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Carolina Panthers @ Seattle Seahawks game thread: Discuss the game here!


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I hope this puts to rest all of that ridiculous crap about our offense. Our 11th ranked, top third of the league offense. Our offense that put up more points during the regular season than Carolina. Our offense that has so far put up more points on the board than the Panthers ZERO points. Of course that won't happen.

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Don't worry, The Steelers are going cream the **** outta the Hawks. Smashmouth>Finess anyday.
What games have you been watching? Last week the Seahawks and the Redskins beat the crap out of each other. If you want to call that finesse, that's up to you, but we finessed you right in the mouth.
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LMAO at the team with the League's leading rusher and all-time TD scorer (exclusively on the ground) being "finesse".

Edgerrin James led the league in rushing his rookie year, and was one of the leading rushers in the American Football Conference this past season, so I presume the Colts are more smashmouth than finesse, huh? :rolleyes:

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What games have you been watching? Last week the Seahawks and the Redskins beat the crap out of each other. If you want to call that finesse, that's up to you, but we finessed you right in the mouth.

Last week was definitely NOT finesse! And the Panthers are definitely NOT smashmouth.

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