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Should we play Antonio Brown at WR?


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Now I know it sounds crazy but do you think having his blazing speed gives us more of an option to go downfield? You know they will be doubling Moss and keying on Cooley. Do we take a chance? It seems like Jacobs can't get seperation from defenders. Thrash has the same problem and I don't know what his status is Saturday with his thumb injured. I know A.B. has fumbleitis, but maybe we can get a shot at a big play. Be nice to have the speed on both sides.

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Antonio's speed could allow him to be another Az Hakim, which is to say a great third option who's explosive out of the slot position.

I also think that AB is so weak at punt returns, that they've got to see if he can do something else to justify remaining on the team. Frankly he scares the crap out of me when he's back on punts. He's great on kickoffs, but that alone isn't much, and Gibbs for some reason has stopped using him there.

We're so weak at WR now anyway we've got to try something.

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Antonio's speed could allow him to be another Az Hakim, which is to say a great third option who's explosive out of the slot position.

I also think that AB is so weak at punt returns, that they've got to see if he can do something else to justify remaining on the team. Frankly he scares the crap out of me when he's back on punts. He's great on kickoffs, but that alone isn't much, and Gibbs for some reason has stopped using him there.

We're so weak at WR now anyway we've got to try something.

Taylor would at the very least be a decoy. Put him in the game.

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Using Brown on offense would work if Brunell would throw deep to him once early. Even if it is a gross overthrow (can you really overthrow him?), it would loosen the D. I think Brown is better catching that type of pass than a crossing or deep out. Are you guys really going to crack on him in comparision to Jacobs?

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Brown has been in a couple offensive sets and has a reverse play for about 6 yards.

I like Farris more it seems that he can catch.

I would like to see a couple bunch sets like we ran earlier in the season to keep the defense off balance.

I am sure Gibbs will have some new stuff to show this game.

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Antonio's speed could allow him to be another Az Hakim, which is to say a great third option who's explosive out of the slot position.

I also think that AB is so weak at punt returns, that they've got to see if he can do something else to justify remaining on the team. Frankly he scares the crap out of me when he's back on punts. He's great on kickoffs, but that alone isn't much, and Gibbs for some reason has stopped using him there.

We're so weak at WR now anyway we've got to try something.

Woah, redman. Don't say AB is "great" on kickoffs. He hasn't been good, let alone great. Betts has been a better option all year returning either punts OR kickoffs. He runs hard, and straight up the gut, usually netting out better field position more consistently than what Brown delivers. Does Brown pose a threat SHOULD he manage not to bobble the ball and get in space? Sure he does. Unfortunately, he doesn't do that with regularity. I'll take the 30 on kickoffs without the worry of the pigskin hitting the turf vs. the never-sure hards of AB any day. But that's just me.

To answer your question, though, I think he'd be a great decoy out there. Heck, even throw him a ball or 2 deep so that his presence on the field is taken seriously. Whether or not he catches the ball is unimportant. (If he does manage to reel one in though, what a bonus, right?) What we need is to ease the pressure on Moss so he can get a few more clean looks. AB seems like a good way to keep the D honest. As I stated above, my issues with him are his ability to actually CATCH a projectile flying in his direction! Have you ever seen a professional football player, and a kick returner & wide receiver in the NFL with worse hands than this guy? I swear it has to be a mental thing with him. What an incredible waste of speed. Another concern would be his ability to go and fight for a ball that's not 100% on-target, ala Jacobs last week. (another total bust) He needs to show some heart and change a lot of minds this week, given the opportunity. I'd feel much better about him out there at WR than I would seeing him returning kicks. It's the playoffs. Do or die. Time to put Santana back there if you ask me.

Many will laugh at this, but consider it seriously. Right now this team really needs David Patten. My personal feeling is that he truly never got an honest chance to prove what he could mean to this offense. I'd been to several home games early where MB looked dead at him for a fraction of a second, or, not at all and threw the ball elsewhere. Almost exclusively at Moss. Maybe there wasn't much of a repor between MB and Patten, maybe Patten dropped a few balls MB thought he should have caught. Whatever. I studied Patten's performances closely, and he never did anything so wrong that he should have become an afterthought. This is neither here nor there at this point.......but.......if he were still in pads......he'd be a factor now, and our offense would be more dynamic. I hope AB can add that X-factor.......but I highly doubt it.

