family." Many players play all over without moving their families. I got the screw-the-ex take: "you just wait till i show up with some new hot babe and wave her under your nose, cuz i still luv you so much baby". But that's the nature of this topic. :)

And my consistent take on his performance as he starting playing more last year was that he was roughly between average and pretty good, but with fluctuation. He was injured. I didn't blame him for that. I am open-mined that his future could show movement in either direction, improvment or decline.

I'm a Redskins fan first and always, and with no doubt in my mind as to where my ultimate loyalties exist. But I don't need (or want) Lavar go somewhere to suffer to make me feel validated about my take now. I think it's reasonably objective, but still with emotion involved. If he does excel, I would simply acknowledge any demonstrated errors of judgement in any comments I've made as appropriate.

That's just how I roll :laugh:

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Sure, he had a lot of turnover in coaches early on, but now that things have finally stablized, he now wants to leave?

Two words for ya:

(1) Dale

(2) Lindsey

Lindsey is a self-described occasional "*******." As good of a coach as he may be, this is the NFL, not the Army. He's a "Coach." Not "Gunnery Sergeant Hartman." If you remember, he was the one who got in Lavar's face after a game this season and laid into him while other players said they thought it was inapproriate!

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Two words for ya:

(1) Dale

(2) Lindsey

Lindsey is a self-described occasional "*******." As good of a coach as he may be, this is the NFL, not the Army. He's a "Coach." Not "Gunnery Sergeant Hartman." If you remember, he was the one who got in Lavar's face after a game this season and laid into him while other players said they thought it was inapproriate!

If you give me 4.5 mil a year you can scream at me all day every day and I'll take it and ask for more :laugh:

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Not a huge Wilbon fan but I agree with him. There's blame on both sides.

Actually, Wilbon is saying there is more on the side of the Redskins/Snyder.

That's pretty damn hard to agree with considering the evidence (Jansen/ Samuels success, every previous coach save Schotty having not-so-nice things to say about LA) showing otherwise.

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He said he was pretty shocked and didn't know what was going on and mentioned that he could be playing for Dallas and I was like God I hope not.

If Lavar goes to ANY NFC team, and plays like he has the last two seasons, he is no threat to us. I believe Saunders offense will employ shorter quick passes and by the time Lavar get's to our QB, our reciever (with ball in hand) will be 50 yards down the field looking at Lavar in his rearview mirror.


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Actually, Wilbon is saying there is more on the side of the Redskins/Snyder.

That's pretty damn hard to agree with considering the evidence (Jansen/ Samuels success, every previous coach save Schotty having not-so-nice things to say about LA) showing otherwise.

Is Samuels a success? Jansen just strikes me as the type of player who would do well if you dropped in the desert with 52 Martians and said..."Hey, play football." And the fact that they are the only two carry-overs from before 2001 at this point is somewhat telling of the chaos at Redskins Park over the years.

I think even his biggest supports accept the fact that Lavar is overly sensitive and requires a lot of coddling. But he's not the only football player to ever be like that. Heck, Dexter Manley and John Riggins practically required caseworkers to travel with them and they thrived under Gibbs.

I also don't recall any coach badmouthing Lavar. It may have happened, but I don't think he was widely believed to be a malcontent prior to this season and the benching.

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