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Beer suggestions


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um...this is a saint Pattys party....so guiness and harp are two musts for Irish beer.....as for other stuff what are you looking for? Stouts? Fruity micros? Belgians?

Honestly, a little bit of everything.

Shooting to try some great beers that we normally wouldn't try.

Normal fare around here being Shiner, Fat Tire (which I actually dig quite a lot), as well as all the other piss beers out there (i.e., Bud, Coors, etc..)

Quite the great list thus far -- I don't know how I'll narrow it down and make it coherent, but we'll give it a go. I appreciate everyone's contributions!


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St. Patty's day has to have Guiness Draught involved. Like everyone else said, in the cans they're real good. Newcastle is good, Boddington's Pub Ale, Some of the Sam Adam's seasonals are real good, Dos Equis. Yuengling probably has the best taste/value ratio, you can't get a better beer at that price.

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heheh only problem with that is at least Malt Liquor is close to beer. MD 20/20 is more like wine.

well you could expand it to an "alcoholic beverage" tasting party instead. Mad Dog will work quickly on your guests, trust me. It may just even turn into another type of party......

:laugh: sorry.

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well you could expand it to an "alcoholic beverage" tasting party instead. Mad Dog will work quickly on your guests, trust me. It may just even turn into another type of party......

:laugh: sorry.

heheh this is true.

I know so many people who have gone blind for the night thanks to grape flavored MD 20/20.

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