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Official post-game comments: Eagles at Skins


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I'm absolutely thrilled with the win. Great job SKINS!!!

However, we need to do something about these big plays that keep the other team in the game! The Eagles are not in thier best form and still they threw a 56 yd TD pass to a guy who only has 10 catches in his career! At least it wasn't T.O. (Sounds like the same thing that happened to Keyshawn Johnson down in Tampa Bay- sit him then get rid of him) couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

:eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck :allhail: ALL HAIL TO THE SKINS!!! I hope we add to Tampa Bays misery next week (6-3)

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Great win! We had some lucky bounces. We could have eaisly had two more turnovers which would have lost the game for us. Cooley (I know he laid it on the ground) had a fantastic game along with Moss & Brunell IMO. Our D stepped up in the end and played good enough. I am happy - beat a good team that also wanted this win badly.

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Great win, some very good football played to get us this win -- need some stickum(ha) , a healthy line, but they sucked it up and recovered from some mistakes that could have been fatal!! anybody see the results of sending pressure? we need to do that more often!! a little less vanilla, a little less predictable offense and we are on the way to the playoffs!!! Brunell showed all his detractors whats up!!! What a great game, but these down to the wires are forcing me to consume too much crown!!!! :cheers::cheers: :point2sky :point2sky :point2sky :point2sky

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"I'd rather be lucky then good" - slogan of the game

Those fumbles could have changed everything today. But the football gods have finally decidedly to let a few things go our way for a change. About damn time.


Thoughts on the offense.

- Brunell looked great.

- O-line pass blocked well, still can't open up holes in the running game though.

- Sellers came up big again.

Thoughts on the defense.

- Linebackers are improved with the Arrington Clemons rotation. Both guy made plays today.

- Harris needs to step it up or be replaced. His mistakes are growing.

- No pressure most of the day....give all the credit in the world to the coverage because they had almost no help today in the passing game.

- I saw a lot more redskins around the ball today...very good sign.

- Closed out the game when they needed to. They deserve every bit of the confidence Gibbs has in them.

- Great play by Daniels on that fake spike by McNugget.

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Go see my playoffs threads to see the current implications of tonights win. It wasn't perfect but it was a needed win! Now we need to be Tampa Bay- to keep pace. With so many NFC teams with 6 or 5 wins; each conference game is critical. Heck, even the 2 remaining non-conference games can be helpful. Gives you an extra edge if we could win both but at least split those 2 games.

I don't see this team bouncing back this way, if we were coached under Norv or Steve.

We are still a work in progress and our defense is still a worry. We are giving up to much yardage that great teams will kill us with!

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This is definately a Redskins team, woohhooo. Keep that new defense because Westbrook never had a chance to get past the linebackers. Anyone who still thinks Lavar Arrington is over rated needs coke bottles for glasses cause you just cant see dude. What i would change is starting Carlos Rogers in place of Walt Harris because Carlos can tackle 100% better and philly would of never been in the game if it wasnt for 3 missed tackles by Harris. Maybe blitz a lil more because mcnabb panicked every blitz and threw the final interception knowing Marcus Washington was gonna hammer him.

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Just what the Dr order! Man that win felt good, even with all the issues still out there. Glad to see Brunell back to his "new" self again. While the turnovers are still a big problem... what I liked seeing was the teams awareness and hustle to make the bounces go our way. Dockery earned a few points back on that recovery and kudos to Portis for reacting so fast to the Brunell fumble. Loved the new play, I can see why Sellers was so excited about it. I'd love to see them build on it even more.

Defense actually looked a lot better for being without Griffin, but we need him back and healthy!! And you can't srgue with Lavaar being a BIG factor in the game! Nice to see him really back. Harris would go from great play to bad play.. he needs to figure it out every down!

Undefeated at HOME baby!!! First step to the big game!

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DId I hear right from Gregg Williams on the Comcast post-game -- did he just say we played a tougher football team this week than we played last week but we came out and played tougher ourselves? I could have sworn that's what he said. Hmmm....

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I am of course thrilled as a fan to be on the winning side of tonight. It's always a little scarey when ya play a division opponent. First, let me say, I dont think for one moment, that we won because TO was out. In fact, I think the eagles were perhaps a bit more unpredictable because of that fact, which made their schemes harder to figure out. I think Coach Gibbs said it best, it was a team win. All aspects of this team won it, unfortunately, there were still a few plays that could have easily helped us lose it. Thrash losing the ball, this has become something of the norm for him lately. He is also very hesitant to come out and run the ball, when it seems he has some open air in front of him. It's great to see Lavar doing his thing, although at times, I see him being a bit lazy. Obviously not one of his manic moments. Overall, I think a great job, I am very proud of the Skins, and I look forward to Tampa Bay next week.

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