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Sean T on PTI


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I like wilbon's strategy. First he chews out ST's antics including the hock-a-loogie and calls him out to grow up. Then he comes today on PTI and said yes he thinks ST will stop, ST will basically mature. He isn't redskins hatin' (not until we play the bears in NFC championship game), he's just making sure star players get their head around what it means to be a stud player. At least i hope so.

very different than most journalists out there, esp in the nyc market.

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I agree. Remember during the game...how many times they showed the replay...and there was NO spit in any of those??? Conspiracy...Somebody is up to suspect activity...

If it's on film NFL films has it.

They often show plays from different angles during NFL fils presents.

There is a thread about this from earlier, it's hard to dispute the ref was wrong (unless of course the footage was shot from the grassy knoll)


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I dont understand where everyone says he spit in Pittmans face, it looks to me like he spit on the ground. It looks like he intended to spit on the ground, the trajectory of the spit wasnt even in the direction of Pittmans face. The media has made this bigger then it really was.

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I agree with the grassy knoll theory. I watched the game at a buddies house on a 64' high deff TV with Tivo and zoom. After the game we replayed the incident about 20 times without ever seeing the footage that is in that video. But I don't really give a spit as long as ST is on the field on saturday.

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