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Teen beats up his grandmother - because she won't buy him beer


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This kid is in serious need of a beat down!!!! :whippin:



Teen beats up his grandmother - because she won't buy him beer

Bradenton, Florida -- Deputies say a 16-year-old has been arrested for beating his grandmother with a two-by-four for refusing to give him $100 for beer.

Charged is Kurt Cass of Hammock Drive, Bradenton.

Investigators say Cass went into his 60-year-old grandmother's bedroom Thursday and asked her for $100 for beer. When she refused, he allegedly placed a razor blade on her throat and demanded she take him to the bank to get the money, deputies said.

***Click link at top for full story***

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From the article:

Authorities tell us today that Cass came from a troubled family. His mother is in prison on cocaine possession and sale charges, and his father is serving a 15-year prison sentence for manslaughter after choking a prostitute to death in 2002.

No kidding. The kid is demon spawn. Lock him up and throw away the key. But hit him with a 2x4 first. Hard. In the face. Repeatedly

Sorry junior, they dont serve cake in prison......ever.

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A kid I grew up with, who always had mental problems, ended up stabbing his mom to death, dragging her body to the basement and just leaving it there. He took her credit cards or her cash and bought a playstation and a bunch of CDs, and just hung out and had people over drinking and stuff for a few days...

Presumably when the body started to smell, he set fire to the basement and called 911. He sat around waiting for the cops and fire department, I'm guessing because he felt guilty. He gave some convoluted story about his dog being caught in the house, but nobody bought it...

Anyway, it was a pretty big story in Arlington, maybe you guys heard about it? Back in my juvenile deliquent days, me and my buddy used to get this kid to steal spray paint for us from a hardware store...I was in FL in college when he did it, and when I heard about it I was like WHOAH...crazy stuff.

Anyway, this kid was never "normal," but always tried really hard to fit in. My best friend Charlie was better friends with him than I was, and he and our other friend used to hang out with him a lot and get him to do stupid stuff...kind of mean looking back at it.

Anyways, this kid does not need to be "locked up" per se...he needs serious help. Normal kids don't beat their grandmothers with 2x4s...it just isn't done. :2cents:

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You know prison (or even correctional facility) has a way of taking care of punks like this kid. Give this kid 6 months (general population) in a state facility and he'd be crying his eyes out. Everybody inside wants to know what your "in for". They can and will find out the truth and when they do this kid is in for one fun time.

I did some time including a trip to solitary and it's one experience I'm not too inclined to repeat.

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You can clearly see by looking at him that he wasn't raised right.

His parents all messed up in jail for murder and drug abuse/sales.

I could not imagine the grandmother being this role model citizen. And it looks like she is feeling that thorn in her side from the seeds she planted.

You hear the question "What's wrong with the kids these days?"

The answer is "nothing", the question should be "What's wrong with parents these days?"

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I have news for you guys. If you believe this is an isolated incident, and these types of things are rare...your not paying attention. We have serious, SERIOUS social issues in this country. I deal with countless kids like this one everyday. Just this morning I had to transport a 14 year old who tried to beat a man with a lead pipe.

These types of incidents are more wide spread today, for a variety of reasons. Of which the main reasons are lack of, or piss poor parental involvement (like this kid's two jail bird, crack-head parents), negative influence by piers, violent television and the music industry.

I grew up in the "hair metal" era of the 80's, and god knows their were enough negative influences, and vice in the lyrics of those songs to last two lifetimes, but I turned out somewhat normal. Mainly, because I had parents who were involved in my life, and would have put a foot in my ass if I got out of line. Today's kids have the same negative influences, but don't have that parental involvement. Hense, the wide-spread disrespect for authority, and out of control behavior of many of today's youth.

What truly scares me is that kids like this one will probably hook up, and reproduce. Imagine what THEIR kids will be like. :doh:

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From the article:

No kidding. The kid is demon spawn. Lock him up and throw away the key. But hit him with a 2x4 first. Hard. In the face. Repeatedly

Sorry junior, they dont serve cake in prison......ever.

They may not serve cake in prison, but they do toss salads..........

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