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Carolina Panthers @ Seattle Seahawks game thread: Discuss the game here!


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Save it for someone else. I had obscenities screamed in my and my 9 yr olds face all day long. While you may be right it happens everywhere, I don't do it to opposing fans at FedEx. So I'm not compelled to be fair.

OK, I am sorry that you had a bad experience man, But I did not have that experience at all. The fans that I sat around were quite respectful. I dunno, please don't judge all the Seaawks fans because of that incident. You were just around a bunch of Jack*****. It is almost like other fans thinking that we were all like what the other "tailgate group" has been known for doing.

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Steve Smith is just as valuable to the Panthers (if not more valuable) than Santana is to us...but Carolina still sends him back there. And Moss clearly has a talent for returning punts...I don't get it. :whoknows:

I agree, but when you have a guy (A. Brown) who runs a sub 4.3 forty (faster than Santana) and doesn't have a significant role, then why not let him be the giunea pig?

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OK, I am sorry that you had a bad experience man, But I did not have that experience at all. The fans that I sat around were quite respectful. I dunno, please don't judge all the Seaawks fans because of that incident. You were just around a bunch of Jack*****. It is almost like other fans thinking that we were all like what the other "tailgate group" has been known for doing.

Honestly, I don't. I gave props to many of the cool folks who sat around us. What I don't excuse is the security guys there who saw a number of dumbasses harassing Skins fans and did ZERO.

Pretty Lame.

I hate the crap I experienced. Its America, you should be able to go to a game (regardless of which side you're rooting for) without being harassed/threatened. I did not feel safe. I felt like it was a mistake bringing my son, and that really bothered me.

That being said, I agree, its idiots I'm condemning, not just Seahawks fans (most of whom I'm sure are good people).

Go Panthers :)

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