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VIDEO: The Phantom Spit, if Anyone if Interested in looking


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If Taylor had spit on me, he'd be lucky with just a punch back! That is just unacceptable, and if he did do that then I'm glad he was ejected. It was a good call IF Taylor actually did the spitting.

Even if Taylor spit in Pittmans face, the rules say throwing a punch is an automatic ejection correct? I think there should have been offsetting penalties and both players ejected....
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I guess I am in the minority here, but I don't see what the big deal with spitting is. In a heated situation there are a lot worse things that happen than that. I agree with Brian Mitchell when he says it happens all the time. A penalty is fine, but you can't toss a player out of a game for that.

I don't know if Taylor did it or not. If he did, he deserved a penalty, but not an ejection. I think the ref didn't want a huge fight to break out and he felt that Taylor was the instigator, so he tossed him.

At least it didn't end up being a game deciding ejection.

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You read it here first. Taylor will be in jail or be out of the league in two years. He is straight from the hood and for him this conduct is a way of life. When he refused to return Gibbs phone calls this spring it showed what kind of person he is.

come on man, wtf

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Sorry kids, but he spit on him. It's pretty obvious.

I mean, it woudn't stand up in a court of law, but it looks pretty conclusive to me.

That being said, football is a game where people take cheap shots, spit at other players, etc, etc, all the time. Ever hear an ex-player talk about what goes on in a pile-up?

Spitting is hardly the worst thing Taylor could have done.

But it was a good call.

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So it's everyone's opinion that Pittman made it up on the spot?

Come on now, WB -- read the thread. Many are not of that opinion.

Myself -- well I believe Taylor probably spit on Pittman, as he does wipe something off his face. However, I can see it being accidental as well, if they were talking smack to eachother and it escalated...its well within the realm of possibilty that he gleeked or just spit as he was shouting or something, and it was unintentional. If he did hock one right into Pittman's face, he has mastered the art of spitting...normally you move your head forward if you're spitting...

As far as the ref -- maybe he saw some spit on Pittman's face and ejected Taylor based on that. However I will echo what others have said -- it is inexcusable that Pittman did not get a penalty as well. Terrible, terrible no-call. I mean, how many times in the NFL have we seen someone do something like shove, or hit, or whatever, then the other guy retaliates and gets the flag?? Pittman threw a hard punch at Taylor...he should have been ejected as well. End of story.

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You guys act like Taylor would never do such a thing:rolleyes:

I dont think that a well respected ref would throw a player out of a PLAYOFF GAME because he "thought" he spit on Pittman.

Stop defending him just because you like him. ST is the man, but he did spit and thats disgusting. What a selfish thing to do:mad:

I do believe that there should have been a flag thrown on Pittman as well ( he should have been ejected), but to be honest he handled it pretty well. That's soooo disrespectful and nasty...i personally would have flipped out.

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I don't care if he did do it. He can do it again for all I care, just as long as he doesn't get caught. This is football folks, there are alot of bad things that happen that you never hear about. If you want civilized go watch cricket or tennis or something where your noble sensibilities don't get offended. LT was one of the dirtiest and meanest players to ever play the game, isn't he in the Hall of Fame? This wasn't the Vick Leg Stomp, get over it.

With that said, ST does need to walk the straight and narrow off the field, otherwise he won't be on the field, which is where he needs to be.

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You have to take it step by step.

1.Referee was much closer to players than most potential penalities, in fact he was in their face. Do that every time could have a half dozen ejections per game.

2.Players jawing back and forth face to face, excited, sweating, and angry-fluid well may fly.

3.Ther is no personal foul penalty that I am aware of that invalidates a retalitory personal foul so even if an ejection was warranted, which I doubt, it should have been offsetting personal fouls.

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There's no way that zebra saw Sean spit (if he even did). There's no way the ref should ejected him on heresay. Absolutely horrible call. I'm interested to see if the NFL will investigate, and if S.T. will be fined? If he's not fined then we know the ejection AND penalty was b.s..

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Yikes!! Just watched the ST highlight clip. What a headhunter. Seattle certainly would do well to pray he's not dressed out Saturday. Although spitting is gross and completely unprofessional, if I was in his crosshairs saliva would be the least of my concerns.


Can't find a spitting smiley

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:gaintsuckPersonally, I think Gruden had that incident set up to get ST off the field. He was a pain in the Buc's butt all day. Who better to use than Pittman who, if also ejected, wouldn't have been missed anyway. Anyway WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO.:point2sky

My :2cents: :2cents: to your post; All teams "set" up other players, Sean wasn't in the first game against the Bucs to intimidate Pittman, Sean is a play maker and defender for Washington, all ALL Fans will have to agree with that. I believe he was set up, all players spit, but most don't "whine" about it hitting the field, part of the game. When Pittman slapped Taylor, the ref jerked his flag and threw it. That is when Pittman started smack to the ref, so Sean was thrown out of the game, on accusations. So, if horse collaring is allowed, it now appears that slapping other players face masks will be allowed. The refs called it.:doh: They, and only they just sat an example for "how to get out of trouble" with smack talk and "sissy" slapping other teams face masks.:doh:

However, I believe in Gibbs and Daniel and coaches and players that play a clean game. We will beat the Seahawks..........................we will beat the seahawks.........by playing the Joe Gibbs "way". Clean, direct and clear the way for our offensive team, because the "D" does their job. In Kansas "we believe" in the burgandy and gold. ALL Hail to the Redskins!

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