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As Fair-Weathered as it gets...


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When the Redskins lost those 3 games in a row in the 4th quarter, almost everyone in the free world of "redskins fans" were screaming about how "Brunell is old and bad", "Gibbs has to go", "Lets look forward to next season", etc...

Now that they're 1 game away from making the playoffs, its "Brunell is still great", "Gibbs is doing awesome!", or "Who do we want to play in the playoffs?"

I'm glad everyone is so excited, but many of you need to try and be fans even when this team is down. This is not directed to everyone, as many have stuck with this team through the many bad years without avail. The point I'm trying to make is that it is pathetic to see people flip sides so fast and jump back on the bandwagon. The fact of the matter is that this team is winning for the real fans. The same fans that sold out the stadium last season when this team had no shot in the world of seeing a .500 record...not the fans riding in the horse-buggy.

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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These are fans.

Many fans are fickle.

They would NEVER admit they are fickle......but they are.

I mean, all you have to do it read the Game thread to see how the pendulum swings within the course of 1 game.

But, for those of us who have KNOWN that it was going to be a process........and that it would come with time.........we can look at those others and laugh........

and help them aboard the bandwagon.


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i along with most fans tend to speak negatively towards the redskins when they lose or do bad things as sort of a stress reliever. it helps release the tension we all feel when things are going bad. having said that i would never root for another team, i would never stop wearing my team colors, i would never stop being a fan of the washington redskins regardless of how bad they played.

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It is the nature of sports - everyone wants to second guess, Monday morning QB when things don't go right. (This goes for politics as well.) I think it is just a way for folks to try gaining control of an uncontrollable situation. I think, for a lot of Skins fans, it has been so long since we've had a coach and a team to which to trust, it is hard to simply sit back and "trust." But we're starting to see that trust built back up once again.

In Gibbs We Trust, indeed.

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See, the thing is, it's one thing to speak of something being bad... Say after a bad play by Brunell yelling "YOU SUCK MARK!!!" Those are knee-jerk reactions that everyone has...

Posting on a message board is a bit different. You have to think about what you post and you have the option of erasing and starting over. Too many post knee-jerk reactions here.

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Dawg how ya doin?

I agree with your accessment, Dawg! The word is faith, you have to have it! Everything J Gibbs has done is by a plan. Getting rid of the cancers was by plan. Starting Brunell, by plan. Not playing Lavar, by plan. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. It just so happens that it has worked out. We have to remember, the coaches see more than we do, they know more than we do! Just have faith! :notworthy

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This is my 1st post, but I've been reading this for quite some time. I think people should not be criticized for telling it like it is-at times the Skins have looked awful, and there is nothing wrong with saying it. Its also perfectly normal to get amped up now that the Skins are really tearing it up and playing our best football of the year. This should be the only acceptable place to badmouth the team when they play poorly. As long as you defend the team to the end against anyone who trys to talk ****, and root for the Skins every sunday, you're still a good fan. I'm 22, so I've seen some bad Skins football in the last few years but I'll be a Skins fan till I freakin die.

Hail to the Skins.

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I for one get very down on the skins when it is not going good. It lets me vent. I am always and will always be loyal to them. When they win I am overjoyed, when they lose I feel awful for a long time, too long to be healthy really. When they have silly calls I don't agree with, I am going to blame the coaches, when the players fail to execute, I will bad mouth them, but I do that just because it is part of the nature of sport to want to have your team play great and win.

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Um.... we're fair weather fans here? This board grew from nothing to 30,000 under a time when wins were as rare as blue moons. Fair weather? You're talking to the wrong crowd.

Even moreso, I think it's funny that this is posted by a guy who is just now coming to the party. WE were here every day discussing the redskins through their worst stretch, and that makes us fair weather because we merely took the time to notice that our team sucked? WE were a bad team last year. Heck, we were a bad team against oakland and new york this year.

And perhaps more importantly, you had no clue that this was coming. If you really had any idea that this kind of success was coming, you'd be rich. You hoped it was coming just like the rest of us. Don't get angry at fans because they notice that our team was sucking. And don't call us fairweather when we've been dying at every loss.

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Um.... we're fair weather fans here? This board grew from nothing to 30,000 under a time when wins were as rare as blue moons. Fair weather? You're talking to the wrong crowd.

Even moreso, I think it's funny that this is posted by a guy who is just now coming to the party. WE were here every day discussing the redskins through their worst stretch, and that makes us fair weather because we merely took the time to notice that our team sucked? WE were a bad team last year. Heck, we were a bad team against oakland and new york this year.

And perhaps more importantly, you had no clue that this was coming. If you really had any idea that this kind of success was coming, you'd be rich. You hoped it was coming just like the rest of us. Don't get angry at fans because they notice that our team was sucking. And don't call us fairweather when we've been dying at every loss.

Come on now iggy.

Just because he is new to the site does not mean he is new to the party. He might not have been able to find the address and got here late.

And you KNOW we have to deal with SOME who whine ALL THE TIME about the Skins. And you KNOW we have wondered if they REALLY ARE FANS...because there is NEVER anything positive.

THEN......we win 4 in a row and these same people say they knew it all along.

Those of us who were lucky enough to get to the party early and we stay late should assist the new ones.

At least that is what I am trying to do.

Cause whining gets on my very last nerve!


