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Carolina Panthers @ Seattle Seahawks game thread: Discuss the game here!


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I agree.

Had we been healthy and had a legitimate #2 receiver, I won't say we would've won but things would've been a heckuva lot more interesting in the 4th quarter last weekend.

Hats off to Seattle. They were facing a redhot Carolina team and took them to the woodshed today.

To BlueTalon and the good posters of his ilk, Congrats and enjoy!! You're in the SuperBowl!! :cheers:

Too true...To the Seattle fans...congrats and enjoy it...you all have had to wait a long time for this. Should be a good game and I am glad we do not have to hear, "And the Patriots are here again."

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Why don't more punters do that? it has to be easier to kick the ball out of bounds inside the 10 than it is for a flyer to race down the field and down a ball.

EDIT: Or maybe not...

because if you are shooting for the 5 yard line, the directional precision required from 40 yards down the field is extremely tight. Especially when you consider the fact that he's punting from the middle of the field, not close to the opposite sideline.

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Too true...To the Seattle fans...congrats and enjoy it...you all have had to wait a long time for this. Should be a good game and I am glad we do not have to hear, "And the Patriots are here again."

That's for damn sure.

Anyone else hoping both teams do individual line-up introductions this year?

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That's half the arguement. James never had anything close to 28 TDs on the ground. That means that when the Hawks are in the red zone, and when the other team KNOWS the run is coming, the Hawks hand it off to Alexander and he runs it in anyway.

Alexander is no Pac 10 back. He played in the SEC. He is a smashmouth back, and his team's end zone efficiency is reflective of that.

And that's half the arguement because a lot of the times Alexander goes in untouched. If push comes to shove, Alexander will avoid contact. I'm not saying that that isn't smart, because it can be, but it's not exactly what you call smashmouth either. Seattle's offense is built on timing, like clockwork. Why people get offended when they are called finesse is beyond me. Barry Sanders was finesse, he was my favorite of all time.

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After watching both of these games today, I may have to give the edge to Seattle in the SB. I was surprised by Pitts inability to run the ball against Denver, and by the looks of Seattle's pass D, Pitts may have to be able to run to win. I don't know if they can. Seattle on the other hand looks solid all the way around. Whatever happens from here out, I'm happy because Denver's out.

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And that's half the arguement because a lot of the times Alexander goes in untouched. If push comes to shove, Alexander will avoid contact. I'm not saying that that isn't smart, because it can be, but it's not exactly what you call smashmouth either. Seattle's offense is built on timing, like clockwork. Why people get offended when they are called finesse is beyond me. Barry Sanders was finesse, he was my favorite of all time.

First of all, he goes untouched for a reason; he has big time blockers knocking the other folks out of the way. Seattle has a tackle, a guard, and a fullback starting in the Pro Bowl. That's no accident. Oh, and Alexander is 5'11 225. Barry Sanders is 5'8 and he was playing at 200. Alexander is a powerful back who can avoid contact. He is much more like Ricky Williams or a non-timid Jamal Lewis than he is like Barry Sanders.

Second of all, you just got done saying that smashmouth beats finesse every time, and now you wonder why teams don't like being called finesse?

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