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Warrick Holdman Exposed

Dan T.

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Holdman was held on the screen, regardless countelss other plays I saw him unable to shed blocks and just look flat out slow!

I didn't think Holdman was held on that play, but if you were able to see what he did before the block you could see that he was OUT OF POSITION. On the fake to the right he moved one step to the right, when Trent looked to the left Holdman just froze. He could have dropped back into his zone to deny the out pattern or a deep in, he could have attacked the running back to close down on a screen, but no.... he completely froze. When the ball was caught he didn't run at Priest, he ran directly at the blocker. He doesn't try to make tackles, he tries to take out blockers, this is why there is so much running room on his side. When an off tackle play is called to his side, he doesnt even try to make a tackle he just tries to blow up the blocker. This seems kinda dumb to me, seems like our linebacker is counting on the safety or cornerback to make the tackle. Is that GW's scheme?

Let Holdman do the job we got him for.... special teams.

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Lavar knows what he has to do to play damn it can't you guys just listen....once he gives back the signing bonus he will play geez! :doh: ........and seriously we can sub in 99% of the team during the game except for our best player because he doesn't know how to stay in A FREAKING LANE...GTFOH....its THE FREAKIN DAN....and gibbs ego and g.wills arrogence and the refs alittle also

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Lavar knows what he has to do to play damn it can't you guys just listen....once he gives back the signing bonus he will play geez! :doh: ........and seriously we can sub in 99% of the team during the game except for our best player because he doesn't know how to stay in A FREAKING LANE...GTFOH....its THE FREAKIN DAN....and gibbs ego and g.wills arrogence and the refs alittle also

The one thing I don't get is what happened to Greg's philosophy that everyone on our defense is a starter. "If you make the final roster, you're a starter". Funny, when Lavar is being benched now he's part of the 2's and 3's. We went from everyone is a starter to having a depth chart pretty quickly didn't we.

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The one thing I don't get is what happened to Greg's philosophy that everyone on our defense is a starter. "If you make the final roster, you're a starter". Funny, when Lavar is being benched now he's part of the 2's and 3's. We went from everyone is a starter to having a depth chart pretty quickly didn't we.

I have made that exact same argument time and time again. It just leads to more questions. :mad:

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The one thing I don't get is what happened to Greg's philosophy that everyone on our defense is a starter. "If you make the final roster, you're a starter". Funny, when Lavar is being benched now he's part of the 2's and 3's. We went from everyone is a starter to having a depth chart pretty quickly didn't we.

After Seatle GW also said that Lavar is only in one package and that is third and long. We saw several third and longs against Denver and KC but we did not see Lavar. This is purely a personal problem between Lavar and the coaches and/or the front office.

I think that we will see Lavar this week, however, because if we get a big lead the coaches will have no excuse to not play Lavar. Also if we get behind in this must win game the coaches will have to show that they are doing everything they can to prevent a third loss in a row. The only way that I don't see Lavar getting a shot is if the game is close throughout.

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This evening I looked at all the game footage I have and charted Holdman's play. I've only got the Bears, Seahawks and Broncos games. I included plays that he had an oppurtunity to make. This is in response to the sentiment that Holdman shouldn't be on the field. I'm not a football coach, I'm not going to pretend I know better than Gregg Williams, but I'm just going to post my "Fan of the Redskins and fan of football" observations. During the Bears game Arrington was in on some downs, so I noted those as well.

Game 1: Redskins vs. Bears

1st Half

Drive 1:

2nd and 10. Redskins in 3-4 with Arrington and Holdman in. Run to Arrington and Holdman's side.

Arrington contains on outside, Holdman fills wrong hole. Jones gains 8 yards.

(3 and out, Punt)

Drive 2:

2nd and 8. Redskins in 3-4.

Thomas run up the middle stuffed at the line.

(Bears punt)

Drive 3:

Nothing special.

(Bears drive stalls, punt)

Drive 4:

1st and 10.Jones run up the middle.

Joes bounces it out to the weak side, Holdman unblocked, was too far inside and Jones is able to get outside of him. Gain of 7.

2nd and 3. Redsins in 3-4. Jones behind RG to Arrington's side.

Arrington drops him for a 2 yard loss. (Harris was coming from same side on CB blitz and took out FB)

(Bears drive stalls, punt)

Drive 5:

1st and 20. Redskins in 3-4. Jones up the middle.

