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Derek Smith to replace LA56

the burgundy and gold

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As long as we're talking about adding players that are currently under contract, we might as well be talking about Joey Porter. :)

theburgandyandgold... there is a 'read me' on the top of this page about starting Lavar threads.

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Even if he wasn't signed, he's a MLB. He couldn't play outside. Too slow. I don't even know if I'd want him in the middle now, to be honest with you.

ya, decent to good mlb but not someone we want back. He tries to speak out and be a team leader, which is admirable for the 49ers i guess, but definately lacks the impressive skills to back it up. Give me chris clemons anyday.

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Please stop posting threads like these. The title alone makes it seem like you are posting official news. At least put RUMOR at the front. Us younger guys are starting to catch a lot of crap over these useless threads being posted. There are several What If? threads this could be posted in. Besides, the guy was resigned. I am not trying to be a jerk, just trying to help stop a worsening situation. Please use the search bar before starting threads, especially What If? scenarios. Thanks.

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