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Did those last 5 minutes really change so many opinions?


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What is the opinion you're looking for? Who is the better quarterback? Or who should start against Seattle?

Before this game, I would have said Ramsey and Ramsey, but right now the answer to the second question has to be Brunell, and those 5 minutes have everything to do with it.

It's not so much about arm strength or reading defenses or scrambling ability or anything like that, it's about building a football team. Last week, I felt that benching Ramsey in mid-game was bad for overall team chemistry - Brunell hadn't worked with the starters and Ramsey seemed to just be getting something going. After those last 5 minutes of football though, Brunell can feel a lot more comfortable looking deep to Santana Moss, Gibbs can feel a lot more comfortable calling passing plays, and the defense can feel a lot more comfortable knowing they don't have to win the game by themselves.

Most importantly, everyone can feel comfortable that what we are doing can work. No more being tentative or trying to win the game on your own - players can stickt o the scheme and feel confident that Joe Gibbs can lead them to victory. Even if was only for 5 minutes, I feel like we are 5 minutes into the return of Redskins football. This is not the time to be changing quarterbacks, this is the time to build on whatever it is we found at the end of that game. We have to start Brunell against Seattle. Who is the better quarterback? I frankly don't really care right now. We've got a starter lined up for the next game, and I am very comfortable getting behind him.

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Brunell was so bad most of that game I was cheering every time Dallas took a cheap shot at him. Another concussion would solve the QB problem for now.

aqui1313, I'm cheering everytime you walk out in the street that a bus takes you out. That would solve the problem of having to read your banal posts.

I'm truly amazed at the venom out there towards Brunell. Joe Gibbs has been looking for someone, anyone, to step up and be the quarterback of this team. That was the closest I've seen, so far.

Like I said before, those last 5 minutes can be the defining moment of this football team. I've seen it before. In football. In most sports. Where something just starts to click. I really don't understand the gloom and doom. Why in the world predict failure after that kind of triumph??? Because some of you fancy yourselves as "realists?"


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Excluding last years performance where he was hurt...what has he done this year to make you think he sucks? We're 2-0, right? How can you say that when you just admitted to the performance of the offense wasn't all his fault and that the playcalling sucked?

Wasn't all his fault, yes. But those passes behind receivers, those passes in the dirt 4 feet in front of receivers, that silly int in the first Q... Supremely sucking as an NFL QB had something to do with that. There is a reason Jacsonville went with a rookie over him even when he came back from his injury.

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There are many parts to a team man. Of course the D was important, but we arent the Colts. If u wanna route for a team that just blows people away with TD's in high scoring shootouts get Direct TV and watch the Colts. This is a defensive team that will do what we need to do to win on O. That includes not turning it over a lot. Brunell threw A pick, it was ugly, but it was one.

Hey, the colts have #1 D in the league right now. Go figure.

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Wasn't all his fault, yes. But those passes behind receivers, those passes in the dirt 4 feet in front of receivers, that silly int in the first Q... Supremely sucking as an NFL QB had something to do with that. There is a reason Jacsonville went with a rookie over him even when he came back from his injury.

It's called a youth movement.

You're picking out some incomplete passes and an interception. Every Qb has them.

What about the times where he was 9-12 and 14-21?

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everyone can forget about ramsey .he will never start a game for us again.he will be gone and stink up somebody elses house next year.brunell got the s@#$ kicked out of him for 3 n ahlf quarters and would not give up.gibbs and the entire team remained calm in the eye of the storm.true redskin fans have not been pumped up like this in years.good things are starting to happen and there are still the haters and naysayers and posers .maybe its just me but i thought last night was tha start of something great and ill never forget it.i think i can speak for all fans that in 20 30 50 years we will still remember last night and it was under ginns.

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Whoa, wait...wasn't Brunell 9-12 at one point? Wasn't he 14-21 at another? I've seen a LOT of Ramsey lovers point to Ramseys completion percentage in the preseason games and the Bears game as if that somehow alleviated the poor decision making and interceptions....

Completion percentage can kind of be misleading when you are talking about dinky 3 yd completions. Its the 3& outs that really kill a team like this (a ball control team). 3rd down percentage is what really counts.

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everyone can forget about ramsey .he will never start a game for us again.he will be gone and stink up somebody elses house next year.brunell got the s@#$ kicked out of him for 3 n ahlf quarters and would not give up.gibbs and the entire team remained calm in the eye of the storm.true redskin fans have not been pumped up like this in years.good things are starting to happen and there are still the haters and naysayers and posers .maybe its just me but i thought last night was tha start of something great and ill never forget it.i think i can speak for all fans that in 20 30 50 years we will still remember last night and it was under ginns.

Well said.

I'm leaving on that note.

HTTR. :logo:

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Really? he pales in comparison to Aqui. Henry is just a bit biased, but thats alright. Did philly fans ever wish concussions upon their starting qb in one of the biggest games of the year?

Hehe. You ever been to a Philly home game? Remeber the courthouse that had to built under their last stadium? And if you think wishing a mere concussion on a qb is bad, I wonder what you would have thought about the wishes of Raven fans on the King a couple of years back.

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Okay, anyone that was on this site during the game last night knows how many people were calling for Brunell and Gibbs' respective hides. Myself included to an extent. Now it seems that there is entire change of attitude about Brunell because of the last 5 minutes of the game. My view is that he played bad for 55 minutes and great for 5 minutes, this wont get it done in the NFL. Thats my view, but to keep it simple: Did the last 5 minutes really change so many opinions here? How? Why? (those last 5 minutes dont erase the fact that we were the worst Offense in the league before that)

Henry. You are of course entitled to your view, however...