Arrington gets sucked inside. Jones bounces it outside to where he vacated. Jones gained 7. This is also where Sean Taylor hurt his shoulder. Play negated by offside penalty.

1st and 15. Bears pass.

Goes in the flat to the TE who is tackled by Holdman. He is always about 10 yards behind the line of scrimmage, keeps all the underneath routes in front of him. Gain of 6.

2nd and 9. Redskins in 3-4. Screen pass.

Holdman comes from the inside on a delayed blitz and rushes Orton, but the screen is set up. Arrington sees the play but gets blocked and misses the tackle on Jones. Gain of 7.

(Good guys hold bears, punt)

Drive 6:

End of half, nickel package.

(Bears go 3 and out)

2nd half

Drive 1:

1st and 10. Bears run inside towards Holdman's side.

He waits for the play to come and someone else gets the tackle. Gain of 4.

2nd and 6. Bears run towards Holdman's side.

Holdman takes on a TE towards the outside, and Jones cuts inside. No gain.

1st and Goal. Bears run away from Holdman at goal line.

He's kind've slow at filling the hole.

Drive 2:

1st and 10. Bears run to his side.

Holdman gets blocked, but defense makes play before it comes to him. Gain of 3.

1st and 10. Pass to the endzone.

Holdman is sitting where he normally sits, 10 yards off the line. Orton tries to throw it over him and he tips it up, leading to Marshall intercepting it.

Drive 3:

2nd and 6. Bears run up the middle.

Holdman is unblocked, runs around the tackle and makes the tackle.

1st and 10. Bears run up the middle.

Holdman gets sucked inside, and mugged by a lineman (obvious hold). Jones bounces it off tackle for a gain of 4.

12 man owns the Bears offense.

2nd and 28. Drop back pass.

Arrington delayed blitz up the middle. Splits the RG and RB and Orton pulls down the ball and gets sacked by someone else.

Drive 4:

1st and 10. Drop back pass.

Bowen gets hit in the face with the ball.

2nd and 10. Drop back pass.

Griffen seals the win with the strip and fumble recovery.

Game Summary:

Holdman isn't spectacular, but he keeps the plays in front of him. On runs he is able to absorb a blocker, but not really blow the guy up. On passing plays he normally just chills in his zone, 10 yards off the line. I included Arrington's plays in for comparisons, He was brought in when the Skins went to a 3-4. It seems like Arrington would take the place of Washington rather than Holdman. Holdman has a lot of patience. Holdman was taken out on 3rd and obvious passing downs for a nickel DB.

Game 3: Redskins vs. Seahawks

1st Half

Drive 1:

1st and 10. Holdman Inside blitz.

Hasselbeck pressured a little, pass out for 5 yards.

1st and 10. Alexander run to Holdman side

No gain.

Drive 2:

2nd and 7. Seahawks run to his side.

Holdman is blocked and held by #87. His shoulder pad was completly up through his shirt.

3nd and 3. Play action, bootleg to his side.

#83 blocks Holdman, releases Holdman to the inside and floats outside. Catches pass for 18 yards.

2nd and 1. Seahawks run up the middle, right to Holdman. He makes the tackle after 3 yard gain.

1st and 10. Holdman comes on an inside blitz. Fullback stands him up on a block.

Drive 3:

Redskins in Nickel a lot.

2nd Half

Drive 1:

2nd and 10. Holdman blitz on the outside.

Picked up by the LT. Hasselbeck completes the pass.

2nd and 3. Play action and bootleg to Holdman's side.

He bites, and the receiver catches it in the flat. Looked like he was assigned to cover that area. Gain of 15

1st and 10. Run up the middle.

Holdman is blocked by #86, kind've half heartedly. Alexander was stuffed at the line and Holdman cleans up.

3rd and 4. Holdman blitz on the outside.

Kind've picked up by FB, but Marshall sacks Hasselbeck. Great blitz by Marshall.

Drive 2:

1st and 10. Play action pass.

Holdman is in a zone, pass goes to his side but Springs comes up for the tackle. Holdman is dropped about 10 yards beyond the line of scrimmage.

Drive 3:

1st and 10. Running play to Holdman's side.

He is able to shoot into a gap, but is blocked by Strong. Alexander gains 4. Negated by penalty.

2nd and 15. Screen to weak side.

Holdman recognizes and hits the lead blocker, disrupting the play. Gain of 4.

Drive 4:

2nd and 4. Holdman is blitzing from outside.

