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Sean T on PTI


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Doesn't look like the spit is anywhere near Pittman or his face.

But Pittman sure as hell clocked Taylor.

Even the other ref talking to Mike Carrey asked him, when he found out he was not going to penalize Pittman, "Are you sure, Mike?"

As in, WTF, over?!?

I don't think it's a conspiracy -- but I think it was a terrible judgement call. So tell me where in the NFL's rulebook is it justified to retaliate with a punch for anything? And not get a penalty?

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I agree with the grassy knoll theory. I watched the game at a buddies house on a 64' high deff TV with Tivo and zoom. After the game we replayed the incident about 20 times without ever seeing the footage that is in that video. But I don't really give a spit as long as ST is on the field on saturday.

If you watch NFL films they often have different angles of plays they put in.

For instance the 19 yard TD run by portis against the Eagles , they show the play from the endzone with Portis running at you. That's not footage that was ever shown during the game.

Ask you buddy to tape or tivo the NFL game of the week if he has the NFL network or sounds of the game.

It's pretty clear that Taylor spits.

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listen, every NFL player that i've heard comment on the spit incident says the same thing: it happens. people get spit on every game. it's a side of the game that the media does not like to focus on but it is part of the game like it or not. i play rugby and in that sport there is a lot of dirty stuff that is not within the rules that happens, but since the media doesn't cover college rugby it's not a big deal because the players dont make it a big deal. anyways, sean taylor was merely playing his role as enforcer and although spitting on an opponent is not classy or anything that i would want a redskin to do, it is something that happens frequently. a 17,000 dollar fine is too severe but since he got caught he should be punished. i understand that many will not agree with me and i look forward to reading your opinions. go skins.

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listen, every NFL player that i've heard comment on the spit incident says the same thing: it happens. people get spit on every game. it's a side of the game that the media does not like to focus on but it is part of the game like it or not. i play rugby and in that sport there is a lot of dirty stuff that is not within the rules that happens, but since the media doesn't cover college rugby it's not a big deal because the players dont make it a big deal. anyways, sean taylor was merely playing his role as enforcer and although spitting on an opponent is not classy or anything that i would want a redskin to do, it is something that happens frequently. a 17,000 dollar fine is too severe but since he got caught he should be punished. i understand that many will not agree with me and i look forward to reading your opinions. go skins.

THere comes a point and time in any argument that people need to just admit that they're wrong. I was a big defender of Taylor before there was any evidence against him. I understand people who say that the video may have been doctored. But having the guy on tape violating the rules should make everybody, even the fans, see that Taylor spit on the guy, or at least tried to. Whether Redskins coaches decide to bash him in public or just keep this as a private matter is between them, but we should at least acknowledge that the evidence is there.

As far as your point of 'it happens', well so does holding, but if you get caught you've got to pay the penalty. Taylor may have gotten off since he isn't suspended.

But hey, maybe I'm just old fashioned.

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But I don't really give a spit as long as ST is on the field on saturday.


I can't believe people are still making up dellusional excuses for the boy. I'm as big of a Redskins fan as all you guys but come on, some of you need to get your head checked. Doctored video? :rolleyes:

He did it. It hit his facemask and droped to the ground. You try spitting at someone wearing a healment and face mask. I've tried to spit with one on just to hit the ground, (I used to play) and with those big 'ol bars there, it's not that easy to do. Sometimes you wind up getting your own spit back on you. And you all discount that the ref was standing right there to see the whole thing in the first place.:rolleyes:

He did it, he paid for it, he will play, now let's move on.

Now What did he and Wilbon say on PTI?

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Doctored video??? What's the point, why in the world would there need to be a doctored video, he was already ejected and the game is over. What's the point in producing some Zapruder film and discussing whether or not the spit went "back and to the left"?


Its not as if he was suspended or anything. The truth is that ST and Pittman were going at it pretty heavy and the ref saw that and the ref also saw the spit come out. If you notice in the video, the ref also says, "it almost got me".

hanks.jpgI don't care if it hit Pittman or not, "there's no spitting in football, there's no spitting in football." I don't care if others spit and whether or not it happens all the time, there are rules and S.T. broke them. This board would be livid if Pittman did the same thing to ST. As far as what he told Gregg Williams, well that's an internal matter and should be handled as such. I was a little concerned that there was no offsetting penalty for Pittman. Eject ST, but level an offsetting on Pittman for retaliation, but no need to eject. I love ST's play, he's a monster and I'm glad he's our monster, but he needs to be able to turn it off between downs and off the field. Something for him to work on in the off season, maybe he can take the same anger managment course that Tony Stewart took, it seemed to work for him.

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