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Are You Going to Lose Sleep Tonight?


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No, because this season has been somewhat of a suprise in a positive way. If they loose, I will still be pleased with the teams performance this year. On the rise is what i think. Besides, If there is surf in the morning I am gonna get on it. Since i don't have to work.:D

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Tonight! I couldn't sleep lastnight! I'm so pumped...Ill be going to my first Skins postseason game EVER! Personally I think its a sign that I moved out here and now the Skins are making a playoff run and that trip goes through this ***** ass town!

Do you see a lot of Skins fans walking around? What is the media saying about the Skins up there?

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Do you see a lot of Skins fans walking around? What is the media saying about the Skins up there?

Well, I'm not downtown rightnow. But I know there are some around.

I talked to friend flying back from Atlanta and he said he was getting on the plane with a bunch of Skins fans.

I don't nec. listen to the media around here cuase I don't like them. I do listen to the radio though....key word here is overconfidence! NO one is giving us a chance. They are acting like its no big deal and moving on to next week!

I did here at one point that the Seahawks held a practice outside yesterday to practice playing in the rain! Imagine that? A team from a city where it has rained 26 days straight has to make an effort to practice outside!

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i will go to sleep fine from working all day... my problem is if i wake up during the night and see my skins flag or helmet or something and get skins on the mind... then i cannot fall back to sleep for the life of me.... thats my prob.....

and the hours from when i wake up until game time.... they are by far the longest hours of my life....

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I can really relate to a lot of these posts. Progressively, the last 4 nights have gotten worse. Each night I try not to think of all the Redskin bashing and mocking I have seen/heard. I try to stop thinking of all the reasons why everyone else is wrong and we actually know what we are talking about. I said I wouldnt let the mediots get to me but i was wrong. I just want this game to get here so bad. I really don't know what to think anymore. I am so curious to see how we will actually perform.


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i've had nightmares for the past two nights but went soundly to sleep after watching NFL Network's Game of the Week (Washington at Tampa Bay), i turned it off after the Taylor TD...i am so nervous/amped for tomorow it is insane

it does help that my work and i have a standing agreement that i get off on all days that the skins play..oh and hunting helps to occupy the time, although i spent this morning arguing with one of the guys i hunt with about the game tomorow

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I can really relate to a lot of these posts. Progressively, the last 4 nights have gotten worse. Each night I try not to think of all the Redskin bashing and mocking I have seen/heard. I try to stop thinking of all the reasons why everyone else is wrong and we actually know what we are talking about. I said I wouldnt let the mediots get to me but i was wrong. I just want this game to get here so bad. I really don't know what to think anymore. I am so curious to see how we will actually perform.


Don't let the mediots get to you!

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Not much sleep at all this week,im starting to look and act like smeagol from lord of the rings..watching espn mediots "those filthy hobbitses!!",taking my portis jersey and looking around mumbling incoherently "myyyy precioussss",but i think saturday i will do the "Yesss!,its our precious,ours"

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