He doesn't have a chance to even smell Hasselbeck, as he wings in the tying TD.

He didn't do anything good... didn't do anything bad on this drive.

Seahawks tied the game with TD.

Drive 5:

Only 2 plays long. Seahawks missed FG.

Game Summary:

Holdman primarily used on 1st and 2nd downs. Normally he drops into pass coverage, 10-15 yards away. I didn't see too many passes thrown in his direction. On running plays he isn't weak, but he primarily waits for the play to come to him, and the offensive players are able to get more momentum and block him. He seems suceptible to the play action bite.

Game 4: Redskins at Broncos

1st Half

Drive 1:

1st and 10. Holdman blitzing on the outside.

Play action pass, Holdman picked up by Bell.

4th and inches. Denver runs the fake inside, pitch outside play.

Holdman doesn't buy the fake. As he is pursuing, the LT is able to lunge at his legs and knock Holdman over. He gets up, but Bell is able to run around him. 35 yard touchdown.

I wish he had gotten to the outside a hair quicker as he would have been away from the LT, it was a key block, even if it was more like a chip.

Drive 2:

2nd and 9. Holdman blitzing on the outside.

Denver has a screen called. Andersen blocks him, releases him and catches the pass for 8 yard gain.

2nd and 2. Denver runs right at him.

Holdman is blocked by Watts, stood up and moved back a bit. Gain of 7. Holdman made the tackle.

2nd and 10. Denver toss right to Holdman's side.

Holdman fills the hole, but is blocked by the FB. The FB grabs his shoulder pads too, but no holding is called. Gain of 12. It looked to me like the holding didn't make a big difference on this play.

Drive ended with Lelie catching a pass over Jimoh.

Drive 3:

1st and 10. Play action fake, bootleg to Holdman's side.

Holdman drops deep into coverage (15 yards) and it looked like he vacated his zone. Putzier comes in underneath and drops the pass.

2nd and 10. Screen to Holdman's side.

Holdman jumps over a lunging blocker and tackles Andersen after a gain of 8.

(3 and out, punt)

Drive 4:

Holdman was in pass coverage on 1st and 2nd, and Nickel package on 3rd.

(3 and out, punt)

Drive 5:

Nickel package on 2nd and 3rd down.

(3 and out, punt)

2nd Half

Drive 1:

(3 and out, punt)

Drive 2:

1st and 10. Run play to Holdman's side.

He hits the FB, FB is able to seal him off. Gain of 4.

2nd and 6. Run play to Holdman's side.

Holdman hits a lineman and clogs up the area.

3rd and 5. Redskins get screwed by the fu... tuck rule.

(3 and out, punt)

Drive 3:

1st and 10. Play action pass.

Holdman is dropped back 10 yards off the line. Bell catches the pass in front of him and is tackled. 5 yard gain.

3rd and 5. Nickel package. Bell rips off 55 yard run.

Drive 4:

1st and 10. End around WR pass.

Holdman stays home and if the pass went to the other side would've had it covered.

1st and 10. Run through tackle to Holdman.

FB blocks Holdman and seals him off. Gain of 5.

(Drive stalled on a punt)

Drive 5:

2nd and 6. Denver runs to his side.

Holdman is unblocked and he tackles Bell for no gain.

(Denver punt blocked)

Drive 6:

1st and 10. Play action, bootleg to Holdman's side.

Holdman bites hard. Plummer has no where to throw and is tackled by him and others after gain of 1.

2nd and 9. Holdman blitz on the outside.

Plummer throws it quick, Holdman blocked by RT. Gain of 1.

(3 and out)

Game Summary:

Same story as Seattle game. He's going to be dropping back and covering a zone area and sometimes blitzing. On the run he'll wait and absorb the blocker, but isn't great at blowing up the plays. Even though he drops back in coverage, in neither this game nor the Seattle game did he have any passes thrown near him. When he blitzes he's not very effective, most of the time getting blocked past the pocket to the outside.

My Take

Holdman is not a horrible player, rather he is unspectacular. He defends the pass well, and is average on the run. He's not going to be put man on man with a TE or RB, but will sit back defending his zone, keeping players in front of him. On runs he waits for the plays to come to him, which will slow them down. When he attacks gaps he normally doesn't blow up a lead blocker, but he'll be able to disrupt some plays.

On the 35 yard run by Bell, I wish he had attacked the outside quicker. He did a good job staying home as he read the play perfectly but was just slow enough to get dinged by the blocker. I can't say for certain that Arrington would've stayed at home, or he wouldn't have been in the backfield.

