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Skins Still Not Getting Respect They Deserve


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I was reading fantasy previews in the U.S Today and they predicted Boldin and Fitzgerald to put up huge stats and Santana was listed as a fantasy bust. They said he is lucky to get 4 catches a game now a days. I can understand why they would predict Boldin and Fitz to have big games but they are clearly hating on Moss and the Skins. I wonder what it will take for the Skins to finally get respect in the media. I guess having an all-pro receiver doesn't do much.

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I think that it is a fair assessment. The Cards duo have been lights out fantasy wise. In the case of Moss - he may just be a "fantasy" bust nowadays, especially with the Skins commitment to the run. Don't think of it as a slam of the Skins at all. They didn't say Moss was a bad player - just not likely to put up good fantasy numbers. Don't blur what happens in a game with fantasy stats.

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I was reading fantasy previews in the U.S Today and they predicted Boldin and Fitzgerald to put up huge stats and Santana was listed as a fantasy bust. They said he is lucky to get 4 catches a game now a days. I can understand why they would predict Boldin and Fitz to have big games but they are clearly hating on Moss and the Skins. I wonder what it will take for the Skins to finally get respect in the media. I guess having an all-pro receiver doesn't do much.

Hang all fantasy writers!!!

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Good point soft balls,altough to me it seemed like it was a biased comment towards moss and the skins. The writer went out of his way with his writing to pick on the skins players. It's also funny how they commented on Rogers being a rookie and Harris getting beat all the time when Rogers has been our best corner the last two games and Harris wouldn't be covering either of them, Springs and Rogers would be.

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Of course Santana isn't going to get big fantasy points as regular as he use to...BUT..that just allows our running game to pick up that slack. Instead of using that safety to help stop our backs for a few yards..they use him to double Santana so instead of that few yards we'll get more 8-12 yard gains and occasionally 47 yards AND a TD...lol:cheers:

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Santana is the ONLY reciever we have and opposing teams know it. They lock him up and hope the offense falls apart after that. So yes, he is a bust. Trust me, I have him in a league. He was great, I traded for him and now he sits on my fantasy bench. As far as the Cards two recievers are concerned I think they are licking their chops. Our defense cannot stop the big play, save last game and that was a 3rd string QB. Warner is old, slow, and has fumblitis but he can still throw a deep ball. Those two can grab when we have to play them 1 on 1 because we have to bring crazy blitz packages because our front 4 gets NO pressure.

Bottom line, Cards go down. But people wondering why the Skins don't get alot of respect makes me laugh a little. When they earn some, they'll get some...Beleiev me, media types are bandwagon jumpers...they'll all jump on if we keep winning! :applause:

:eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck

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I was reading fantasy previews in the U.S Today and they predicted Boldin and Fitzgerald to put up huge stats and Santana was listed as a fantasy bust. They said he is lucky to get 4 catches a game now a days. I can understand why they would predict Boldin and Fitz to have big games but they are clearly hating on Moss and the Skins. I wonder what it will take for the Skins to finally get respect in the media. I guess having an all-pro receiver doesn't do much.

Those are fair predictions. Moss will be double covered, and the Skins will pound the running game. Boldin and Fitz have been putting up big numbers in losing efforts all year, b/c the Cards are usually playing from behind, and b/c they have zero running game.

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Oh man...now we've extended the no respect thing into fantasy?!

Lighten up people..please. I think Moss is a 50/50 bet to have a decent day...clearly Brunell is not the same as he was earlier in the season..he's not throwing as often & not completing as much. Moss is a serviceable #1, but w/o a clear #2 threat he will be doubled, and you can only fool so many teams with the WR screen! Santana will likely be the 3rd option after Portis & Cooley..and a big game is definitely in question.

Secondly, I know we all love Carlos...and he might do a decent job, but you have to think unless we rush the passer that at some point Fitz or Boldin will beat him-maybe a few times. Those guys are just sick...and if the Cards are playing from behind (as we all hope they will be) they'll get plenty of opportunities. A lot more than Moss....

It's just logical fantasy thinking...2 of the best young WR's in the game vs a rookie CB.

Relax. This is not a big deal.

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Dude I wouldn't even let that worry me. As long as we can make the play-offs and make some noise I am satisfied. Screw the media, they are the same people who, for years screwed Art Monk out of the HOF. So they can say what they want about Moss, that is why he has us, the EXTREMESKINS, so that he knows we have his back.

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ah..excuse me but do we deserve respect for our lack of achievement for the last 14 years? No.

The only thing that will shut the media up is achievemnt. Success! Just get a wild card birth, and the feeling will change in the media world.

No it wont, it will still be the same. When the Panthers went to the SB, they still got no love from the main streamers. So what makes you think they will give us props.

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if we finish 10-6 with a play off spot, we will get some respect! at this point in time, i am not sure we deserve much respect with a 6-6 record! you know, it is all about winning!!!!!!! having a great wr and a few other great players doesn't mean much unless you are winning!!!!!!!!

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Honestly guys, the one place where you can rely on objective opinions is the world of fantasy football. Owners don't care who their players play for, just as long as they put up numbers.

I own Santana Moss (believe me, I was surprised what he gave me early in the year) and I agree that his numbers have fallen off. Whether it's his fault, Brunell's fault, my fault, or your fault...it doesn't matter and fantasy owners don't care.

I really doubt they are being biased against the Redskins when it comes to fantasy projections.

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Im a huge moss fan but he has been drawing alot of double and even triple coverage which is why his decrease in receptions is understandable. However their opinion about the cards' recievers having a huge day, I dont forsee that at all, not with our current healthy secondary. Our secondary will have at least a couple picks in this game.

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But people wondering why the Skins don't get alot of respect makes me laugh a little. When they earn some, they'll get some...Beleiev me, media types are bandwagon jumpers...they'll all jump on if we keep winning! :applause: :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck

And that, (minus rare situations where individual media people DO have a personal bias) is the simple truth.

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i think that the redskins lost alot of respect when dan snyder came to town and tried to buy a super bowl by signing big name players.the one that really irked me was deion sanders,that was the worst type of player to bring to washington.furthermore respect is not givin' it is earned.

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Respect or no respect, the claim that Santana is a fantasy bust is either ignorant or stupid.

Fantasy football works entirely by the numbers, The definition of a fantasy bust, a player who doesn't put up the type of numbers he is expected to?

So, In order for Santana to be considered a fantasy bust, he must be putting up worse number than the fantasy writers expected. Considering Santana was moving from the #12 offense in the league to the #30 offense, it would be reasonable to predict Santana would not produce as well as he had in previous years. However, with 4 games remaining, Santana already has better numbers than he had any previous year in his career.

If the fantasy writers weren't aware of all these things, they are ignorant and should be fired. If the fantasy writers were aware of all these things, and for some reason were expting Santana to be doing better than he's doing, they are stupid.

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