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Impending War with Iran?


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It is the start of Wolrd War III in my opnion. China needs Iran for oil. Plus China is still pissed that we haven't given them the green light to conquer Tiwain (sp) again. I like to say it would be a snack down. But we are treading on dangerous ground here. We have an inept leader in Bush for a situation like this. On November 2, 2004 I said things couldn't get worst....I was wrong.

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Patton used to call monty 'The Tentpitcher' :laugh: :laugh:

While everyone else was advancing furiously, there was montgomery, slogging it out, bogging it down, holding everything up :doh:.

It is very well documented among German WWII vets and the German's complete lack of respect and/or fear of Montgomery. Germans counted themselves fortunate if it was Monty they were up against.


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Patton used to call monty 'The Tentpitcher' :laugh: :laugh:

While everyone else was advancing furiously, there was montgomery, slogging it out, bogging it down, holding everything up :doh:.

It is very well documented among German WWII vets and the German's complete lack of respect and/or fear of Montgomery. Germans counted themselves fortunate if it was Monty they were up against.


he sure kicked arse at el alamein but bit of a toss at arnhem but field marshal you know :D :D :D
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It is the start of Wolrd War III in my opnion. China needs Iran for oil. Plus China is still pissed that we haven't given them the green light to conquer Tiwain (sp) again. I like to say it would be a snack down. But we are treading on dangerous ground here. We have an inept leader in Bush for a situation like this. On November 2, 2004 I said things couldn't get worst....I was wrong.

We can disrupt China's oil supply from Afghanistan if needed. I don't think they will get involved in anything beyond obstructionism, along side the frogs and Krauts.

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he sure kicked arse at el alamein but bit of a toss at arnhem but field marshal you know :D :D :D

There was only one great general in North Africa. His name was Rommel. Funny how 3 to 1 odds no air support and no supplies to speak of changes the outcome of a battle. If Monty had faced those odds he would have run across N. Africa to avoid a fight. Oh, thats right, HE DID... With superior numbers no less. :doh:

Here's the deal. Monty was a buffoon, Patton was competent and it still took 10 to 1 odds to chase Rommel out of North Africa.

And here's one for Americans to chew on... Desert Storm was right out of Rommels playbook, not Patton's. Pin the static defense in front and do a wide sweep to hit the enemy in his rear. Classic Rommel.

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And here's one for Americans to chew on... Desert Storm was right out of Rommels playbook, not Patton's. Pin the static defense in front and do a wide sweep to hit the enemy in his rear. Classic Rommel.

Lee/Jackson used it at Chancellorsville long before Rommel was born :D

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This is probably fodder for a different topic, but doesn't this make absolute sense if it were a war for oil? If oil prices go up, oil companies profit. Bush loves Big Oil.

Where so you get off making sense AtB??? You know there is no place for rational thought in the tailgate :silly:

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We need to go to war in the next 6 months or it will be much bloodier down the road.


on the other hand, imagine a leader who believes they must begin armegeddon to bring the 12th Mehdi back to earth- and the same leader with nuclear weapons. we must act now!

First of all, they are no where close to a nuclear bomb.


Overall, Iran is probably a little less than a decade away from developing a nuclear weapon. The key question here is how long it will take Iran to enrich a few tens of kilograms of uranium to more than 90 percent U-235.

Dafna Linzer reported that the US Intelligence Community does not believe that Iran could do so before “early to mid next decade”—a revision of previous assessments that Iran would “have the ability to produce nuclear weapons early in the next decade.”

Why so long? The answer is that Iran still has to build, install and operate its centrifuges to enrich uranium.

David Albright and Corey Hinderstein at the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) released an estimate that breaks down the steps for Iran to make fissile material for a bomb, along with a nifty satellite image (at right) of Iran’s Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP) at Natanz.

Most references to Iran being “months” away from a bomb are really statements about how close Iran will be once it completes the FEP—something, as you will soon see, that will take a few years.