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GREAT POST!!! This shows WHY Holdman is in there. There is 1 or 2 plays in there that Holdman made mistakes on that didn't end up in much. I am willing to bet that if another player, that shall remain nameless for nausea sake, was in he would have had about 3 GREAT plays and 7-10 mistakes and 1 that ended up a TD. Holdman at least stays true to the sceme and plays solid.

Perfect example: Chiefs Game 2nd fumble drive, Chiefs are threatening and are 3rd and Goal, Holdman has a perfect lane to Green but, he stays back in coverage and stays in his zone, Green takes off, after Green crossed the line of scrimmage Holdman taclkes Green for a 3 yd gain, no TD, Chiefs settle for a field goal.

Now if the other player would have been in there I would be willing to bet that he does not stay in coverage and goes after Green and Green completes a pass in the vacated Zone for a TD before he can get to the QB.

That's just my take.

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and understand how a defense is played.

you guys are too damn harsh sometimes. did you read the whole post? maybe you missed this part-

I'm not a football coach, I'm not going to pretend I know better than Gregg Williams, but I'm just going to post my "Fan of the Redskins and fan of football" observations.

if i had to guess, you breezed through the post thinking it was an "anti-holdman, play arrington post" and posted what was really a worthless response.

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"The one thing I don't get is what happened to Greg's philosophy that everyone on our defense is a starter. "If you make the final roster, you're a starter". Funny, when Lavar is being benched now he's part of the 2's and 3's. We went from everyone is a starter to having a depth chart pretty quickly didn't we."

good post. I see by the responses to the holdman/arrington comparison that there is no material for rebuttal other than cliches.....how predictable!

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I think Williams' question of Johnson on Comcast is telling here when asked who'd we'd like him to bench for Lavar he asked if he could play corner or would you like us to bench Wynn? His point was simple. If he could play corner we could use him. If he could play better on the line than Wynn we could use him. But, we already know he can't play better as a true linebacker. At least to the degree they want.

The option to PUT him at linebacker isn't even a consideration, it seems, because they feel that's the place he is unlikely to be able to play at this point. If it's right that such a thing is telling on the part of Williams that certainly isn't a good thing.

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now art. william's has said that he works a rotation...the "who do you replace" diatribe was a coach irriated by the same question for the last two weeks responding emotionally. a coach who, at present, can't use the easy answer: "we're winning and doing fine....what's the issue?"

if LA can't play then they need to get rid of him. the team isn't getting value out of a roster spot. it suggests (we don't know) that other issues are in play. the he's a substitute argument doesn't cut it: 1) he isn't being used as a substitute; 2) someone else who isn't going to play either could just as easily be the substitute.

I understand you are seeing both sides of the argument and are trying to walk a middle ground - at least that's my take.

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GREAT POST!!! This shows WHY Holdman is in there. There is 1 or 2 plays in there that Holdman made mistakes on that didn't end up in much. I am willing to bet that if another player, that shall remain nameless for nausea sake, was in he would have had about 3 GREAT plays and 7-10 mistakes and 1 that ended up a TD. Holdman at least stays true to the sceme and plays solid.

Perfect example: Chiefs Game 2nd fumble drive, Chiefs are threatening and are 3rd and Goal, Holdman has a perfect lane to Green but, he stays back in coverage and stays in his zone, Green takes off, after Green crossed the line of scrimmage Holdman taclkes Green for a 3 yd gain, no TD, Chiefs settle for a field goal.

Now if the other player would have been in there I would be willing to bet that he does not stay in coverage and goes after Green and Green completes a pass in the vacated Zone for a TD before he can get to the QB.

That's just my take.

Have you ever taken into consideration that maybe Green would've thought twice about taking off if you know who was in there? Also on the play when Holdman was possibly held, maybe rightly or wrongly, refs tend to look at star players more closely and make the call. It happens a lot in all sports. Star players tend get calls that average players don't get. Holdman looks like he could've been hele a little on that play. Chances are the refs make that call if you know who is in there. Also this theory of you know who free lancing is dead when that man virtually hasn't played for you. Funny how even Marvin Lewis complaining about the undiscipline but he he wasn't stupid enough not to play him. Larry Brown isn't stupid enough not to play Rasheed Wallace or Allen Iverson. Gibbs wasn't stupid enough not to play Manley. Chuck Daly wasn't stupid enough not to play Dennis Rodman.

