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CBS News: More Than One Way To Skin The Press


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I think the piece is nasty and paranoid.

My :2cents:

You're certainly entitled to your opinion. However I'd be curious to know what about the article makes you think that.

I found it to be a fair and balanced commentary on the give and take between Snyder, the team and traditional media outlets. My take was that the author was saying that there has been a contentious relationship between these parties and that Snyder is now moving to take more control over what/how the fans hear about the team. Additionally, the potential for gaining additional profit from doing so is just icing on the cake.

It doesn't sound biased to me, just factual. :2cents:

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It thought it was actually pretty fair. It actually came across as more critical of the press than the skins organization. Basically they said that what the Skins perceived as unfair reporting led to their decision to get into the media, and that the media better start to think about the way the've been doing business because the world is changing and they won't be able to get away with it for much longer due to new alternatives. I agree with the article, especially considering it came from within the general media it's pretty unbiased and fair.

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I agree I think the article hit the ball out of the park, right on target. The media outlets have shot themselves in the foot many times, yet they think they are the ones ontop of the issues and situations on whatever DC sports story it might be, especially the Redskins. I think a bias has been created and a war waged. Snyder is doing what he feels is best because of the constant negativity he and the Redskins get in the Washington Post and Washington Times.

Like the article said, those outlets need to wakeup and realize where "their" readers go and what they want to hear. How 'bout those papers wake up and smell the coffee this Saturday in Seattle!

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The local media as a whole have themselves to blame. Often times their reports are skewed at best and blatant lies at worst. Seems like ever since Daniel Snyder purchased the team it's been a witch hunt with the primary target being Snyder. Not to say that at some points Snyder didn't deserve it and I believe he understands that.

With all that said he's doing his best to protect himself and his product and I tip my hat to him. Very few owners would display such devotion to not only the organization but his players individually and the fan base. He's enriching the product not just on the field but in other area's as well and as a Redskins fan you'd be hard pressed not to appreciate his efforts.

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PILE ON, Danny Boy. I LOVE it. Those sorry, whiney media scumbags at the Post have been begging for it for years. I go WAY back - was a Washington area resident from 1941 to 1991. The coverage NEVER used to be like it is now at the Post, with personal attacks on the front office and on the team in general. It's a shame he has to do it this way, but they left no choice. KEEP IT COMING!!!!


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I read another article today on the "Anti-Skins" sentiment around the nation.

It went into detail about how many people just simply hate Snyder as a "spoiled little rich kid that bought his favorite team..."

I will not get into that but I think this year has shown that Snyder is maturing into the position as owner of the team.

He rubbed me the wrong way in the past but when it comes right down to it.. "He is a fan...". And I will support any Redskins fan 100%.

I think the article I linked to was very fair and balanced and I think what Snyder is doing is the right thing.

The press is simply too far skewed against us and this is a good tactic to battle that.


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