Secondly, doesn't our very own leader believe in the apocalypse?

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This is probably fodder for a different topic, but doesn't this make absolute sense if it were a war for oil? If oil prices go up, oil companies profit. Bush loves Big Oil.

With oil firms poised to unveil record profits for last year, industry leader Exxon Mobil has moved to blunt the backlash it expects from US politicians and consumers still angry over high fuel prices.

In an unusual move for the tight- lipped oil giant, an executive hosted an hour-long electronic news conference to downplay the company's high profits and the influence it has in the world markets for oil and fuel.

The event was part of a renewed effort to bolster the industry's image and to calm politicians considering a windfall profits tax and other legislation that oil companies oppose.


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Iran extends nuclear plant in secret

By Philip Sherwell in Washington

(Filed: 22/01/2006)

Iran has secretly extended the uranium enrichment plant at the centre of the international controversy over its resumption of banned nuclear research earlier this month, satellite imagery has revealed.

Seven buildings have been erected around the concealed centrifuges which Western governments fear will be used to manufacture weapons-grade uranium at the Natanz site, 200 miles south of Teheran.

The Natanz site in 2003 and 2006: Click to enlarge

The discovery has heightened fears that Iran is stepping up the pace of its suspected weapons programme, in breach of international agreements, since it removed International Atomic Energy Authority seals on nuclear equipment at the site 10 days ago.

Western intelligence agencies are focusing on alarming similarities in satellite imagery of Iran's nuclear sites, which the regime claims are for civilian purposes, and atomic facilities in Pakistan used to make the raw materials for nuclear weapons, as they try to identify the purpose of the Natanz construction spree.

The building work took place unannounced during a 16-month pause in research and development at the site, while Iran engaged the West in protracted talks over its professed desire to develop nuclear power. The existence of the Natanz site was kept secret until it was exposed by an Iranian opposition group in 2002. Iran started to move funds out of the European banks on Friday to avoid possible financial sanctions after its scientists resumed work. The showdown has contributed to soaring world oil prices and a slump on Wall Street stock markets.

The Sunday Telegraph has seen recent United States intelligence analysis of satellite photographs of nuclear sites in Iran and Pakistan that strengthens fears that the Islamic regime is secretly developing atomic weapons under the guise of a supposedly peaceful power programme. "Iran's facilities are scaled exactly like another state's facilities that were designed to produce fissile material for nuclear weapons," the US report concluded, using the phrase "another state" to refer to Pakistan for diplomatic reasons.

The intelligence briefing also studies Iran's heavy water plant and reactor at Araq and its ballistic missile programme and compares them with Pakistan's facilities. The world learnt that Islamabad had built nuclear weapons only when it conducted first tests in 1998.

John Pike, the director of GlobalSecurity.org, an independent Washington defence research consultancy that specialises in analysing satellite images, told this newspaper: "These pictures indicate that Iran is replicating every major step that Pakistan took in its atomic bomb programme."

Both US intelligence and Mr Pike's independent analysis highlight the Araq site, where Iran claims it is processing heavy water for a medical isotope programme. It bears a striking resemblance to Pakistan's site at Khushab.

Heavy water production reactors can be designed to covert uranium into weapons-grade plutonium without the need for further enrichment. Pakistan, India, Israel North Korea, Russia and the US are all believed to have used them for this purpose.

The US intelligence assessment concludes that Iran could produce enough plutonium each year at Araq for up to three nuclear bombs.

In other parallels, Iran's scientists are conducting their latest round of research using Pakistani-designed centrifuges at Natanz. The two countries are also both developing similar ballistic missiles, able to carry nuclear warheads.

Evidence of new building at Natanz has further fuelled concerns about Iran's intentions. "It is surprising to see how much construction work has taken place," said Mr Pike. "The Iranians have been very busy even while the seals were in place."

