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VIDEO: The Phantom Spit, if Anyone if Interested in looking


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The motion that Michael Pittman makes after the he PUNCHES Sean Taylor (which is immediate ejection, I might add; Look: First MNF FOotball game this season, Falcons v. Eagles) is to pull his mouth piece from his mouth. That's all he's doing.

He's not wiping spit from his face. Sean probably got under his skin, (I do recall Sean lit him up earlier in the game in a near helmet to helmet collision) and Pittman couldn't take it anymore because he's an ignorant piece of trash and resorted to punching him.

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I just want to know what really happened. This needs to be investigated like a homicide. If he is not guilty then shame on the refs, and this becomes the worst call in the history of North American sports. If he is guilty, then Gibbs very well may sit him next week. Character means everything to Gibbs.

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I think the ref must of heard it, or maybe the Buc said something about it, or maybe it was just a sound and he didn't really do it. Anyway, the Buc should have been ejected for the punch. That is clear, and he saw that and didn't call it. I think that ump is one of the best, but that one may have cost him a superbowl game. You gotta call the obvious, even if it is in retaliation the rule is clear, throw a punch, get ejected.

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Pittman butted ST with his face mask, then punched.... regardless of Taylor's actions, should have been flagged.
So bubba, basically you are saying that Pittman is wrong and should be flagged for throwing a punch after being spat on?

BTW, I didn't see a butt. I saw two players getting into each others face, facemask to facemask jawing back and forth. I love the kid to bubba, but don't invent excuses for him. He's a big boy and can take care of himself.

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C'mon guys... you can see Taylor's head make a very small, but quick movement just as the ref was coming over. The ref was clearly looking right at Taylor as he was approaching. Then Taylor does nothing to defend himself? Anyone who wasn't guilty would have fought back even with the ref there.

We can't tell one way or the other from the video, but I think there is something there to suggest that he spit on the guy.

Why would the ref make that up?

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Its possible he did spit, I can see where it would have been. But there isnt anything conclusive. That head movement could have just been talking. If he did spit I have no problem with him getting ejected, but Pittman should have also been flagged if not also ejected. Two wrongs dont make a right as they say...

But hell, as long as Taylor plays next week, we won, so I dont really care.

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It's also possible that in the heat of the argument that Taylor sprayed Pittman while shouting an obscenity and that Pittman immediately thought that he could get a penalty or ejection on Taylor if he reacted to it. Kinda like doing a Vlade Divac flop in basketball.

Just a thought...

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Here's what I can get from the video:

-It is impossible to see any actual spit or any obvious motion from Taylor as if he was spitting. Pittman also did not seem to have an immediate reaction as if he had just been spit on. It is really tough to know for sure though

-Pittman did seem to reach his hand up into his face mask a few seconds after hitting Taylor which could be him wiping off the spit. It could just as easily be scratching though.

-The thing that really concerns me is the official's reaction. He seems to walk close to them just as Pittman hits Taylor. Pittman then points at Taylor apparently saying that he spit on him. The ref immediately throws the flag as if he is taking his word and did not see it.

Amen. If ST spat, the ref throws the flag AFTER the spit, not after Pittman throws a punch and then explains why he threw it. The ref had his head down, just walkin up to two players to split them up, he did not see any saliva. And it is really easy to see spit on television, if someone here can prove there was spit, a picture or something, then I will be the first to admit I am wrong. But this was a blown call based on ST's reputation from last year, there was no spit and Pittman was in no way justified for striking ST. I am kind of shocked that people here are going against ST's word (he claims not to have spit) after ST did a pretty good job of turning things around this year. Instead people here have childish displays of machismo "oh a grown man won't let another man spit on him, Pittman did the right thing." There was no spit, and taking a swipe in front of the ref is not manly. A real man takes the high road and lets thing cool down. A dumb meathead, on the other hand...

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But please do not get on a rampage about how bad this crew was tonight; this is one of the best crews in the league (save for two members of the crew, who were actually removed and replaced for this playoff assignment). Carey and his guys called a fair game tonight, but I have to say that, if anything, there should have been a double ejection if anyone was going to be tossed from the game.

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Will we ever know for sure? Here's what I think

-If he did it, good penalty but shame on the ref for not calling one on Pittman. I don't care if he was talking about doing his mother in some obscene manner, you throw a punch and it's a penalty and should also be an ejection.

-Sean has done some stupid stuff but he can back it up on the field. I seriously doubt he was dumb enough to spit on someone right in front of the Ref. I hope.

-I find it hard to believe Pittman simply walked to sideline and stood there without acting like an @$$ if he was spit on. If someone spit in my face I would have been turning over tables and all kind's of crazy stuff.

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in the video that was posted on here it is hard to see anything, but on my TV i watched it many times and even had myu bro watch it and we could both see spit go for taylor mouth to facemask to ground. he didint actually spit on pitman but that was what he intended to do or he was just talking some crap and he happened to spit (happens to me all teh time).

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:gaintsuckPersonally, I think Gruden had that incident set up to get ST off the field. He was a pain in the Buc's butt all day. Who better to use than Pittman who, if also ejected, wouldn't have been missed anyway. Anyway WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO.:point2sky

notice they had deep balls, set up to go where Taylor would have been? And notice the plays worked just like last game.

he put a scrub to get the skins best d player out the game

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Yep. It's impossible to tell if Taylor actually spit in his face, but either way Pittman should be ejected for the punch. You've heard it a billion times: two wrongs don't make a right and Pittman gets paid way too much not to know the rules. I guess it's okay for bucs players to punch refs in the face (Ronde) and smack players of the opposing team (Pittman)...but it's immediate ejection if you spit on a player....besides it's possible that Taylor talks like Daffy Duck.

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It was a pantsy call by the ref. Eject Taylor for spitting if he did. But throw Pittman out for hitting.

You guys should see ESPN talk about this crap.

Pittman said that Taylor is lucky he did not do that on the streets:)

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