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:logo: Look there is a 24 hour rule.When we lose I think that the next 24 hours after wards we can badmouth and vent, and l;ose our composure which is what Im guilty of.But after that dreadful 24 hours we need to gain focus and concentrate on the next game.I think after 6 7 seasons of letdowns we are all extremely frustrated and emotional and these close losses reveal that at times.Anyway hail to gibbs and httr

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You must look past the hype and see that the majority of fans were screaming for some more aggressive play calling!!!We should have never lost the game to the Raiders and I still think it was just unacceptable!!!!We went away from our play makers in that game. I think even the players were asking to lay it on them and let them do there thing!!The team was just squeaking buy with close wins because of the conserv-o play calling!!!I think Gibbs and the coaches and the players, have done a hell of a job to respond to this!!!The fans are not dumb (except the ones saying gibbs should be fired)we have the talent and the means to dominate like in the past two weeks,so lets keep it rolling!!!

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There is nothing wrong with venting after a loss. Message boards are a place to do the venting.

For myself, I chose not to vent or post after a loss; sometimes it hurts too much to talk about it, sometimes I just don't want to hear or read what others are venting.

But I never stop being a fan. I don't know how to NOT be a fan.

No matter how bitter the loss, or how bad the season is going, when the next game comes on, I am right there, glued to the screen, living and dying with every play.

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A spinoff of this thread far as fair weather....

I just know I see alot more folks in the area wearing skins stuff , and I'm torn on it..at one point its good to see..on the other I wonder are they wagon jumpers just because we are on a winning streak and have a chance at the play offs? when I was wearing my gear all last season.hell any season win or lose...even after loss to dallas.

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A spinoff of this thread far as fair weather....

I just know I see alot more folks in the area wearing skins stuff , and I'm torn on it..at one point its good to see..on the other I wonder are they wagon jumpers just because we are on a winning streak and have a chance at the play offs? when I was wearing my gear all last season.hell any season win or lose...even after loss to dallas.

Well that depends on how good baltimore is doin:logo:

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There is nothing wrong with venting after a loss. Message boards are a place to do the venting.

For myself, I chose not to vent or post after a loss; sometimes it hurts too much to talk about it, sometimes I just don't want to hear or read what others are venting.

But I never stop being a fan. I don't know how to NOT be a fan.

No matter how bitter the loss, or how bad the season is going, when the next game comes on, I am right there, glued to the screen, living and dying with every play.

You da Magoo

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^^^ yeah, I mean they are everywhere..I was standing in line at the grocery store christmas eve after the game..and this woman asks me...did we win? lol im like damn did you watch the freakin game? ok maybe she was out shopping I dont know. hehe. but trust me they are in full force..either buying new gear..or digging deep in thier closet/drawer to pull out some skins gear they havent worn in 10-12 years lol

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Hey. If I just walked into the door of the place a few months ago, strike that, only a month ago, I'd be wondering what hey put in the beer, ( and/or water), here myself. There some rumblings and down right roars around hear about Joe Gibbs and the team that were effectively calling for their heads for a variety of reasons. Someone even tried to burn an effigy of the man. Here's just a few examples.





After a brief search, trust me, it's worse than those. Now I don't know about fairweather, but I'm thinking Blondie was right on with fickle.

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Unfortunately for the free world, I am a loyalist and a one-team man. I cannot, for the life of me, stand anyone who is fickle about the Redskins. As a matter of fact, when faced with a fan such as this, I immediately remove the privilege for them to "change their mind" and cheer for the Redskins if they so choose (again). As a fan who has lived through Gibbs 1 (I can vaguely remember Pardee - being 5 and all, lol), Schottenheimer, Norv, Spurrier and now Gibbs 2, all I can tell you is that I have had my fair share of "down years" as a fan, but I have never wavered, not once.

And, as for venting, yes, without a doubt we all do it to an extent, but we should never let that jade our view of the franchise as a whole. Anyone that actually turns their back on the team (at any point), IMO, is essentially "out for life". Unfortunately I am also not very forgiving. There could be no possible remediation.

Oh, and as far as joining the party "late", I guess I am subject to this ridicule as well. However, all I can tell you is to talk to EVERY person I have EVER (from Grandma and Grandpa – also fans, all the way down to my current girlfriend) come in contact with in my near 26 years of (cognitive) existence and ask them who MY favorite team is. Ask them what I have been willing to sacrifice over the years. Ask them who I have relegated as my anchor in sports. Ask them who I have been diehard for. Ask them about my fervor for the team NEVER relenting through the perils of each losing season. I will give up raises, promotions, women, cars, money, YEARS OFF MY LIFE for the Skins to be the best, and I will never (I can say never in this context) betray the loyalty to the Burgundy and Gold.

I need not really prove my loyalty to the team (Is there some kind of initiation to the club to "prove" you are a loyal fan because you arrive to the party late?), but I can go the distance if you can.

Sidebar: I have been going to one particular site for 3+ years. I can insert a hyperlink for reference if you'd like. Ask anyone there about my affinity to the Skins. Please

Also, sorry if this seems terse, but it seems I may have arrived to the party late, and the one thing I couldn't stand is for anyone to think I am fickle or fair-weather. Not on the site of the team I bleed for.

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I kinda like it myself....the more the better.

must confess that I started wearing a Skins shirt when watching games as the current winning streak started and haven't washed it since. how's that for silliness/superstition? I've been following this team for decades - enjoy the highs when they come. it's incredibly cyclical but a blast! if others are enjoying some temporary joy/affliation - so what?!!!!! it's how you ride this wave...not how others ride it...that matters.

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