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Dancing at Clubs


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So I went to out to a club last night, had a great time. Of course I was a bit under the influence before hand but it was fun. The thing that I notice about clubs is that:

(1) Multitudes of guys stand just outside of the dance floor

(2) Multitudes of girls dance in groups together

(3) You have the occasional guy here or there just standing in the middle of the dance floor staring/looking around

(4) And can't forget the bar hoppers

(5) Its bittersweet to go with a girl(s)

(6) Hip Hop can be overdone, need more Techno:) But I like everything so...

(7) Security people are way too uptight (i.e. not letting me wear just my tanktop after being drenched)

Just some random thoughts I had from last night. :D

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You should always go clubbing with friends of both sexes. You have more fun, and the other women in the club are more receptive to you if they don't think you are some desperate loner.

not necessarily. I'm not more receptive to dudes who come with both guys and girls....one of those girls could be his girlfriend, which would make me stay away. How are we to know? Unless you're a girl who doesn't care if the guy has a girl, girls are going to be more wary of you if they see you walking in with a bunch of other girls.

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not necessarily. I'm not more receptive to dudes who come with both guys and girls....one of those girls could be his girlfriend, which would make me stay away. How are we to know? Unless you're a girl who doesn't care if the guy has a girl, girls are going to be more wary of you if they see you walking in with a bunch of other girls.

You should rethink that. If I have a girlfriend with me, I'm not going to walk across the floor and try to pick you up. I like my 'nads - I don't want to get them kicked into paste by an angry girlfriend.

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You should rethink that. If I have a girlfriend with me, I'm not going to walk across the floor and try to pick you up. I like my 'nads - I don't want to get them kicked into paste by an angry girlfriend.

why should i rethink it? Some dudes are straight garbage and despite having a girlfriend (at the club or not at the club) they will hit on and go home with other girls. Girls do the same thing though, not just givin the bad rap to the guys. Just don't be super shocked if you bring people of the opposite sex to the club and girls aren't fawning all over you. If you're just with a group of guys, it's less of a threat. :2cents:

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So I went to out to a club last night, had a great time. Of course I was a bit under the influence before hand but it was fun. The thing that I notice about clubs is that:

(1) Multitudes of guys stand just outside of the dance floor

(2) Multitudes of girls dance in groups together

(3) You have the occasional guy here or there just standing in the middle of the dance floor staring/looking around

(4) And can't forget the bar hoppers

(5) Its bittersweet to go with a girl(s)

(6) Hip Hop can be overdone, need more Techno:) But I like everything so...

(7) Security people are way too uptight (i.e. not letting me wear just my tanktop after being drenched)

Just some random thoughts I had from last night. :D

I haven't been clubbing in 2 years but it doesn't sound like I'm missing anything.


1 - Guys just standing around are normally the dudes that came with people, but are too afraid to dance. Bawk bawk!

2 - Yes they do, and these groups are often extremely hostile to males. Some are not. Ahh the beauty of risk vs reward.

3 - Often times drug related behavior. People on X often stand in the middle of the dance floor looking stupid, some actually don't realize they aren't dancing.

4 - You mean those that just come for the drinking? Those are some of the most intersting people at 3AM after your drank 9 red bull and vodkas.

5 - Yes it is.

6 - Go to Buzz if it's still open.

7 - Yes they are. Sometimes they'll beat you before throwing you out, so be careful.

Have you been to a foam party yet?

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(8) After a couple of years of going to clubs you get bored with them and wonder why you wasted your time.

So true. But if you think back to all girls that you met there, danced with, and *cough*......you know why sometimes it was worth the visit. Assuming you didn't pay the cover charge, VIP or nothing baby.

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I haven't been clubbing in 2 years but it doesn't sound like I'm missing anything.


1 - Guys just standing around are normally the dudes that came with people, but are too afraid to dance. Bawk bawk!

2 - Yes they do, and these groups are often extremely hostile to males. Some are not. Ahh the beauty of risk vs reward.

3 - Often times drug related behavior. People on X often stand in the middle of the dance floor looking stupid, some actually don't realize they aren't dancing.

4 - You mean those that just come for the drinking? Those are some of the most intersting people at 3AM after your drank 9 red bull and vodkas.

5 - Yes it is.

6 - Go to Buzz if it's still open.

7 - Yes they are. Sometimes they'll beat you before throwing you out, so be careful.

Have you been to a foam party yet?

