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Carolina Panthers @ Seattle Seahawks game thread: Discuss the game here!


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First of all, he goes untouched for a reason; he has big time blockers knocking the other folks out of the way. Seattle has a tackle, a guard, and a fullback starting in the Pro Bowl. That's no accident. Oh, and Alexander is 5'11 225. Barry Sanders is 5'8 and he was playing at 200. Alexander is a powerful back who can avoid contact. He is much more like Ricky Williams or a non-timid Jamal Lewis than he is like Barry Sanders.

Second of all, you just got done saying that smashmouth beats finesse every time, and now you wonder why teams don't like being called finesse?

1. You are proving my point. Somebody of that size should not shy away from contact as often as he does. He is a great back, no doubt though.

2. That still does not justify the dislike of the label. A good defense>a good offense, but you wouldn't see a league full of great Defenses, would you?

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Well guys, that's what you call domination. Congrats to the 2005 NFC Champion Seattle Seahawks. Too bad the players don't get to enjoy the 2 weeks of paradise of a tropical place like the past few Super Bowls. LOL.

True Mark Schlereth said that his goal for the next two weeks not leave the hotel.

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Congrads to the Seattle Seahawks- 2005 NFC Champions. I eat my crow! :Cry:

Enjoy your win, because you aren't winning in 2 weeks. The Bus and The Chin and Russ Grimm are destined to win the superbowk in The Bus's hometown!

Yeah...and the Steelers are gonna win the Super Bowl, too! :D

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Well guys, that's what you call domination. Congrats to the 2005 NFC Champion Seattle Seahawks. Too bad the players don't get to enjoy the 2 weeks of paradise of a tropical place like the past few Super Bowls. LOL.

That's okay there will be plenty of oportunities for Eugene Robinson incidents up there over the border.

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