Gibbs was trying to call a good safe game against a good defense for most of the game. I thought he was calling too many passes to the sideline for my taste but I think the plan was to keep the DBs out of the box for Portis. Other than the one throw for the pick, Brunell played pretty well even if it was not spectacular. But the bottom line was that when he needed to with the game on the line, Brunnell put the team on his shoulders and took over the game.

That scramble was pretty amazing and the two bombs were picture perfect. I was at the game in Jax. some years ago when he did pretty much the same thing to us so IMO it's no fluke. I don't know what the he!! happened to him last year. I was calling for his head as much as anyone. But right now he looks like he's got a second wind and the dude can play. And I've always been a Ramsey fan.

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Hey guys this is my first post here on these forums. I've been lurking for about hmmm a few weeks now. Awesome site. Anyways on to the topic.

I think our offense def. still needs a lot of improvement based on those first 55 min and Bears game. Short routes won't cut/fool anyone. We did show though, with some adequate protection we CAN stretch the field with Moss. Yes we scored 14 pts. in less than 5 min. but until I see consistency over the stretch of a whole game then i'll have more confidence in our O. Nonetheless, we won the game the way they won it last year. Payback is sweet gentleman.

By the way, is it just me or in Brunell's scramble did he not look a little nimble?

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I think we need a mixture of Payton Manning, Dan Marino, Joe Montana, and Vicks legs, to make some of you guys happy.

I was looking forward to seeing what Ramsey could do this year. It all really boils down to the fact I just want to win.

I don't care if it was a butt ugly game for the first 3 2/3 rds of the game, WE WON.

Why isn't that enough. :)

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everyone can forget about ramsey .he will never start a game for us again.he will be gone and stink up somebody elses house next year.brunell got the s@#$ kicked out of him for 3 n ahlf quarters and would not give up.gibbs and the entire team remained calm in the eye of the storm.true redskin fans have not been pumped up like this in years.good things are starting to happen and there are still the haters and naysayers and posers .maybe its just me but i thought last night was tha start of something great and ill never forget it.i think i can speak for all fans that in 20 30 50 years we will still remember last night and it was under ginns.

Thanks for showing that both extremes in this argument are wrong. :doh:

Ramsey can still develop into a very good QB. He's got all of the tools. I think at this point it will likely happen for another team and I will be sorry to see him go but it will probably be best for him to start over someplace else next year.

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Anyone wondering does this matter, has to think back to how these things can make or break a team. Marty's only season was an 8-8 season, but the Skins were 0-5, and heading for defeat to the then lowly Panthers... one play, by Lavar, spurred a comeback and the Skins then rattled off 5 victories in a row.

Yes, five minutes matter. Brunell proved a lot to the offense, and you can bet the line will remember this next time they're gutting it out, Portis next time he needs an inch. Football isn't just about ability, a strong arm, break away speed.. whatever. Its about team work, its about the team finding their chemistry and heart...

That's what I saw. Enjoy these victories, I am. I'm still on cloud nine remembering the final five minutes. And the Boys did not dominate the Skins. They never once were in the redzone(unless you count Glenn's scamper through something special)... Brunell took a chance at the right moment, and has better football instincts then Ramsey. I loved Ramsey, he has a rocket of an arm, but that and his toughness(getting pounded and still standing up) are all he's got. He's not fast, not mobile, has bad pocket pressence, and if anything its gotten worse this year. Maybe he snapped under the pressure, I don't know. Ramsey didn't look like himself this preseason(IMO)... he looked bad. Brunell didn't, Brunell has made the most of his opportunities.. if Ramsey comes back in, I'll back him, and hope some of my observations are wrong.

Why? I'm a Redskins fan, and have been for twenty four years. Highs and lows. The Skins won, they beat Dallas in the most gut wrenching of ways... and I loved every last second of the final five minutes.

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I'm not sure if I had a change of opinion, but more like being a little more optimistic. The last 4 or 5 minutes of the game could be the moment that the offense is finally starting to click. After all, Ramsey was named the starter in the offseason. He got the majority of the reps with the starters during training camp and the preseason. (If I'm wrong about the number of reps in training camp let me know. I'm making an assumption since Ramsey was the starter). I'm thinking that Brunell may be starting to build some chemistry with his wide receivers, especially Moss. I don't expect 70 yard bombs on every play, but I think the end of the game is the beginning of good things to come for this offense.

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I'll bet we're going to see a completely different offense come 10/2.

I wouldn't hold my breath. But the team needs to do some thing. They are not likely to continue to get the kind of luck they did Monday night. Brunell was so bad most of that game I was cheering every time Dallas took a cheap shot at him. Another concussion would solve the QB problem for now.

Granted, this is the NFL and no team can expect that kind of Hail Mary fortune, but once, maybe twice a generation, but really man, where do you get off calling for someone, anyone to get hurt in the game? Maybe you have already apologized as of my writing of this, if so disregard. If not, learn some class, man.

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I'll bet we're going to see a completely different offense come 10/2.

I wouldn't hold my breath. But the team needs to do some thing. They are not likely to continue to get the kind of luck they did Monday night. Brunell was so bad most of that game I was cheering every time Dallas took a cheap shot at him. Another concussion would solve the QB problem for now.

Maybe you should find another team. :doh:

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