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OT: Goodbye baseball...?


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If MLB goes on strike on Friday...our Great American Pastime(second to Football) is in jeopardy of being lost for good. And if it did recover, the game wouldn't be the same because many people just won't come back. I just want to know how everyone feels about it, because personally it bothers me how these millionaries can't just sit down and work there problems out.

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All I know is that highest paid baseball player makes like $200 Mil. Marshall Falk makes like $50. Yeah, now THATS fair. And they want to complain? I say we let Lavar practice by chasing them around the field and layin' some wood on them.

My Uncle used to take his sons and all of my cousins to see the Yankees play when I was a kid. I was at Yankee stadium watching the Yanks play the Red Socks the moment we landed on the moon in 69. They stoped the game to anounce it and play the national anthem. You know what I remember? the players getting mad at the interuption of the game. Now they want to stop the season over money.

I had drifted away from the game by then but I swore off baseball for good after the last time they pulled this crap. Now I actualy hope they do it again. At least it would free up Sports Center for more football.

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I feel the same way JJredskins00. If they go on strike (AGAIN) it will be a long time before I go back to Ball Park. I can not get motivated to watch a sport that puts out the same Champion almost every year and go on strike every few seasons. :finger:

If they go on strike it will take more than a Cal Ripken Jr. Iron Man Streak or a McGwire / Sosa Home Run Race to bring the fans back!

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I will miss baseball not the idiots playing the game. It is a shame that money is gonna kill this great sport. who are these players gonna play in front of if they come back and if the fans don't come back who is gonna have the money to pay these fools to play in an empty stadium. I love baseball, nothing like football season but I still enjoy it.

I would like to see these guys go work in a 100 plus degree factory and make nothing compared to what they do to play a game. The owners are just as dumb they are the ones who have paid these guys the stupid money, The Rangers Hicks paid A-Rod 252 million only about 80 million above anyone else. Why? who knows and don't even let me start on the Yankees:puke:

I am gonna stop now and think of football.........much better

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What is this thing called baselball? The American past time and future time is the National Football League.

Let them strike, who cares. AS for them losing fans. Yeah, they lose some of them for good. Last time they lost about 10%. This time say 20%. Most fans will come back-they always do. If you really like the sport of baseball, they are plenty of levels: minor leagues, college, little leauges, sandlots, etc... to enjoy.

The major leagues- who cares.

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I'm a serious baseball fan. It's not football, but what is?

It's hard to forget hardball when you live in NY and love the Amazins like I do.

So I'll go to the games whenever they restart the competition; sorry but that's the honest truth (my sign notwithstanding - please support your boy at ESPN.com and vote for my "Fehr the Reaper" sign in their poll, my BS "U strike, we walk" threat notwithstanding).

But I hope this season ends tomorrow, and the players realize that they are damn lucky we pay any attention at all. The game needs a stff dose of Paulie Tags more than anything.



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Personally, I just don't care if they strike or not.

I might find it mildly interesting to see how many fans would actually come back if they did, and if they have to tear the game down to build it back up ... OK. Go ahead. But if I found that they struck a deal at the 11th hour and avoided a strike I would have little reaction to that either.

It just doesn't matter.

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though I hesitate to put even "mild interest" and Baseball in the same sentence.

I do tend to like the playoffs and World Series ... no matter who is playing. If the post-season was cancelled for the 2nd time in 7 years I could act like it upset me and threaten to "never come back", but that would be kind of silly since I'm already gone and, to be honest, was never there in the first place.

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Yeeesh... Ok... I'll fess up. I'm guilty paying a some attention to the races, and the series..... I left sometime ago, but I was there at one point in time. (note: As soon as the quote ;" I really isn't about the money. It's about tradition, and bringing a championship too....... yea yea yea." came around for the second time.....BYE!) :cheers:

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This is pretty much the same sentiment that was expressed before the '94 strike.

The fans came back. The stadiums are fuller than ever. The television revenue is up.

I admit that my passion for baseball is largely gone, but I wasn't the guy they were making $ off anyway. Despite what everyone is saying, if they strike and the season is over, the fans will be back in force for the next opening day.

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The unfortunate thing about the baseball strike is that it didn't happen BEFORE pre-season started so that perhaps we could have seen a bit more pre-season NFL action.

Otherwise, I couldn't care less. I never could get into baseball, it's just tooooooo slooooooow.:snore: :snore:

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I remember something about baseball - it's the great Dominican Republic past-time.

PLEASE, PLEASE STRIKE!!!! :finger: :finger:

Hopefully then people will realize what a bunch of useless low-lifes these guys are, and what a dull thing it is - right up there with golf, tennis, bowling and the WNBA... :snore: :snore: :snore:

Remember that awful Skins-Boys game last year? It got more viewers nationally than a MLB playoff game.

There are only 8 real sports in America:

NFC East,NFC South, NFC Central, NFC West,AFC East,AFC South, AFC Central, and AFC West

p.s. - I would rather bring back the XFL than sit thru a MLB game...

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Baseball is a great sport. It is not boring if have any sense of the skill that is being presented to you on each and every pitch, play and hit.

The thing that bugs me about baseball is the business. How can a part-time baseball player making 2 million a year have the right to complain or strike about anything.

Baseball should not be considered a career, nor should any professional sports athelete consider what he does his career. Face it, the professional aspect of the sport will only consume about 1/5 of his adult life, if that. If I knew I was only going to work at my job for the maximum of ten years, how can I expect my company to pay for my entire life, and my children's and my children's children lives. If I worked for Microsoft and was one of their best programmers and as long as I felt I was making what I was worth I could care less how much money Bill Gates was raking in.

But that's the problem. How much is a professional baseball player worth? At the expense of whom? Surely the owners don't ultimately foot the bill as they should. The fans who go to game do to some extent. The TV people more and as long as they are willing to pay the gazillion dollar for right to broadcast the games players will assume that that's their money.

Also, the owners of the league, especially the big boys like the Yankees and the Braves need to realize that they are not in business competition with the other teams. They are the same company known as MLB.

The Yankees and the Braves type of teams are only the kings of the sport because of the Royals and the Pirates type of teams and not in spite of them.

If a company like Microsoft has different divisions across the country and a couple of the divisions were generating the bulk of the revenues and making the most money, where does this money go? It goes back to Microsoft as a corporation and does not stay with the respective division.

Owners need to unite and treat MLB as one big company and not only care about their own team. They need to stop competing with one another in terms of market share and profitability. They need to stop stealing players away from teams that cannot afford to pay talent the top dollar. Would a salary cap be an answer, or a luxury tax, or what ever else they are debating. I think it might even the playing field some. But contracts with base salaries based on tenure with performance incentives might be a better answer.

I for one will never respect the business of baseball again. I will always hold in contempt the players who are way too greedy and dependent upon a temporary job to finance their entire life. I will despise owners that ultimately drive other teams out of business because they cannot compete on the money level.

Why does everything have to always be about the Benjamins? The rich get richer and the poor can't afford to go to a baseball game.

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Considering that I have cablevision in New York and can't see most of the Yankee games, they have lessened my interest right there. If they strike, I probably won't watch baseball or go to another game until the time comes where I have a child and he/she wants to go to a game.

That is, if I ever meet someone to have a child with. :doh: :shootinth

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