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I think Williams' question of Johnson on Comcast is telling here when asked who'd we'd like him to bench for Lavar he asked if he could play corner or would you like us to bench Wynn? His point was simple. If he could play corner we could use him. If he could play better on the line than Wynn we could use him. But, we already know he can't play better as a true linebacker. At least to the degree they want.

The option to PUT him at linebacker isn't even a consideration, it seems, because they feel that's the place he is unlikely to be able to play at this point. If it's right that such a thing is telling on the part of Williams that certainly isn't a good thing.

Art man what Coach Williams said is almost equivalent to lets say John Thompson saying well we'll put Patrick Ewing in the game when the situation arises or when he gets our scheme. If G-town was lacking shot blocking and rebounding which Ewing proved he could do at the highest level, and then try to feed that fans some crock. I pisses me off to keep hearing the coaches say well we have a wealth of knowledge blah blah blah. I've coached before and played football. Not at the NFL level but at least give me and your fans enough credit to know a little something about the game. Stevie Wonder can see that Lavar has a place in some shape or form on that defense. If its a lesson their trying to teach the man, then say its for that. But it challenges my IQ when they keep sayin, oh well "there wasn't situation where we felt Lavar could help us on defense this week". I never though this organization would resort to playing games. The stubborness is trying. Almost like Gibbs last season sticking with Brunnell too long.

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Check this scenario.

Lets say the Skins are blowing our the Niners at home, say 31-3 with 6:00 minutes left in the game. Does GW put Lavar in the game to knock the rust off?

Maybe GW has been wanting to do this all along but all our games have been too close.

It would be very interesting too see if Gw puts Lavar in there in a blowout.

If we don't see Lavar take some snaps during "garbage time" then we really know he's in the doghouse.

So lets hope for a blowout and see if Lavar gets some PT.

I'd liked to see LaVar worked in but I don't see it. Williams is afraid to be second guessed on not playing LaVar. And the only way to stop LaVar is to not give him an opportunity, and that is exactly what Williams is doing.

This is all personal - being singled out as the only defensive player with 0-plays, the "packages" excuses, the "miss5/make1 play" cheap shot, the "LaVar has been told what to do if he wants to play" (what? give back money to be traded to another team?!? Or demand a trade so we don't have to take the blame & look like the bad guys??). The coaching staff just has not been forthcoming about any of this.

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Have you ever taken into consideration that maybe Green would've thought twice about taking off if you know who was in there? Also on the play when Holdman was possibly held, maybe rightly or wrongly, refs tend to look at star players more closely and make the call. It happens a lot in all sports. Star players tend get calls that average players don't get. Holdman looks like he could've been hele a little on that play. Chances are the refs make that call if you know who is in there. Also this theory of you know who free lancing is dead when that man virtually hasn't played for you. Funny how even Marvin Lewis complaining about the undiscipline but he he wasn't stupid enough not to play him. Larry Brown isn't stupid enough not to play Rasheed Wallace or Allen Iverson. Gibbs wasn't stupid enough not to play Manley. Chuck Daly wasn't stupid enough not to play Dennis Rodman.

Um...so if Gibb's wasn't stupid enough to play Manley, why is he stupid enough to not play Arrington? Honest question.

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Art man what Coach Williams said is almost equivalent to lets say John Thompson saying well we'll put Patrick Ewing in the game when the situation arises or when he gets our scheme. If G-town was lacking shot blocking and rebounding which Ewing proved he could do at the highest level, and then try to feed that fans some crock. I pisses me off to keep hearing the coaches say well we have a wealth of knowledge blah blah blah. I've coached before and played football. Not at the NFL level but at least give me and your fans enough credit to know a little something about the game. Stevie Wonder can see that Lavar has a place in some shape or form on that defense. If its a lesson their trying to teach the man, then say its for that. But it challenges my IQ when they keep sayin, oh well "there wasn't situation where we felt Lavar could help us on defense this week". I never though this organization would resort to playing games. The stubborness is trying. Almost like Gibbs last season sticking with Brunnell too long.

As to Holdman, I saw him make plays for teammates on a few occassions by playing leverage and taking away an angle of attack for the Chiefs. On the long touchdown screen, for example, Holdman engaged the lineman HARD to the outside where there was no help. He took the outside away. Unfortunately our inside pursuit overran the play on Holmes sharp cutback. I saw Holdman make plays like that a few times. Once taking on the block by his choice hard inside getting leverage there, removing the option of going inside to funnel the play out.