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His speed could at least be a major distraction. Put him in on a 3 or 4 wide play and let him run deep. They will have to put someone on him or we've got a free shot at the endzone. This would free up everyone else and maybe put Moss into single coverage. A good idea, at least as a 'trick' play.

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Oh and as for Sean T not only no but HELL NO! He's just too damn valuable at FS. He does enough running on D and Teams. We'll need him to be at his best on Defense.

We've got make sure he can just stay in the game period. There would be nothing wrong with sending Taylor on the fly once or twice.

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AB just plain makes my heart stop beating. I really think I could have a heart attack waiting for him to catch a ball. That being said, we do need to open it up for Moss and Portis. Portis won't be able to make yards if the Hawks are filling in the box because they have Moss doubled and know we can't beat them deep. We need to make them honest and feel some fear and pressure when our O is on the field. Whether or not AB can do that, I don't know. But, I guess it is worth a try.

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Woah, redman. Don't say AB is "great" on kickoffs. He hasn't been good, let alone great. Betts has been a better option all year returning either punts OR kickoffs. He runs hard, and straight up the gut, usually netting out better field position more consistently than what Brown delivers. Does Brown pose a threat SHOULD he manage not to bobble the ball and get in space? Sure he does. Unfortunately, he doesn't do that with regularity. I'll take the 30 on kickoffs without the worry of the pigskin hitting the turf vs. the never-sure hards of AB any day. But that's just me.

To answer your question, though, I think he'd be a great decoy out there. Heck, even throw him a ball or 2 deep so that his presence on the field is taken seriously. Whether or not he catches the ball is unimportant. (If he does manage to reel one in though, what a bonus, right?) What we need is to ease the pressure on Moss so he can get a few more clean looks. AB seems like a good way to keep the D honest. As I stated above, my issues with him are his ability to actually CATCH a projectile flying in his direction! Have you ever seen a professional football player, and a kick returner & wide receiver in the NFL with worse hands than this guy? I swear it has to be a mental thing with him. What an incredible waste of speed. Another concern would be his ability to go and fight for a ball that's not 100% on-target, ala Jacobs last week. (another total bust) He needs to show some heart and change a lot of minds this week, given the opportunity. I'd feel much better about him out there at WR than I would seeing him returning kicks. It's the playoffs. Do or die. Time to put Santana back there if you ask me.

Many will laugh at this, but consider it seriously. Right now this team really needs David Patten. My personal feeling is that he truly never got an honest chance to prove what he could mean to this offense. I'd been to several home games early where MB looked dead at him for a fraction of a second, or, not at all and threw the ball elsewhere. Almost exclusively at Moss. Maybe there wasn't much of a repor between MB and Patten, maybe Patten dropped a few balls MB thought he should have caught. Whatever. I studied Patten's performances closely, and he never did anything so wrong that he should have become an afterthought. This is neither here nor there at this point.......but.......if he were still in pads......he'd be a factor now, and our offense would be more dynamic. I hope AB can add that X-factor.......but I highly doubt it.

I would remind you that AB ran back a kickoff for a TD to give us the deciding points in the game at AZ. My point is that he looks far more confident and capable catching a kickoff behind the relative security of a wedge (and knowing he won't get immediately hit) than he is back on punts when he seems very wary of getting hit and too jumpy IMHO. No one, including Betts, is as explosive as he is if there's a hole. No one.

I agree Betts is very reliable - he of course also ran back a KO for a TD - but you put two guys deep anyway. I think AB should be back there with Betts instead of Thrash.

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82 shouldnt even be on the team anymore. I would take brian mitchell over him RIGHT NOW. The guy has a history of dropping the damn football and if he does it this week and it costs us ---------- I officially told ya so. I can't stand a guy who is a notorious fumbler, then breaks one kick for a TD and he is blowing kisses to the fans like he is Dante Hall or something. Are you serious?

If this were the "ol days" coach wouldnt let him see the field for the rest of the playoffs

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