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Making Fun of Team Names


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The best part of this site is everyone calling the Seahawks the 'Chickenhawks'. By slightly changing the Seattle name it makes them look stupid and scared.

The Seahawk fans just call the Redskins the 'Redskins'. So without changing the name at all we make you look stupid and scared.

And then we can always point to the trans-sexual outlook the most ardent Redskin fans have with dressing like fat girls. Of course you can't dress like skinny girls because Redskin fans are so fat.

Come out west and see what exercise does for the human body. Seattle is 2nd only to LA as the fittest city in America.

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The best part of this site is everyone calling the Seahawks the 'Chickenhawks'. By slightly changing the Seattle name it makes them look stupid and scared.

And then we can always point to the trans-sexual outlook the most ardent Redskin fans have with dressing like fat girls. Of course you can't dress like skinny girls because Redskin fans are so fat.QUOTE]

Well for those who don't know anything they are bigger people wearing dress' because of the HOGS. Which is in fact the O'Line. So it is not an issue of being fat or skinny it is about being a HOG, which again is the nickname for the Redskins O'Line


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Maybe Tony Kornheiser said it best. Skins smell coffee.

What's Seattle got going for it anyway? It rains all the time there. Stay more than three days and mold begins to form on your feet. Either that, or Mount St. Helens spews all over you. (Which, I concede, may be better than Sean Taylor doing it.)

Excuse me, Tony, but Seattle is the home of Starbucks and Microsoft.

That's swell. Very manly item, a venti caramel macchiato. And how terrifying can anything with "soft" in its name be? Don't even talk to me about "Pearl Jam ."

Is Seattle a football town? Hardly. The Seahawks came into the NFL in 1976. That's 30 years. In all that time they've never made the Super Bowl, and only once made a conference championship game -- where they got crushed by the Raiders. They were so bad in the AFC, they got punted to the NFC a few years ago. Their entire history is about failing.

Here is their all-time playoff record: 3-7. That stinks. Here is the last time the Seahawks won a playoff game: 1984! Hahaha. (They're like the Boulez of the NFL.) You know who was the tight end on that team? Mike Tice. Think he ever took the team on a boat cruise of Puget Sound?

Go ahead, name a famous Seahawks coach, I dare you. Other than Steve Largent, who were their famous players? Jim Zorn? Dave Krieg? Yeah, like those two have Canton written all over them. So now they have Matt Hasselbeck. So what? Is his wife the hot chick on "The View"? No, that's his brother's wife. Tim. The one who played here!

The Redskins beat Seattle once already this season. They can do it again. Okay, Mark Brunell probably will need to get more than the 41 yards passing he got against Tampa Bay. (That's not a misprint, boys and girls, that's for the whole game.) That was horrible. My dog Maggie could have gotten more than 41 yards by the half. But you remember how the 49ers smelled like dinner? Here's the news unfiltered: The Seahawks smell like coffee. Grind 'em up.

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So what's your point?

Since no one disputes the facts, I guess my point is the Redskins are bunch of scared pansies.

But when the score is Seahawks 42 - Redskins 17 on Saturday night, that will officially prove how hapless the 'Skins are as a football team.

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Since no one disputes the facts, I guess my point is the Redskins are bunch of scared pansies.

But when the score is Seahawks 42 - Redskins 17 on Saturday night, that will officially prove how hapless the 'Skins are as a football team.

Whats it like to get to play the cards, the rams, and the 9'ers two times every season?

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I agree with you SimpleHawk to an extent.

I have no animosity towards the Seahawks team or franchise so I don't quite understand the "Seahag" etc type of stuff. I reserve namecalling for teams (and fans of teams) that I despise and the Seahawks just don't qualify............yet.

Now that you guys are firmly entrenched in the NFC and we are facing eachother in the playoffs, the animosity might grow. But right now (and I reserve the right to change my feelings towards the Seahawks on Saturday :) ) I not only do not hate the Seahawks, I like them. If the Skins can't go to the Super Bowl, I hope the Seahawks do.

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The best part of this site is everyone calling the Seahawks the 'Chickenhawks'. By slightly changing the Seattle name it makes them look stupid and scared.

The Seahawk fans just call the Redskins the 'Redskins'. So without changing the name at all we make you look stupid and scared.

And then we can always point to the trans-sexual outlook the most ardent Redskin fans have with dressing like fat girls. Of course you can't dress like skinny girls because Redskin fans are so fat.

Come out west and see what exercise does for the human body. Seattle is 2nd only to LA as the fittest city in America.

Anytime you wanna show up in DC I'll take you on fit for fit anyday. You wanna lift, you wanna go for a nice long run, doesn't matter to me. Don't talk about things you know nothing about.

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I actually agree- I only mangle the cowboys team name from time to time. But just as I despise the use of the "deadskins," I won't use some lame name like the "seahags."

SimpleHawk, you may well win this game. (I mean, you're *supposed* to, dummie!) But that does nothing to offset what the Redskins have accomplished this season. In a schedule far tougher than your own, we faced an uphill battle to the playoffs the whole way, won away, and are now so banged up that it will take all the guts we can summon to beat you on the road. But you know what? If any team can do it, this Gibbs-coached team can. Your team is simply soft in comparison.

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Since no one disputes the facts, I guess my point is the Redskins are bunch of scared pansies.

But when the score is Seahawks 42 - Redskins 17 on Saturday night, that will officially prove how hapless the 'Skins are as a football team.

What facts? By calling us the Redskins instead of a silly nickname, you're proving that Skins fans are stupid and scared? How is the edumication system out in Seattle?

And the "Chickenhawks" won't even score 25 points, much less win by that much. Dream on buddy.

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The best part of this site is everyone calling the Seahawks the 'Chickenhawks'. By slightly changing the Seattle name it makes them look stupid and scared.

The Seahawk fans just call the Redskins the 'Redskins'. So without changing the name at all we make you look stupid and scared.

And then we can always point to the trans-sexual outlook the most ardent Redskin fans have with dressing like fat girls. Of course you can't dress like skinny girls because Redskin fans are so fat.

Come out west and see what exercise does for the human body. Seattle is 2nd only to LA as the fittest city in America.

Being skinny is great (I would know as would the girls I've always dating and married).

The hang-up I'd have with the Seattle girls is all the piercings, tats, and arm-pit hair. Too many coffee-slurping hippies for my taste. But that's what makes the world go 'round.

Good luck this weekend, for your sake, I hope you guys can hold serve and take advantage of the home field...if not, it will be quite a disappointing 13-4 season IMO.

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Ricky Watters - Philly

Warren Moon - Houston

They ain't your's they just happened to pass thru

And Babe Ruth wasn't a Yankee because he was with the Red Sox first.

Get real. They are on the team - they are therefore part of your history. Joe Theisman wasn't a Redskin his entire career, but you probably take credit for him.

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