Actually it just so happens that last night's club was a foam party but we didn't know till we got there :doh: Otherwise I wouldve been decked out in my swimmin trunks:) Too bad, I danced upstairs on the dry level most of the time, though I did get drenched in foam tryin to leave the place. Awww, I cant wait till im 21. What does annoy me about the big groups of girls is that they think that they are the sh*t, at least from what I could tell. I just find it funny because I go just to have a good time not to make any statements.

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why should i rethink it? Some dudes are straight garbage and despite having a girlfriend (at the club or not at the club) they will hit on and go home with other girls. Girls do the same thing though, not just givin the bad rap to the guys. Just don't be super shocked if you bring people of the opposite sex to the club and girls aren't fawning all over you. If you're just with a group of guys, it's less of a threat. :2cents:

I bow to your superior insider knowledge of how women think. I never would have expected that.

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I took an ex to a club once, and I swore I wouldn't do it again with her, or any other girlfriend of mine. Within minutes of arrival I was ready to fight atleast 4 other guys in the club. There are no rules in the club. Everybody is fair game. It's not a "couple" friendly enviornment, unless your into the group thing. :laugh:

I prefer more refined places where people actually "dance," they just don't grind their butts into a complete stranger.

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not necessarily. I'm not more receptive to dudes who come with both guys and girls....one of those girls could be his girlfriend, which would make me stay away. How are we to know? Unless you're a girl who doesn't care if the guy has a girl, girls are going to be more wary of you if they see you walking in with a bunch of other girls.

I used to go to clubs back in highschool and college with one of the finest looking girls on the planet, think a hotter Reese Witherspoon, and I never had a problem meeting other girls. I'd dance with her, hug all over her, and buy her drinks all night. She was just a buddy to me... someone I'd known forever. The strange girls would go up and ask my friend if we were dating... and my friend would say no because I was to good of a guy and didn't want to ruin the friendship. Needless to say.... that was like getting a green light and the women would be receptive to my nice, yet drunken, advances. :laugh:

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I've never liked clubs. Hole-in-the-wall bars are the best.

same here. i went to one club once when i was 18 and i hated the atmosphere...so many people just trying to get into each others pants. i probably just went on a bad night, but regardless, ill stick to the bars.

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(8) After a couple of years of going to clubs you get bored with them and wonder why you wasted your time.


Football Henry by the time you are 22 or 23 you will be SICK of the Club scene...trust me! I used to go to Clubs in DC after I turned 21. It got old QUICK!!

If you want to have a few beers and talk to someone...go to a bar! In my younger days I had much more luck meeting girls in a bar vs. a Club... :2cents:

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I go to the clubs almost every week just because that is typically where my friends tend to wanna go, so I am fairly indifferent to them. The thing I love watching the most is how uncomftorable most guys look dancing (myself included). But it does seem that the guys who have the most fun are the ones who don't take themselves so seriously and just have fun dancing like idiots, and in my experience, most girls seem receptive to the guys who arent pulling **** like buying them drinks, dancing up on them, trying to have "in depth" conversations on the dance floor, etc. Clubs IMO are the worst possible place to meet girls, atleast ones you wanna see the next day.

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excuse me? what's the sarcasm for?

Honestly, I was not being sarcastic at all.

You are a woman. You have superior knowledge about what women think. I bow to that knowledge. I never would have thought that it was better to go to a club with a bunch of guys.

I apologize if it came across as hostile. Rereading it, I can see why it might, but that was not my intent, not a bit. Sorry..

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Clubs pretty much suck ass. First of all, there's always some goons in the club who are riled up, looking for a fight; at least that's the way it was in Ft. Lauderdale. Nothing you can do can alleviate the situation except not go to the club. A friend of mine actually walked away and was clocked from behind with a beer bottle! Secondly, techno sucks the sweat off a dead man's balls. Third, the women are hot, but have you ever tried to have a conversation with a girl in a club? I mean, I'm the kind of guy who likes to talk with a girl to get to know her a little and do some flirtin', but in a club they can be shouting directly into my ear and I'll still have trouble understanding what they're saying. Finally, there is no 'dancing' in most clubs, just ass-grinding as someone else pointed out. Retarded.

Salsa clubs on the other hand are fun. I like real dancing, plus there are some hot hot hot girls at Salsa clubs. And its more about the dancing than "hooking up", so there is no pressure to go ask the hottest girl at the club to dance. You're all there to salsa, so 9 times out of 10 she'll say okay! I just wish I had a few more moves...:doh:

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