Obviously Holdman isn't making many plays and I suspect when Arrington is ready to play backer he'll have 10 tackle games. I know the coaches know Lavar is an immense playmaker and talent. I think they simply don't trust him at linebacker in a way I'd not realized. And if they don't, it means while realizing what Lavar can do, they also see things he can't, that we may not see in reverse here from those who support Lavar.

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I'd liked to see LaVar worked in but I don't see it. Williams is afraid to be second guessed on not playing LaVar. And the only way to stop LaVar is to not give him an opportunity, and that is exactly what Williams is doing.

This is all personal - being singled out as the only defensive player with 0-plays, the "packages" excuses, the "miss5/make1 play" cheap shot, the "LaVar has been told what to do if he wants to play" (what? give back money to be traded to another team?!? Or demand a trade so we don't have to take the blame & look like the bad guys??). The coaching staff just has not been forthcoming about any of this.

Correct. The man hasn't really played with Williams, so this freelancing crap is another lie also. I saw Lavar in 2 full games last season do more than Holdman has in 5 games. Plus Greg Williams is quoted after playing Lavar and upon Lavar getting hurt, saying "we're a better defense when Lavar is on the field". What has changed? Lavars's statements last season and the contract situation. He (Williams) and the coaching staff are contradicting themselves. This thing is all personal.

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As to Holdman, I saw him make plays for teammates on a few occassions by playing leverage and taking away an angle of attack for the Chiefs. On the long touchdown screen, for example, Holdman engaged the lineman HARD to the outside where there was no help. He took the outside away. Unfortunately our inside pursuit overran the play on Holmes sharp cutback. I saw Holdman make plays like that a few times. Once taking on the block by his choice hard inside getting leverage there, removing the option of going inside to funnel the play out.

Obviously Holdman isn't making many plays and I suspect when Arrington is ready to play backer he'll have 10 tackle games. I know the coaches know Lavar is an immense playmaker and talent. I think they simply don't trust him at linebacker in a way I'd not realized. And if they don't, it means while realizing what Lavar can do, they also see things he can't, that we may not see in reverse here from those who support Lavar.

Don't you think Williams in his statements after the game contradicted himself slightly again? When asked about at least letting Lavar rush on 3rd and long, Williams was like well the tackles in this league are big and good. Guys like Willie Roaf blah blah. I was like Williams man cut that out. You let Chris Clemons come in to rush against the same caliber type guys on 3rd and long. No one with football IQ can't dispute that Lavar can put his hand down and rush which requires no responsibility. Just go ge the QB unless there's a screen or draw. Also on Holdman while avaerage and solid, he can't get there when sent on a blitz. Thats not a knock on him because he is what he is. Thats not his forte' but Williams seems hell bent on trying to bring him from the weakside and he can't get there. Also me and my buddies sat and watched Marcus Washington switch to the weakside for a portion of the game. Maybe it was just a coincidence but I wonder why?

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Holdman was held on that long Priest td. But he **stayed in his lane** on that one goal line play and stuffed trent green. Lavar may have done whatever on that kind of play. Holdman imo is just ok hes not bad nor good. If Lavar would just shutup I bet they would play him.

It's like basketball and baseball if you prove you are a playmaker than you get the call. Why would a ref make the holding call when they never see Holdman make a play. However the refs would know someone was holding if a player with the speed, quickness and instincts of Lavar Arrington was not on the play.

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Check this scenario.

Lets say the Skins are blowing our the Niners at home, say 31-3 with 6:00 minutes left in the game. Does GW put Lavar in the game to knock the rust off?

Maybe GW has been wanting to do this all along but all our games have been too close.

It would be very interesting too see if Gw puts Lavar in there in a blowout.

If we don't see Lavar take some snaps during "garbage time" then we really know he's in the doghouse.

So lets hope for a blowout and see if Lavar gets some PT.

Hell if we keep giving up these big plays and fail to force turnovers we will never have a lead of 31-3 on any team regardless of their record

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Yes Warrick Holdman is a part of the weakness on defense but don't forget about are sorry D-ends. They are also part of the reason the D is gettin exploited on the perimeter too. Phillip Daniels was hyped up so much this year since he missed time last year and he hasn't done a thing. He had a free shot on Trent Green and couldn't even bring him down! Every week it becomes more and more apparent that we need Arrington out there.

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