The Iranians kept the existence of the Natanz and Araq sites secret until 2002 when IAEA inspectors confirmed opposition claims that Iran had been conducting a nuclear programme for 18 years. Teheran is widely believed to have received help during this time from A Q Khan, the maverick scientist who developed Pakistan's bomb and sold his know-how to rogue states around the world. The two countries have denied any official co-operation.

The US intelligence report that draws the parallels between the Iranian and Pakistani sites also concludes that while Iran's uranium reserves are not enough for its claimed goal of nuclear energy independence, they are large enough for atomic bomb production.

British, French and German diplomats from the so-called EU3 negotiating team, backed by Washington, are this weekend discussing with Russian and Chinese counterparts the contents of a draft resolution on Iran before an emergency IAEA meeting next month. Russia and China are unwilling to back early calls for sanctions.

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What an uncivilized fellow this Lieberman is. A regular derainged Cowboy, talking to the Iranians like that.


Joe Lieberman: U.S. Prepared for Iran Strike

Sen. Joe Lieberman said Sunday that the U.S. is prepared to deal with the Iranian nuclear crisis militarily - even if the war in Iraq continues to require a substantial American troop commitment.

"We have the most powerful military in the history of the world," Lieberman told CBS's "Face the Nation."

"We are capable, if necessary, of continuing to pursue our aims militarily in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere and, if necessary, conduct a military attack on Iran."

Lieberman said the he hoped an attack on Iran, if it should come, would be carried out "with the assistance of our coalition allies in Europe."

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But he noted that any assault on Iranian nuclear facilities "would be primarily an air attack. It's not going to involve massive use of ground forces."

Asked about reports that the U.S. would let Israel take the lead in any attack against Iran, the Connecticut Democrat told CBS:

"The United States is a strong enough country that we never want to be in a position to have to essentially contract out protection of our national security, vis-a-vis Iran, to another country like Israel."

He noted also the Israelis "don't have the same aircraft capacity that we do, capable of doing it."

Lieberman said that while the military option remains a last resort for the U.S., "I want the people who lead Iran to understand that it is on the table. We deem their pursuit of nuclear weapons to be dead serious."

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All you people need to know is the 7 year peace treaty for peace in Isreal...When that happens then you know things will be going down!The leader of the free world..."Anti-christ" will make peace....for 3 1/2 years, then the war of wars shall begin...or as some call it....Armagedden!!

Better get right with jesus....Thats all I gotta say....

Now back to the Redskins site...I love this team...Tailgate isn't bad either...

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redskins 2000-

I admire your fighting spirit- but you don't know what you are talking about.

"Also, Russia has already said they will defend Iran."

where on earth did you hear this?!! The russians want to have nothing to do with Teheran other than take their money. with their own islamic problem in chechnya Moscow would be only too happy to see us wipe the floor with the Mullahs..

also, Iran does not have backpack nukes YET..

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I hate to say this but I believe Iran is being opportunistic by thumbing their noses at the USA and the rest of the world. They know that a majority of the world has a jaded view on our war with Iraq, our Afghanistan situation, and our involvement with the whole Middle east. Their window of opportunity is now and they appear to want to take full advantage of it. They believe we are spread to thin as is and not act on their nuclear development. This is very very worrisome to me and im not sure what we should do. The support of the United Nations is critical or this may turn into more than anyone bargained for.

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"If oil prices go up, oil companies profit. Bush loves Big Oil."

nice try.

of course there is that little thing about if oil prices go up, the ECONOMY of 300 million Americans goes DOWN.

and there is that little thing called ELECTIONS where those 300 million get to do something called VOTING.

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we very well could be the target,but I believe Isreal is the main target in the war about to happen...However;we will be brought into the war because we are allies and pretty much the only country that defends Isreal....(Gods country) go figure...?

Those countries that attack Isreal will be The power of the East...(biblical reference...)That would be China...All the other middle eastern countries....and Rushia ...North Korea is part of the Orient so they more than likely will be involved as well...plus a nuclear power...

Oh....ya....1/3 of mankind will die!you figure it out....?It probably ain't just tanks and planes...?

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