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The Offense/Brunell/Gibbs criticisms POST HERE (merge)

The Dick

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Brunnell needs to retire. Anyone who thinks he contributed to this win is clueless. We have to have production from the QB position to continue in the playoffs and Brunnell is completely incapable of producing.

Good one.... Rather than just be happy about our win, lets pick on a player that has turned things around this year. There is a very good chance we would not have even been in the playoffs this year without Brunell.

Did he or the Offense for that matter have a great game? NO - but they were playing a great Defense REMEMBER! If you are a Redskin fan, maybe act like one and be happy with the win..... :rolleyes:

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Relax, dude.

We were playing the #1 defense in the NFL.

On thier home turf.

IN a PLAYOFF game.

All that matters is we won.

Now, on to Seattle (and I don't care if we win 3-0. As long as we win). :cheers:

Nicely said, man. I'm gonna give the skins the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to the Bucs amazing D as to the reason our offense sucked. Hopefully it'll be a different tune in Seattle.

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:eaglesuck :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :doh: :doh: Alright you guys , You can say what you want to about me , but , the fact remains that Brunell is a choke artist and Frost always shanks the punts at the worst times available in a game . This game is no exception . Also I would like to say again that Walt Harris must go . He is absolutely terrible !!!!! Ramsey should start the next game , because Brunell is a stupid dumb ass that is skipping the passes when he's not holding on to it too long!!!1 Nativeson

Thanks for saying that....I agree with you all the way. Frost needs to go and WTF is going on with Brunell. I can't wait until we win the superbowl this year and his old a*s retires! Jason Campbell will hopefully be ready by then.

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Week after week, game after game, win after win "fans" come on this board and ***** about a win. We played one of the best defenses in the game in the playoffs. You think the Buccs didn't come into this game jacked up? Please people, respect the game for what it is and give our "team" credit.

You want to start thread after thread about who sucks, how about starting one about fans that suck, for starting threads that suck.

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They just WON a playoff game and you're going to bash them like that? Brunell may have had a bad game..but he just played against the best Defense in the league. Just thank God that Seattle's D isn't as stout. As a Redskin fan you should be happy that the TEAM won even though some individuals had lackluster performances.

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Thank God for this win. Ok now for me reply. I dont care if they are the number 1 defense that was the poorest offensive playing I have EVER seen. 100+ total yards in a GAME? No excuses for that. Anyway im just going to enjoy the win. Man I am soooooooo happy :D

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I love how these threads were merged. Let's merge all the stupid this and that player sucks threads until they die off. Then we won't have to read them.

We won. Good grief. Let's get refocused for next week. Offense, Brunell will bounce back.

Trust in Gibbs.

By the way, don't forget that Frost made a TD saving tackle. Would have been an entirely different game (don't forget TB had home field advantage).

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I don't think there is any reason to panic.

1. Everyone and their mother knew the Redskins would become very conservative and bleed the game out when they got up 14-0. That was no shock.

2. We were playing the #1 defense in the league. So yeah, when you combine conservative play calling and a great defense yards and points are going to be hard to come by.

If we would have been able to run the ball better we would have won this game by atleast 20 points.

You just have to give credit to the Bucs for having a great D.

And for god sakes be happy the Washington Redskins just won a playoff game!

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Actually, I thought the offense did a decent job moving the ball in the first half. 3 times they got it down to the Bucs 35 yard line - only once were they able to get points out of it.

In the second half I thought Gibbs really took the air out of the ball. Brunell didn't look good, but he was constantly faced with 3rd and long and having to deal with pressure from Simeon Rice on his throwing side. Not playing Portis much hurt the offense as well. I'm afraid that stinger he suffered in the Philly game is lingering.

Hopefully Portis and Springs can both get healthy in time for Seattle - they will be needed.

Finally, I never saw a report on Renaldo Wynn. Is he out for the Seattle game?

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He just came out the winner in your team's first playoff games in years, playing away to the best defense in the league, making maybe one mistake.

What the he!l are you talking about, and why talk about it now?! Go get a drink, have some fun!

Boonell didnt do anything to keep us in the game. We got a lead with turnovers and Boonell almost gave it away. How can you honest think that he played well?????? He made all of one positive play the whole game when ran for a first down. If Ramsey is really that bad then let Portis and Betts just take the ball from center for Christ sake.

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I just praise God our defense was there to play today. Brunell and Frost deserve all the BS that is thrown at them. I looked forward to Brunells experience, but a rookie showed up and outplayed him badly. This will be his last season as starter, if this game didn't show that, then nothing else will. I think the worst thing he did other then the interception was the happy feet in the pocket. He would bail, and dart to the sidelines, and the receivers didn't know what the hell he was doing. Just glad we have a defense that can play, and play like champions.

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A win is a win is a win. As bad as the offense looked, they didn't make any huge mistakes and the defense held. 'Nuff said, let's go to Seattle. I was telling folks at work all week that this game would be tougher than next week...the TB defense is brutal, fired up, and can make you look ugly. I think the Seattle game will be more wide open.

That being said, our kicking game sucks ass. Hall can barely get a kickoff to the 15 and the opposing teams always seem to be starting at their own 40. Frost is a shank waiting to happen. Oh, it did happen.

See ya in Seattle!!! I'm off to another beer.



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Both defenses played equally great, you could even argue that the Bucs (#1 Def in the NFL) even played better.

Simms played great; you would rather have a QB like him right?

Then why did we win?

Simms made more mistakes than the veteran Brunell. Say what you want it is the truth.

Brunell missed three throws (the tough lob to Portis early, the two hopper and the Int (where he tried to make something happen; what most of you are whining about wanting the Redskins QB to do), the rest nothing was there, nothing!

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